Thierry Henry said:
It's true that the Roosters fans have taken the loss pretty well. Sorry about appearing to bag you because I didn't really mean it.
However, I think both Ricky Stuart and Brad Fittler made ridiculous comments. Fittler said that Webb took a minute, then the clock was stopped, then he "stood over the ball for a minute and a half" (or something to that effect) which is a ridiculous exaggeration. If you have a look at the clock on all of Webb's kicks, Mander stopped the clock within 30-45 seconds, and either restarted it when Webb had taken the kick, or when he was back to his mark. Sure, it seems like Webb takes an awful long time just standing at the top of his mark, but realistically, it's no more than 30 seconds. Stuarts claim that the 2 or 3 extra minutes Webb might have wasted (if any) led to there being only 71 (he wrongly said 69) sets of six in the game, as opposed to the usual 84 or 85, is also ludicrous.
Also, I would love to know your sources about the Warriors players being unfit? I assume you have all of their fitness test results on hand? Otherwise, I can't think of any possible reason for such comments except a racial motive.
Therry here are the stats from the Telegraph as per time lost and you can see why fans are complaining about time lost in games:
Brent Webb 7 attempts - game time used 10 minutes 16 secs, time off by ref 2 minutes 51 seconds making a total time being used for attempted kicks 13 minutes 7 secs..
Chris Walker 5 attempts - game time used 7 minutes 28 secs, time off 27 secs - total time taken 7 min 55 secs
Brad Fittler attempt 1 min 31 secs, time off 27 secs total time used 2 min 11 secs
Now it is obvious to anyone that something has to be done - that makes a total of 19 minutes 15 seconds for BOTH sides being used with only 3 minutes 58 seconds blown off making a total time of 23 mins 13 secs total time taken..
If this keeps going the fans will be issued with miners lights to attend games in the future.. Keep your ear to the group the swelling of the fans upset about this is rising...
Some interesting items from the article in particular are: Coaches believe the refeees could call time-out when a try is awarded and the stop watch put back on when a kicker is poised to strike the ball. Not a bad idea - then the player can use the time he normally does if he has a set routine..
Anderson said it is for the NRL to look at and not for the players to worry about - true...
Gallop - referreees have the discetion under the games international laws to blow time off..true.
Gallop again - it is not in the best interest of the game to have too much time lost by goalkicking...true
Ray Chesterton Makes the statement and I quote "watching and waiting for Webb to kick a goal seems longer than the gestation period for a female elephant..longer than the Roman Empire to fall - he could teach Trappist monks about mediation"
Webb and other goal kickers like him (I like this part) are another intrusion into a game that now has more stoppages than the Waterside Workers union at their best.
Now that your theory of the ref blowing time off has been torn asunder - lets talk realistically about what can be done to stop the constant drainage of time that the fans come to watch. If I pay $18.00 I want to see 80 minutes of football not 60 and twenty minutes of two goal kickers have shots at goal..Boy i am looking forward to a game between canberra and Auckland in a semi..Webb and Shifcoskie - the players would be sitting on the half way line awaiting the kicks to be taken.. They wouldn't need a shower after the game because they wouldn't raise a sweat!!