I personally have no issues with it at all.
Everyone wah wah' wah's about MNF, but there'd be more sporting commitments for people generally on a Saturday or Sunday than on a Monday ( especially kids - no , not you Fred, you're special obviously ), and I mean surely kids can stay up an extra hour or so every now and then, unless people are running some kinda dictatorship at home.
It doesn't happen very often, so let the kids go and lighten up a bit!
As for adults, the amount of people who have rocked up to work over the years after getting home at 4 or 5am after a night out should raise their hands.
The match finishes at 8.40pm , so even if you're an hour away, you'll be home by 10.30pm at the very latest even if you are from bloody Maitland or the Central Coast!
Anyone would think everyone is in bed by 9pm on a weekday.
Come off it, most people who go to work watch some kinda movie, or Packed To The Rafters or some other crap until about 10pm anyway.
Just man it up a bit and get out there.
MNF is good for the game and everyone ought to remember when you've pulled the all nighters and gone to work just the same.
Fortunately Big Dog doesn't run the NRL.