You really are full of crap Karma, you can't compare an American idea to Australia the two never compare they never will. They don't play AFL on Monday nights and it is much better supported then league.
Your comments about fairweather supporters again shows your absolute arrogance and inability to accept other peoples points of view. You are quick to point out that people don't accept your point of view...well pot meet kettle.
People have expressed they don't like Monday night football. Many of them will probably still go to the game it it fits in with their commitments and what they need to do.
I have missed one Monday night game at home and that was the Souths game because i was sick. Monday night football causes issues for me personally on a number of fronts none of which I feel the need to have to explain to you or anyone else. Simply I have expressed that Monday night football does not appeal to me and I don't like it. I don't back away from that however, when I can go i will.
People are entitled to their opinion and you are off base referring to them as fair weather just because it does not fit your opinion.
1. The AFL have mentioned their intentions to introduce MNF in coming seasons.
2. I accept you would prefer to put other commitments first, that's your perogative.
3. I never inferred to you specifically as being fair weather. Not attending based on children commitments is vastly different to not attending based on a bit of wind and rain out the window, and I don't believe I ever singled you out once on here?
4. Why should MNF in another sport be any different just because it's in another country? If Sydney was a city in the USA, it would be in the Top 5 population wise, and every MNF game there has no difficulty in attendance even though its televised live. I don't see why it need be different at all? They have live telecast of it, its a weeknight, why not compare it? There's plenty of similarities between the NRL and NFL Monday Night Games! ( Just look at the American set up Daley/Alexander and Smith do when they cross to them mid match standing up against the FoxSports logo backdrop hands in pockets, overcoats on - its as American as it gets :lol: )
How often have you seen poor weather keep our fans away from games? ALL THE TIME. Not saying YOU. Saying that we are fair weather.
I don't see how pointing out that fans of other teams in other sports attend their games in snowstorms is not relevant when ours can't go when there's a few drops of rain. :lol:
Not sure why you got your back up at me personally Cram, as I never once singled out you at all. I made mention of the weather/MNF in America/their crowds/our crowds and nothing at all about your childrens commitments.
Defensive much?
And if you read my thread properly, you'll see I wrote that " NRL FANS IN GENERAL " are fair weather NOT JUST KNIGHTS FANS... But I guess that was easily overlooked while on your high horse? The exact quote was "apart from the fact that some Knights fans ( and NRL fans in general ) are so fair weather"...
I'd never have a crack at you for choosing your childrens commitments over a Knights game mate, and while we may have clashed a bit on here in the past, I'd like to think you'd at least give me some credit that I'd never degrade you over something like that. I do have an issue with people not going just because it's on TV, or because the weather might be a bit cold or a few drops of rain, because it makes me sick to turn on the TV and see other countries fans turn up rain hail and shine en masse.
Why don't we have that same passion is all I am saying.