Bubbles on for Easts
Sex and the Season – Dating Advice
My boyfriend and I have been going out for a few months and I really like him, however, he has a bit of a nasty streak. I care for him, but I hate this side of him and don’t know what to do? Why is he like this?
He’s like this because he’s a Sharks supporter and I’m afraid that bitterness is an inherent trait in this type. Unfortunately there’s not much you can do as the only cure is on-field success and that – and I cannot stress this enough -is not going to happen. I’d be giving him the boot, but before you do, lock up your antique spoon collection; there’s nothing a Sharks supporter covets more than silverware!
I recently met a man who seemed to be everything I have ever looked for in a partner; big, strong and powerful. I thought the sex would be amazing, however, while the foreplay was incredible, in the end, he was unable to perform. Is it me?
It’s not you. The problem here is you’ve found yourself a Rabbitohs supporter; massive talk-up, no follow through. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely this will change in the foreseeable future. The only thing I can suggest is Viagra, however, don’t be surprised if you’re still unsatisfied; as we girls know, it takes finesse as well!
I really love my man, but he seems to be living in the past. He still wears footy shorts, listens to the same music and harps on about the ‘good old days’. I do love him, but I want him to move forward. What should I do?
You’ve got yourself an Eels supporter and I’m sorry to tell you, but Eels supporters are permanently stuck in the 1980s. He needs a new era to worship, so pray for a premiership; this is the only way an Eels supporter will move willingly into the 21st Century. Until this happens, under no circumstances are you to allow him to make love to you with Khe Sanh playing in the background; you should only indulge him so far!
My boyfriend has asked me to marry him and while I said yes, I find myself harbouring misgivings. I love him, however, I’m not a hundred percent sure of his commitment. Also, while the sex is good, it’s always the same thing. I’m really worried I’m going to get bored.
Tread carefully; you are with a Dragons supporter. You really have to weigh up the security of a steady performance versus every woman’s need for something leg-shaking. He’ll get you there, but the earth won’t move. One more word of advice, if you do marry this man, whatever you do, don’t plan an October wedding; he may have the best of intentions, but he’s simply not going to be making it to the alter for the big event!
Even though he’s a bit socially awkward unless under the influence of alcohol, I really love my fiancé; however, lately the sex has gone downhill. While he starts off strong and he seems to be right into it, half way through he loses interest. I’m frustrated and scared that it’s something to do with me.
Oh dear, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your fiancé is a Manly supporter; the only the thing to do is be prepared for doing it Bunnings-style – DIY!
When I first started going out with my boyfriend, he seemed so classy; it was all wining and dining, now pizza and beer bongs. I find it a bit odd and disturbing. What should I do?
Ah yes, a Roosters supporter; very seductive on the surface, not so much beneath. Look, if you want to continue to date this man you have to take the bad with the good, however, on no occasion should you ever, ever allow him near Kings Cross!
My friend is dating a man who on the surface appears to be the whole package; looks, charm, earns good money and is allegedly great in bed. However, he keeps blatantly hitting on me and now I don’t know whether to tell my friend.
I don’t care how you do it, but you have to get your friend disentangled from this man for he is a Storm supporter. While his package on the surface may appear impressive, it is built on a corrupt foundation and for once all our collective mothers’ are correct; once a cheater, always a cheater!!
Word Count: 748