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The Game Rugby League Rules Ideas and Areas of Inprovement


Rugby League was born out of Rugby Union. Whilst RL diverged on its own path, it still had elements and rules of Union left over that were redundant to the game of League and should've been changed. A number of them are still there today.

Namely....because Union was an unlimited tackle game, therefore errors like knock-ons and tackles across the sideline were ways for the defense to get a share of possessing the ball.

When RL finally brought in the limited tackles rule in the 60s, it should've changed the rules around these errors too, because they are logical only to an unlimited tackle game.

So ideas like no knock-ons at all, or crossing the sideline is ok, are often popular ideas because other people see that redundancy too once it went to a limited tackle game.

Now, whilst I could argue why these things should be changed, however, every code of football is its own thing, and shouldn't copy ideas from other codes per se.

But as RL evolves it needs to emphasize what makes its sport great and tweak areas of the game that are bad/dull.

I don't want to turn RL into another sport, but what specifically is its selling point? What makes it great? There's no more exciting play in any sport than a long-range chain-passing RL Try, with all the crazy offloads and little kicks and ad lib support play involved. I think everyone would agree that where RL ought to improve on is promoting that more, urging teams/coaches to chance their hand more no matter where on the field they are.

Thus, areas of RL that are bad/dull... 1) the fear of mistakes in your own half, and 2) too much one-out hit-ups, often for four of the five tackles.

Drastic rule changes don't necessarily have to be the answer, like no knock-ons. It can be subtle changes that do this.

At the same time too, you want to ensure the balance of attack and defense is not put out of balance.

There are other little things in the game that should also be tidied up.

Specifically, if a player charges down a kick it should not be a restart of the tackle count. A big defensive play should be rewarded, not punished.

RL has already started to tidy these things up when it started to bring in the Zero Tackle from dead ball kicks, and, players able to do a quick restart from a dead ball or penalty, and, a quick handover play the ball that replaces some scrums, etc. The charge down rule is one glaring area that still has to yet to be tidied up.

But that's about it really. RL does not need to be drastically altered.

Just needs an idea on how to encourage teams to throw the ball around more regardless where on the field they are.

There are ideas like "options" to refuse a kick on the 6th to have another tackle or two to run the ball only. Or, removing knock-ons altogether. Or, no knock-ons inside your own 40. Etc.

But there's a really subtle simple idea out there that could solve this puzzle and that importantly doesn't disadvantage the defense, doesn't imbalance the game of defense vs offense.
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One idea I had....another kind of "40-20 "... The game all about a 40-20 type mechanism ...

Firstly, reduce it from a Six to Five tackle game.

If you cross your own 40, you are rewarded with another Five tackles. If you cross the opponents 20, you are rewarded with another Five tackles.

So, the game revolves around promoting possession to the 40 and to the 20 thru more aggressive play. Failing that, the kicking 40-20 is available.

To make this work, you'd have to remove the current set restart that replaces penalties rule. And also remove the grubber in goal that results in a drop out. Why? Because you want to ensure the balance between offense and defense still exists.

Why you'd also reduce the tackle count to Five (or even Four), so that a) less tackles to play with you are encouraged to throw the ball around more to advance, and b) to ensure the defense isn't disadvantaged either having more tackles to try to defend.

Teams pretty much already progress from the kick-off to their own 40 inside Five tackles, so maybe the tackle count has to be reduced to even Four, or, maybe the defense only has to retreat five meters back rather than 10.

Just some examples of the nuances of maintaining balance between offense and defense one has to factor in.
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Dogs Of War

The only rule I think needs to change currently, especially with lots of short restarts coming into vogue, is that the receiving team should be able to touch the ball inside the 10 without it being a penalty. That should be an additional punishment for coming up short with the restart.

You'd find teams would do the short restart a lot less, and if they do kick it deeper. The lottery as it stands favours the kicking team too much.


I'd like to see a fantasy round whereby NRL fans come up with a rule change. You'd make a poll with ideas submitted. The rule only lasts for that round of course.

Great marketing opportunity too.

*Nathan Cleary scores 5 point try and looks at camera* '...What's your fantasy?'


Staff member
If I had to have a change I would like to see a three point conversion introduced. One tackle from the centre of the 20 metre line. Defensive line starts on the tryline. Score a try, three point conversion.

I Bleed Maroon

Six agains and 7 tackle sets need to be dumped and wrestling properly penalized.

"As soon as the player with the ball comes to a complete stop, the ref is to call held immediately. If the defenders continue on with the tackle after the call of held in an attempt to put the ball player on his back, penalty." 20 penalties a game? Suck it up, stop wrestling.

That's all, then leave the game the f**k alone.


The only rule I think needs to change currently, especially with lots of short restarts coming into vogue, is that the receiving team should be able to touch the ball inside the 10 without it being a penalty. That should be an additional punishment for coming up short with the restart.

You'd find teams would do the short restart a lot less, and if they do kick it deeper. The lottery as it stands favours the kicking team too much.
That is a very good idea. Another untidy little aspect that can be tidied up. And another area of "balance" of offense-defense. It makes perfect sense to do this.

If I had to have a change I would like to see a three point conversion introduced. One tackle from the centre of the 20 metre line. Defensive line starts on the tryline. Score a try, three point conversion.
It's an interesting idea, borrowed from American Football. I don't think it works in RL tho. Scoring a try is a lot harder to achieve than scoring a touchdown, as they can get the ball into the endzone with a forward pass.

If you wanted to do this idea, I would consider instead.....Try is 5 pts, and you have the option to do a 1 pt conversion kicking it from a tee, or, a 2 pt conversion from a drop kick. However, you'd probably have to allow the defense to run at the kicker from 10 meters away, and maybe for both types of kicks.

But again, it's too much trying to include an idea from another sport that doesn't (imo) need to be added. Nothing wrong with conversions as they are.
Seven tackle set sucks dogs balls.
Why? It's a good little thing that adds a risk:reward element to incessant grubbers, gives to the "balance" between offense-defense.


If you go thru Wikipedia's article on The Laws of RL, you will see a clear intent to constantly improve little things in the game that are dull, unfair, etc. So many things, like held up over the tryline, take it back, play the ball. Like, messy play the ball, just re-do the play the ball, get on with the game. Etc.

Where RL is now, it's about perfect. Just the Charge Down rule, the short Drop Out rule, and any other little things like that still to be tidied up. Other than those, some idea to help promote throwing the ball around more is still a valid think-tank

I think the four tackle 40:20 rule would do that. But there might be a much simpler cleverer idea out there.
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First Grade
No 7 tackle set from a missed fieldgoal attempt

5m defence & attack rule return would solve a lot of problems

We have seen a return of the early 1950s play the ball blockers with a 0m in attack rule when the 10m rule came in


Six agains and 7 tackle sets need to be dumped and wrestling properly penalized.

"As soon as the player with the ball comes to a complete stop, the ref is to call held immediately. If the defenders continue on with the tackle after the call of held in an attempt to put the ball player on his back, penalty." 20 penalties a game? Suck it up, stop wrestling.

That's all, then leave the game the f**k alone.
I agree that set restarts are too unfair and cause too much fatigue that can blow a game out. Maybe instead of a whole set restart, it's just a tackle restart. So if something happens on the 3rd, the attacking team stays on the 3rd for the next tackle.


No 7 tackle set from a missed fieldgoal attempt

5m defence & attack rule return would solve a lot of problems

We have seen a return of the early 1950s play the ball blockers with a 0m in attack rule when the 10m rule came in
5 meters makes more sense to me too. 10 is too much. Limited interchange can help create fatigue. But 10m plus all the set restarts is just far too advantageous to the attacking team.

If you want to promote throwing the ball around more, giving an incentive to do so with targets on the field to achieve a new set restart is more logical than awarding arbitrary set restarts for little defensive infringements


An opponent touching the ball, trying to make a defensive play, might also be something there to stop awarding "six again" over. Like the proposed Charge Down, same thing. They just can't take possession of the ball from that knock-on. The ball goes back to where the touch occurred, attacking team plays the ball from the existing tackle count.

This Year?

5m rule would reduce the wrestle and bring back 1 marker. It would reward teams who have a better kicking game and force them to ballplay instead of the 4-5x hitups.
I like the novelty of the 5m rule but the game is much faster and players are more athletic, fitter and bigger now, so we'd complain about it being boring like RU. Teams would be spending more time in the middle of the field instead of the ends.


Staff member
If you wanted to do this idea, I would consider instead.....Try is 5 pts, and you have the option to do a 1 pt conversion kicking it from a tee, or, a 2 pt conversion from a drop kick. However, you'd probably have to allow the defense to run at the kicker from 10 meters away, and maybe for both types of kicks.

I actually don't hate the idea of allowing conversions from drop kicks. Could add an element of excitement to close games at the end.


I actually don't hate the idea of allowing conversions from drop kicks. Could add an element of excitement to close games at the end.
They made a rule change recently allowing conversions to be taken from drop kicks -- i think useful when a team needs to quickly do the conversion and have enough time to try to score another Try late in the game, but it could definitely be used as a higher point value (3 like you said)