I might try and clear some things up with a Biblical perspective if I may. No I'm not asking anyone to convert or anything but there is a few gripes I have with the Christian community and western Christianity itself. The hell preachers we hear really started from the middle ages and it's become more of a western creation as such. Hell technically is separation from God for eternity and it' s our choice. If we go back to Gods original plan, heaven and earth were together, we were created in his image to love and worship him and to love each other. We told God to piss off and have been doing that since the dawn of time so there already is that separation. Won't go into too much theology here but hopefully can give a quick enough overview. So humans have separated from God but God throughout the Bible have slowly been reconciling us back to him where Jesus dies on the cross, paid for our sins and we 'choose' wether we want that relationship back or not. If we don't want God, then he won't force us to and your choice is respected and when you die you therefore will be in hell (sheol) meaning grave. So technically atheists are correct, you die then nothing but for those who want an eternal life, which I think is pretty cool, we have that gift. Again that's a whole other long theological discussion but just giving a brief explanation as best I can.
So Izzy maybe using hell in the way I do not like, the eternal torment fire and brimstone preaching which grinds my gears, but hey, I may be wrong in my theology as well and I know I am hated by many Christians for my view as well. So personally when I speak Jesus I do it because I'm like hey, eternal life is real cool and also for me my life has been transformed and have been saved by suicide and depression, life is great and that's all I want to share and I never want to scare someone of hell. Izzy should have handled it way better IMO but again, I may be wrong here.
Sorry for the religious talk, hoping it may explain some things somewhat and try not to flame too hard,.
A video that may help.