The termination is by mutual agreement, so the payout might well be a lot less than the balance of Hook's salary.
The termination is by mutual agreement, so the payout might well be a lot less than the balance of Hook's salary.
Because the mere thought of spending another moment having Gus looking over his shoulder is giving him atomic syphilis and he would prefer to get out ASAP and not f**k around.Why would hook settle for a cent less than his contractual agreement.
Between 2 to 5? Sounds like a wild f**ken guess.
Why would hook settle for a cent less than his contractual agreement.
Yep. TBH the only coaches on the chopping block are Arthur & Bennett.Between 2 to 5? Sounds like a wild f**ken guess.
Captain Nutrider.I want him gone like you do.
Who would you replace him with?
Lets assume they'll go and then add a margin of error. Genius!Yep. TBH the only coaches on the chopping block are Arthur & Bennett.
Yep, he’s entilted to every cent. He would be mad not get all that he is owed.Why would hook settle for a cent less than his contractual agreement.
Are you suggesting that you would replace BA with a comic book hero who was later found to be a sneaky advertising ploy by Sanitarium?Captain Nutrider.
Yep. TBH the only coaches on the chopping block are Arthur & Bennett.
Sounds like a first time offence.Between 2 to 5? Sounds like a wild f**ken guess.
I heard he interviews well.Are you suggesting that you would replace BA with a comic book hero who was later found to be a sneaky advertising ploy by Sanitarium?
Why would hook settle for a cent less than his contractual agreement.
Yeah i call bullshit. The only positive thing from a “mutual agreement” departure is that the history books will show that he was not technically sacked.
Jary Jutful knows his stuff mate.I thought it was jibber jabber.