Looking at those Crimes Act definitions does anal area include the buttocks? I would guess it does.
It definitely does. The 'sexual touching' offence includes groping someone on the arse or the tit. Whether a crime has been committed hinges on whether the toucher thought there was consent. So stroking a random's bum as she walks past would probably mean no expectation of consent, but what if you'd been eye f**king each other for the preceding 20 minutes? I've done it in the past, assumed consent and it turned out I was right. Other times I was wrong. You don't always know if flirting is 'just flirting' or not, and shouting at chicks in noisy pubs can kill the mood.
Her (smiling and inaudible): ".........................."
Him: "WHAT?"
Sometimes it's just easier putting a hand on her bum. Get rid of the time wasters. But then if she doesn't like it she's unlikely to call the cops on you unless you're a f**ken jerk. In this case it was five counts of sexual touching. Whether it's five different women or five times on the same one, it's somewhat jerklike. But Drown has his technique and he has no doubt pleased a lot of women. Sometimes you get to smash some moistie in the toilet and other times you face criminal charges. You just never know your luck.