So let me get this straight, a season NRL coach is "shit" mouthing BA at junior matches, to other parents who kids play hooker, that they won't get a start at hooker at the eels...
Does it really mean anything if someone was shit mouthing BA at junior games.
If you have been in the local area recently and attended junior games or speak to most people who know Arthur clan or were associated them there is a not a lot of love there.
You can live in your cocoon & fantasy world all you like.
But its just human nature a lot of good rugby league people are pissed off that Brad used his position & influence to get his son's through the door when other people might have seen there kids as a better chance in getting in.
Especially when its been said numerous times that Boods was a shit of a kid as well.
Nepotism happens in a lot of businesses and junior sport anyway.
So its not like its never happened before.
Unfortunately for us it crept into the sporting team we all love but hey its all ancient history now.