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Seen the new Raiders Ad?


First Grade
BAY72... I'd send a similar email to the club to what you just wrote in that post. Well constructed and laid out. The club already knows how I feel, I think Don's inbox is bulging.

Boing Boing

Has anyone seen that picture of a ronald macdonald statue, hanging by a noose from a tree, while still in the sitting position?


BAY72 said:
I spoke to Jason today, and put forward my (our) concerns.

The seating will stay the same as this year. With them holding the back three - four rows. They will restrict Ticketec from placing other supporters groups from being in or around Bay 72

The management will not be dropping the price, and claim that it is in exchange for the (crap) merchindise.
Hats and scarves will be handed out whether you like it or not. :D
it was made mention of our dissapointment at this years BLUE shirts.

Supposedly the price of our tickets were raised due to other members complaining about the rate of our concession.
Don Furner is a compleate wanker and is shortening the life of this club.

The work that the Raiders Army have put in has resulted in:

  • A re-established and recogniseable supporters group
  • The obvious improvemnet to atmosphere at both home and away games
  • Orginised buses to just about all games this year (whether the club put one on or not)
  • Boosted membership numbers (for us) from 5 to 25, to around 55 this year
None of this seemed to make any difference to the price as "our good mate" Don Furner has put his foot down!

I really have to question what the marketing team of the Raiders think that their responsibilities are. At the same time, I really have to question what overall Raiders management measure their performance with. How many complaints they get? How many supporters they can lose in a season?

The number of complaints have become frequent enough for the Raiders management to ask that we consolidate our concerns as one submission.
If you have a particular idea / issue to take to Raiders management, please email them through to myself or Woodgers by the end of this weekend, and we can submit in one go.

Or alternatively, flood the Raiders office with multiple seperate ideas and complaints, costing unknown amounts of admin costs. Your choice.
Your tickets are still cheap.

The Raiders already have both cheap tickets and small crowds so why should they offer you a deal better than the already fantastic you've been offered?

It is dirt cheap to watch the raiders compared to elsewhere in Oz... and compared to top level sporting events overseas raiders tickets are criminally cheap.

if there is a scale with "support for club" at one end and "gimme gimme" at the other.. a few of you guys are moving towards the wrong end of the scale.. and it doesn't look pretty.


What rot. The club should be doing everything in their power to be promoting a big, vocal supporters group.The way to do that is offer a cheaper ticket to be a part of the group. Maybe then the odd fan might get out of their seat and get vocal in an attempt to urge their team on to victory and give some sort of home ground advantage. The amount of people that Army members have converted into season ticket holders is ridiculous, at least 40 that would have otherwise not bought one that the club is getting revenue for that they otherwise wouldn't. These are people who have busted a gut for that club and get nothing in return, the club SHOULD be looking after their hardcore supporters.

I can't believe that they raised the price of all the tickets to be honest. My way of thinking is to keep them the same or drop them in an attempt to get people there who will get behind the team, hopefully jag a few wins and get moving forward. I reckon it is heaps better to get 16000 fans paying $14 than 7000 fans paying $20 if the revenue will work out roughly the same. It isn't rocket science (or Thickos would be helping out :lol: ), it would be a case of running the numbers and working out how to get people there. The Brumbies raised their tickets this season after a poor season last year and I would take that as an opportunity to try and 'steal' some of their ticket holders or the ones that were undecided.

I believe Bay72 does have a case to whinge about, why should he be charged $75 in 2005 for a team that finished 8th in 2004, then $100 in 2006 for a side that finished 14th and is a worse product?


woodgers said:
What rot. The club should be doing everything in their power to be promoting a big, vocal supporters group.The way to do that is offer a cheaper ticket to be a part of the group. Maybe then the odd fan might get out of their seat and get vocal in an attempt to urge their team on to victory and give some sort of home ground advantage. The amount of people that Army members have converted into season ticket holders is ridiculous, at least 40 that would have otherwise not bought one that the club is getting revenue for that they otherwise wouldn't. These are people who have busted a gut for that club and get nothing in return, the club SHOULD be looking after their hardcore supporters.

I can't believe that they raised the price of all the tickets to be honest. My way of thinking is to keep them the same or drop them in an attempt to get people there who will get behind the team, hopefully jag a few wins and get moving forward. I reckon it is heaps better to get 16000 fans paying $14 than 7000 fans paying $20 if the revenue will work out roughly the same. It isn't rocket science (or Thickos would be helping out :lol: ), it would be a case of running the numbers and working out how to get people there. The Brumbies raised their tickets this season after a poor season last year and I would take that as an opportunity to try and 'steal' some of their ticket holders or the ones that were undecided.

I believe Bay72 does have a case to whinge about, why should he be charged $75 in 2005 for a team that finished 8th in 2004, then $100 in 2006 for a side that finished 14th and is a worse product?
$100 is unbelievably cheap, a blessing and a great way to bring fans in with the VERY VERY cheap ticket offer.

It's the Raiders... you know world class athletes, worlds toughest RL comp.. elite sport... not the West Belconnen Warriors.


I never said $100 wasn't cheap, my main point is that the supporters group should be cheaper to encourage people (uni students, young adults) to join. I reckon they should also raise the prices when the product improves. Would you pay an extra 25% for a poorer quality car than the one you bought last year?

Do you think the Raiders performance in 2005 warranted a 25% increase in prices? Answer is no. Not only are the results not there, you are watching what is widely regarded in Rugby League as the most boring side in the comp by a long shot.


woodgers said:
I never said $100 wasn't cheap, my main point is that the supporters group should be cheaper to encourage people (uni students, young adults) to join. I reckon they should also raise the prices when the product improves. Would you pay an extra 25% for a poorer quality car than the one you bought last year?

Do you think the Raiders performance in 2005 warranted a 25% increase in prices? Answer is no. Not only are the results not there, you are watching what is widely regarded in Rugby League as the most boring side in the comp by a long shot.
Yes it does warrant an increase as the Raider tickets are very cheap and undervalued IMHO.

I enjoyed this season a lot more than last season despite the final result.. it just seemed more fun (bit vague I know)..

Maybe you guys should negotiate a deal where you get an individual discount relative to how many you can recruit to the army? Put up some flyers on uni campus "$100 for 10 NRL games"... "just mention the army when you call Raiders HQ".. or something along those lines.. just have the little tear off things on the bottom of the flyers.. just an idea which probably needs to be expanded on..


Copa said:
Yes it does warrant an increase as the Raider tickets are very cheap and undervalued IMHO.

I enjoyed this season a lot more than last season despite the final result.. it just seemed more fun (bit vague I know)..

Maybe you guys should negotiate a deal where you get an individual discount relative to how many you can recruit to the army? Put up some flyers on uni campus "$100 for 10 NRL games"... "just mention the army when you call Raiders HQ".. or something along those lines.. just have the little tear off things on the bottom of the flyers.. just an idea which probably needs to be expanded on..

Not a bad idea Copa....now, try and get management to help you with such a concept (even if it does benefit them more than us!) and you will see that you will be pushing crap up a hill. Honestly, this is part of what I have been saying for ages and mostly why I am so annoyed.

In relation to the first part, while the tickets are cheap they still have no justification to raise the prices. I also note that my maths was wrong...the tickets have increased 33%. Ridiculous.


Post Whore
An increase after the season we have had is nothing short of disgraceful... They want us to pay more after having to endure a season of sh*te like that... now i dont think 100 bucks is that bad, pretty awesome price but if we can get it cheaper then yay for us, more cash i can put toward merchandice and as said given last season im not sure what grounds they have for a price hike


The point I made to J.M was that for every dollar we get off the ticket price the easier it is for us to make it to all away games and and the like.

I also made mention that we are looking into the production of a huge banner that would resemble the likes of the Saints Army, and the price of this is huge.
by paying more for tickets it sets us back, and ideas like this one don't get off the ground.

The Fact is, there are alot of people (2005 season ticket holders) that are refusing to get a ticket this year, if not for any other reason than the fact that they are not being entertained!

1) why should they pay for something that brings no entertainment.
2) why should they have to pay more for a team thats going backwards
3) why should WE have to make up the short fall for the people pulling out for season 2006?!

and none of the points above have anything to do with the Army at all.
(trust me I'd have a lot more points if they were)

It's dissapointing and tireing. It takes a hell of a lot of work to keep this thing going (it's like a second fulltime job) and we are forever being held back by the club we are trying so hard to support!


BAY72 said:
The point I made to J.M was that for every dollar we get off the ticket price the easier it is for us to make it to all away games and and the like.

I also made mention that we are looking into the production of a huge banner that would resemble the likes of the Saints Army, and the price of this is huge.
by paying more for tickets it sets us back, and ideas like this one don't get off the ground.

The Fact is, there are alot of people (2005 season ticket holders) that are refusing to get a ticket this year, if not for any other reason than the fact that they are not being entertained!

1) why should they pay for something that brings no entertainment.
2) why should they have to pay more for a team thats going backwards
3) why should WE have to make up the short fall for the people pulling out for season 2006?!

and none of the points above have anything to do with the Army at all.
(trust me I'd have a lot more points if they were)

It's dissapointing and tireing. It takes a hell of a lot of work to keep this thing going (it's like a second fulltime job) and we are forever being held back by the club we are trying so hard to support!
Don't go to games if you don't like it.

I thought this year was great entertainment.... last year was less so. Even though we were lower on the ladder this year was more entertaining for me.

Ahhh. the club is holding you back!! of course it is..

They are not a charity. They are a business and the tickets are dirt cheap (undervalued IMHO) and nothing to moan about.... instead of saying "gime gimme gimme"... make them better offers... one that objectively works for all parties.


Post Whore
I believe he has
the offer being with a lower price hopefully that means more members will sign up, which means more of an army turn out, which would mean a better crowds and atmosphere at games... not to mention additional projects the army is under taking such as flags etc... These sh*t isnt cheap and it certainly isnt a quick thing... as said it would be simular to a 2nd job with the amount of time and effort that the army lads put in... IMO its not too much to ask that they get the tickets at the same price they got them last year, considering the club as a whole went backwards. They are obviously hiking it to cover the numerous members who wont be renewing this season...

The army put all they can into the club and get sh*t on a stick in return, the club would love nothing more then to see the back of them, they way they get treated is pathetic, and i know from personal experience Ronalds veiws on the army. I admire them, simply because despite the sh*te they cop, they continue to cop it on the chin and keep supporting the team, many others would have thrown in the towel


First Grade
Putting my league administration hat on, I do think $100 is a perfectly reasonable amount to pay. The Jets' season ticket (to sit on the hill, free stickers, members' stubby holder and $30 merchandise voucher) is $95 for 2006, in comparison.

You cannot price according to onfield performance. You simply devalue your product if you do. The Raiders cannot afford to be too generous given the size of their crowds. They have set pricing which, across the board, is cheap.

In comparison, the Tigers' pricing for 2005 (with no merchandise) was as follows:
12 games (+ 2 trials) reserved seating - $295 Adult
10 games - $230
6 games at Telstra - $150
5 games (4 at LO or CS + 1 at Telstra) - $120

You can comment about team performance all you want, but this was set after the 2004 season, after the Tigers had missed the finals and the Raiders had made them.

LO and CS have good atmosphere, but the facilities don't compare.

$100 is a nice round figure and I personally think you should be grateful.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
I think if it gets any cheaper, u'll start getting blow-ins and people who just bought the ticket cause they are tight. I paid $140.00 for my season ticket 2006, and im not complaining...


Not everyone buying the army ticket was actually with the army. Probably why they turfed it.

Raider Ultra

Yes they were, the only way you could get it was through the Army organisers. I think you're referring to the 'Green Brigade' membership, which was a disgrace.


when i saw the title to this thread, i was thinking more of the lines about an ad that would be in the newspaper... something along the lines of >>>

Experienced Rugby League coach willing to take team to first premiership in 12 years, Matt Elliot need not apply.
Raider_69 said:
im not sure what grounds they have for a price hike

Well with the rises in petrol costs and whatnot, I am sure they could find an excuse of some kind.

As to the tickets, when it's settled let me know and I'll buy one. I'll wait until then before handing over the cash to the club.


Staff member
I quite liked my green brigade membership. Worked out at $4.50 a game or something like that.

But that was when I was a struggling uni student living in Canberra, so it wasn't really feasable to do it any other way.