----- Original Message -----
To: Stephen Humphreys
Sent: Sun May 16 18:39:44 2010
Subject: Mediocrity of the Wests Tigers
Dear Stephen,
I write to you as a disgusted, tired and embarrassed Tigers supporter (and season ticket holder).
I have been following this side since I was old enough to walk. I'm 24 years old and was formerly a Balmain fan and followed us over when we merged in 2000. Winning the competition in 2005 was one of the best moments in my life and I was lucky enough to get a ticket to the game and also to every semi-finals game we played that season. I have also attended almost every home game for the past five or six years and travelled interstate to watch us play. 2005 was my first experience following my side in the semi-finals and was truly an amazing time which I will never forget.
However, fast forward five years later and here we are staring down the barrel at a fifth consecutive year without finals football after winning a premiership. There is simply no excuses for this kind of failure and mediocrity. In my opinion the signs were there in 2007, the disgusting capitulation in the last round against Newcastle was one of the darkest days in this clubs history, and that is no mean feat when you consider the early events in the merger, specifically 2001 and 2002.
I also had the unfortunate privilege of attending Sunday's game and what was dished up was simply pathetic and unacceptable and without doubt was one of the worst performances I have ever seen from this team, or any team in the NRL for that matter.
I know you probably won't even bother replying to this e-mail, but I want to ask you one question: is there a coach in world sport, anywhere, who like Tim Sheens, is completely unaccountable for his teams performances?
Can I ask how you and your board came to the decision to resign Tim Sheens for a further year a few weeks ago? What has Tim done to deserve another contract extension? We have not made the semi finals for four years. I have no doubts Tim is a good coach but its clear his time with us is up and he has become stale. Obviously the players aren't responding to him any longer when at least 14 of them didn't even put any effort in whatsoever on Sunday.
Like most loyal Tigers supporters I am grateful to Tim and the rest of the coaching staff for 2005. However, how long can they cling onto this for? Already we are five years down the track and have only gone spiralling backwards. In my opinion 2010 is not going to get any better as Tim has shown he keeps making the same mistakes that cost us in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 - namely, playing players out of position, picking wingers on the bench who don't get any game time, playing with 16 players in 30 degree heat etc. etc.
I know there are some circumstances which couldn't have been avoided, for example the injuries in 2006 and the depature of Scott Prince (who always wanted to return home) but there is only so long that these excuses can be used. Most fans initially gave the coaching staff the benefit of the doubt - but no longer can this sort of mediocrity be tolerated. It is a disgrace and is completely unacceptable.
I know it probably won't mean much, but I will definately not be renewing my season ticket in 2011, unless of course massive changes are made. I also know of many others who will be doing the same. I mistakenly "stepped up" this year - perhaps someone should have told our players and coach that they are supposed to do the same.
Yours sincerely,
hybrid tiger
From: Stephen Humphreys <shumphreys@weststigers.com.au>
Sent: Sun, 16 May, 2010 9:50:19 PM
Subject: Re: Mediocrity of the Wests Tigers
Dear hybrid
Thanks for taking the time to send me your email.
Let me say that I share your frustration and your disappointment with today's performance. Quite simply, it was totally unacceptable.
The players and coaches have been quick to take responsibility for the inept display and to apologise for it to all Wests Tigers members, fans and sponsors.
We've already spoken about what's required and expected from here. I'm confident that you'll see an immediate and significant improvement in attitude and performance.
I urge you to stick solid in your support of the Tigers. I know we let you down badly today but these are the times that the guys really need to know that we're all with them.
Thanks again for your note and your support.
Kind Regards
Sent: Tuesday, 18 May 2010 4:42 PM
To: Stephen Humphreys
Subject: Re: Mediocrity of the Wests Tigers
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I agree that Sunday was totally unacceptable, but I also think that not making the finals for four (soon to be five) years straight is also unacceptable. I also think that resigning a coach on the back of this failure is completely unacceptable and this is a decision that you and your board have made to the detriment of all of our loyal fans and supporters.
I have supported this club and the coach for the past seven seasons and he has performed in one of them. Unfortunately enough is enough and I will no longer support the club so as long as Tim remains as our coach. I will watch on TV, but will no longer waste my time attending games, even with my membership. Yesterday's inept "performance" was the final straw.
My biggest regret is wasting $320 to "step up" when our coach has stepped up once out of seven years. I will not make the same mistake again unless the necessary changes are made.
As the saying goes "if you always do what you always did then you'll always get what you always got".
Thanks again for your time.
Hi hybrid
I note and understand your comments.
Kind Regards
Stephen Humphreys
Chief Executive Officer
Wests Tigers Rugby League Football Pty Ltd
P 02 8741 3300
F 02 8741 3322
M 0423 022 663
W weststigers.com.au
Wests Tigers Rugby League Football Pty Ltd Concord Oval - Loftus Street Concord NSW 2137
PO Box 169 North Strathfield NSW 2137 Office: 02 8741 3300 Fax: 02 8741 3322 Web: weststigers.com.au
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