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Send your comments about "The Dismissal" to the Telecrap...


...'Coz I did!

Shark said:
“Well, no surprises here. The Sharks board continues to externalise blame for the ongoing comedy of errors at Cronulla, however the real problem is the incompetent, nepotistic and unqualified bunch of morons who have the nerve to call themselves a Board of Directors. The fish rots from the head, Barry - It's time for YOU and your cronies to go.” Last comment: Shark of Bathurst, NSW at 11:35am today.
Link is here: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/readerscomments/


Last month we were all calling for a decision on coach, board, whom ever. Now they make the big call (which will bear financialy on the club no doubt) and sack the 10 loss, record breaking coach.

Ricky would have been very demanding in negotiations and one could not see him bending over at the Sharks.

Im prepared to give them a go and support this decision and hope it turns to be fruitful for our club. The corner has to turn somewhere.


Don't get me wrong Spiderman - Raper had to go, but SO DOES THE BOARD!

They are all part of the same, entrenched losing culture.


Exactly ... what a bunch of whimps . Been on the board for years and who has put their own hand up for performance ???????? DUCK EGG !

I feel a little sorry for Stuart Raper today , after 13 weeks he could coach and now he can't ?

The big picture though is that the club needs to make changes and once again the coach is the scapegoat for others to retain their positions.

As Sharks fans and long suffering ones at that , I guess we all have to stick solid and get behind the changes for the future and hope to god the right decisions have been made for the long run.

Thanks Stuart Raper for your effort over the last few seasons and to an extent for being a loyal club man through your coaching career with our lower grades over the years too . This business like any is based on success and regardless of certain influences and restraints , you didn't come up with the goods in this dog eat dog world of rugby league . All the best Stuart.

Sharks fans , let's hope this is the start of something great ..... after all these years my fingers remain in what I call the ' sharkies position ' (crossed) .


It is important to remember all this come next board elections.

I suspect at the time of the next election the team will be winning and the board will be re elected.


Thats what the board is banking on as well.

They will be up sh*t creek if he gets off to a rocky start though.


Fair enough - i respect every ones opinion. But come election time (this is irrelevant for our non local residing members) lets hope to see all who have plenty to say at the next election then. Im sure no one wants to be hypocrytical - so lets wait and see.


The problem with board elections is that Bazza and co have changed the constitution so that the rules of elections make it almost impossible to unseat an incumbent member of the board.

MANY good people have shown an interest in standing for the board, but they get hassled and persecuted by the Bazza mob to the point where they don't bother running or they get hammered in the voting.

It's a joke.


Shark said:
The problem with board elections is that Bazza and co have changed the constitution so that the rules of elections make it almost impossible to unseat an incumbent member of the board.

MANY good people have shown an interest in standing for the board, but they get hassled and persecuted by the Bazza mob to the point where they don't bother running or they get hammered in the voting.

It's a joke.

No, your understanding of the constitution (Sharks) is the joke.

Have you read it?

The only thing of consumption is the biennial term - which the members voted in. So its not the board who make the changes - they merely propose them - its the members who make the change by method of vote.


Mate, get a grip on something other than your pecker.

There is a MASSIVE membership base that is made up of Bazza's drinking buddies and the 'peers' of the other board members. THAT is why the restrictive and underhanded amendments get passed at AGM's, no other reason.

These same 'members' who vote are NOT footy fans who turn up every single week to watch the team. They are the pokie players, the blue rinsers, the very same people who have been happy to accept the Sharks performing poorly every bloody season since 1967.

And Spidy, FTR, I am a director of three organisations, one of which is worth more than A$120M. So mate, I know all about constitutions and AGMs.


Shark said:
Mate, get a grip on something other than your pecker.
good start - avoid my topic related question with a personal attack.

There is a MASSIVE membership base that is made up of Bazza's drinking buddies and the 'peers' of the other board members. THAT is why the restrictive and underhanded amendments get passed at AGM's, no other reason.
well informed of the clubs constitution - there has to be a minimum attendance for the vote to be accepted and passed. In this case it was exceeded easy - i know as i attend these meetings each year - and you????

These same 'members' who vote are NOT footy fans who turn up every single week to watch the team.
well resourced again - most of these people you refer too have private boxes - so try again
They are the pokie players, the blue rinsers, the very same people who have been happy to accept the Sharks performing poorly every bloody season since 1967.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - wrong again einstein, stop throwing hale mary's

And Spidy, FTR, I am a director of three organisations, one of which is worth more than A$120M. So mate, I know all about constitutions and AGMs.
LOL - again i refer to point number 1. If you are so familiar with constitutuions, then you understand amendments, yes??? Therefore, the question i asked, the same question you failed to answer in your dribble response which is topic related and not how many goats you herd, ill ask again in case you over looked it -

You comment freely on it - have you read the constitution of the Cronulla Sutherland Leagues Club???????

Yes or no answer, its not hard!


Yes I have. And I have been involved with a number of potential candidates who have attempted to put tickets together to stand for election.

Perhaps instead of attacking people like me and supporting Bazza, you might want to get involved with a group of pro-active, fresh-minded members who want to change our club culture, instead of accepting the crap that has prevailed for the past forty friggin' years...


And one more thing before I head out for the night...Since you're asking all the questions Spiderman, can you clarify one thing for me?

Do YOU actually support Barry Pierce's reign as Club President, and therefore do you want the current board to stay at the helm?


Shark said:
And one more thing before I head out for the night...Since you're asking all the questions Spiderman, can you clarify one thing for me?

Do YOU actually support Barry Pierce's reign as Club President, and therefore do you want the current board to stay at the helm?

You must speak another language, or this is the only thread you have read - in relation to the current admin - i stated only a couple of posts ago i dont back it and will vote against it next election.

In reference to reading the constitution - can i ask when you read it?

As i dont believe you. Your full of sh*t. Tell me something to enlighten me from it, was it in a folder, was it covered with a shark crest, what was it in - if you have read it you will know as it stands out like a second head. Your still online so we will see if you answer now of tomorrow shall we.