Thank you for the SCG Trust advertorial Stuart Ayres
Sorry I could not help myself.
Personally I disagree with you about the need for cover. The SFS was found out on opening night to be deficient at providing shelter when it rained. As such whenever it looks like rain, many people won't even consider going if they know their seat is not under cover. Any re-design needs to ensure the bulk of seats are under cover in case of rain. People won't pay good money to sit in the rain these days, not if they can sit at home and watch it warm and dry on their TV.
As to the eastern suburbs light rail, if you think it is going to make a big difference, think again sport. If you get any decent sized crowd, the light rail won't be able to cope, regardless of what Andrew Constance says. It is already being pointed out by transport experts that by the time it opens, the light rail will more often than not be running at over capacity. Don't forget the light rail is not supplementing current public transport, but is replacing quite a number of current public transport services (i.e. buses). Constance has been boasting for months about how it will get hundreds of buses off the eastern suburbs roads during peak hour.