FMD the poor coaches aren't allowed to bag the shit out of the refs every week how do they work under these conditions?
Can you say what you really want to at work to your colleagues? Most of us cannot, this is no different. They only get fined when they are ridiculous so I really doubt ive ever disagreed with one of these fines.
We have them because we are contractually obligated to have them its that simple.
I don't have figures but it seems there are more refs being assaulted these days, we even had an NRL player assaulted at a junior game while running the lines. Its becoming a disgrace the way our junior refs are treated, the entire game needs to be better and these fines are part of it.
If you cant even point out one time you thought a fine was unwarranted then what are we even talking about?
That is all great
Yeah yeah kids sport etc et
But like Ive said
Why have the journalists in there asking questions about refereeing decisions that they know the coach can't answer for fear of being fined?
This was not the case on the weekend.
However , it happens way too much.
What is the point?
Those press conferences are an absolute debacle
Everything about them.
Can you not see how f**king stupid the whole thing is?