13.07.05 15:27 Age: 1 days
Sorry for the above posts nature, I was worked up ! Honestly, if the club MUST settle for this kind of amatuerish entertainment, can they at least PRETEND it's not some last minute attempt at some form of marketting plan ??
This info was posted on the official website at the above time, 3.27pm Yesterday, wednesday 13th July .The wednesday before the saturday night match. It's been a fair few f**king weeks since our last home game, and you want to tell me that the first chance they had to promote this " brilliant and cunning scheme to draw the flocks back to shark park" is the wednesday before the event ?
Well done guys, the folks that bother to dress up ( I bet they'll be lucky to have 50 fans turn up in superhero costume),a nd the parents that have to dress their kids up as is their want will really appreciate the 2 full business days and their saturday that you have provided them to plan and get ready. Any kid who was going to make a costume is obviously going to have HEAPS of time, and the rush to the costume store.....actually forget it, if the club thinks parents are going to hire their kids costumes to go to the footy they MUST have bart simpson on the board.
Amatuerish, lacking in foresight, short term planning, no masterplan, no direction or continuity in home game entertainment, no consistancy of standards of entertainment when it IS provided, nothin ' ! we have NOTHIN !