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Since Franchise Mode is in the sequel....come in here plz.


Since Franchise Mode is in the sequel i thought i would make a suggestion thread just for this mode, so post what you may want in this mode, ill start with a few of things:

1. Be able to trade players
2. Make it more than 5 seasons
3. Mini training games, from 100 metre runs, Conversions, Set plays(maybe), Passing. And after training you should be able to get a certain amount of points to add onto the players stats(which i hope are out of 100)
4. When players get injured, they lose points from there stats, The older they are the less points you get after training.
5. Lastly, Have more statistic eg. Coach succes percentage, more stats for half time in games.

I hope some other people can come up with ideas so Sidhe can consider some of them.


Here are some ideas about franchise mode from other people in the suggestions thread:

Max01 suggests...

- Choose your defensive pattern such as up-and-in defence. Create your own set plays by running them through yourself slowly, then you can practice them at training to get it spot on.

- A tutorial mode. Use one of the commentator’s to run you through the game’s basics such as passing and tackling, then more difficult moves.

- A profile system where you can sign in as a certain player, a lot like Timesplitters 2. Your profile could keep stats such as amount of hours/games played, wins, losses, tackles made, penalties conceded, send-offs, etc

- Cut-scenes that are done NBA Live style, with shots of coaches, mascots, cheerleaders, etc.

Forum Idiot suggests...

- When you create a new team you should be able to choose any teams shorts, any teams socks, any teams jersey and edit the colours to your discretion. this way you dont just have one teams uniform but with different colours. you could have manly's shorts, brisbanes jersey, melbournes socks etc and you should be allowed to edit all of the colours.

subsbligh35 suggests...

- A "franchise mode" is a must. But over say 10 years of seasons with the ability for players to increase in monetary value/skill.

- State of Origin mid season with rep squad picked by the player, with proper origin selection rules.

- Player and pitch weather effects/deterioration

- Goal Kicking competitions/practice and other "novelty" modes could work

nospam49 suggests...

I would like to see a Franchise mode like there is in madeen.

But I would like a few things added.

For instance after every round there would be a "Paper" section you could go to with scored from all the games and maybe a few headline of top performances.

In real life the print media is a big part of the buildup to a match. A "Paper" section would add a bit more realism to a Franchise mode.

Just give it a better name then "Paper"! :lol:

Thats is page 1, ill do page 2 in a sec so it dosnt get too mesy...



nibbs suggests...

I think there is room for improvement in the make up and other side of the game. For instance, stats are good, but having to go through half the 100s of NRL players to find Kurt Christensens season stats is annoying. Perhaps have it all set out teams instead of everyone in one massive list.

Le Rouge suggests

* it should be more obvious who has the ball - like in fifa04 how it
says at the bottom who has it, not just relying on number reading and
vossy to tell u.

* players on the bench and reserves should say what position they
play in.

nospam49 suggests...

*Allow the ability to save more then one Roster set per memory card. I would like to have a realistic roster and a fantasy roster....but I can only have one this year.

*Add player profiles to the game.

Forum idiot suggests...

something that absolutely MUST BE IN NEXT YEARS GAME - post match celebrations!!!! Grand final celebrations!!!! i won the GF and felt like a piece of sh*t! it was the biggest anti climax in the history of video games.
and better all round celebrations after tries and such.

Knightmare suggests...

Cheerleaders and mascots would be a nice extra, and at games you should be able to hear different chants, e.g "PARRA! PARRA!" at Parramatta Stadium or "NEWCASTLE! NEWCASTLE!" at Energy Australia.
The following idea I got from this soccer game my cousin has on his playstation, where as well as the current world teams, you could also play using great teams from the past. This would be a great idea for the next League game, where you could play using famous sides like these:

Balmain 1918-20
Balmain 1988-89
Brisbane 1992-93
Brisbane 1998
Canberra 1990
Canberra 1994
Canterbury-Bankstown 1979-80
Canterbury-Bankstown 1985
Eastern Suburbs 1935-37
Eastern Suburbs 1974-75
Manly-Warringah 1972-73
Manly-Warringah 1987
Manly-Warringah 1995-96
Newcastle 1997
Parramatta 1982
Parramatta 1986
Parramatta 2001
South Sydney 1925-27
South Sydney 1954-55
South Sydney 1970-71
St George 1959
St George 1966
St George 1977-79

Frank the Tank suggests...

Game atmosphere. i feel the final series needs a better atmosphere. Every sports game is a let down in that there is hardly any difference in the presentation of a regular season game to the finals rounds. apart from vossy mentioning its the finals its exactly the same. I think having a pre match gee up would be valuable. eg instead of starting off as all the games do with the teams walking out have this. picture this - the game screen comes up with an over view of the grounds and the commentator talking about "here it is , 16 teams 29 weeks. it all comes down to this the grand final..." something like that talking about the importance of the game and the key figures then the camera pans to the tunnel as the players come running out , perhaps through the banner or such, sprinting warming up, passing the ball, talking and such and as they do so the commentator talks about the game and goes through the teams lists. then after the hype the game begins.
This is what i miss and fell a little let down after getting nothing after playing my ass of for 28 odd rounds. just makes it worth it if you get a spectacle.
And to cap it of there must be the post match celegrations especially after the gf . as soon as the whistle blows the players who have won are in jubilation as the losers are in despaire. the winners are jumping around hugging each other the coach gets a mention and perhaps the trophy gets awarded. plaease have these i promise people need it.

Next part coming soon...



Crippler suggests...

MOre ATTRIBUTES. The more there is the closer it gets to every players being more unique compared to each other. Also include it to 100 and not 10 as the max.

Instead of just SPEED change that to :-
Speed over 20 metres
speed over 50
speed over 100 etc.
This will separate the campbells who are fast in short distances from the Scott Donalds who are fast over 100 metres. RESULT another way to make the game more lifelike.

With the side step attribute.
Separate that to left and right footed sidestep.

Fittler instead of having say a 9 for both feet would have 8 for right and 10 for his well known left footstep RESULT makes the game more lifelike.

NPK suggests...

How about having an aggression circle around the player you are controlling? Let me explain: as it is, there is a red circle around the player you are in control of - it would be nice if that circle gets bigger (or changes colour?) as their aggression increases. This could help in knowing how aggressive a player is when you make a tackle etc...to avoid giving away penalties etc Anyone like that idea?

Also, a fatigue meter next to each player on the interchange screen will help determine which players need a rest.

Man of the match in each match based on stats in the game.

RedDragon suggests...

The injuries are ok but I dont think there are enough of them, and that there should be some injuries to keep players out for either: the rest of the current game, a couple of games, a few weeks or the season. The injuries are one of the hioghlights for me in Madden and how players can be out for the season with a range of injuries. One thing Sidhe will have to be careful with though is the amount of injuries the put in...I wouldnt want every injured player to be out for 8weeks, and i wouldnt want there to be 100 injuries a game.

The statistics could also be expanded on and improved. For example, the sttistics on the current version are showed only at halftime, but arent shown at fulltime which I find really annoying.
Possibly there could be stats like meters gained by a player.
It would be good if it was easier to make hitups aswell.

I agree with a few people on thr Franchise option, which I think would be fantastic.
Hopefully it would be a long franchise like in madden where it can last up to 30seasons or more.

It would be very good if it was easier to customise other teams line-ups aswell.

One last things I would like to see but dont expect to see it is lower grade teams. I would love for there to be a Premier League Competition, but I understand that might be asking a bit too much.

ParraDaze suggests...

In real life how many players play out the entire season? Not more than 50% I wouldn't think. So I propose a system that would force the computer teams and the human controller teams to have to shuffle their line ups.

Each time a player plays his "fatigue level and Injury level" go up, from 1% to 100%. The amount is judged by the closeness of the result, the players own attributes (fatigue and a new attribute "injury resist") and the amount of time played in the game. When a player is placed in the substitutes they recover back towards 0% on both. The two factors would affect the game by reducing the players attributes by the level of the fatigue and make the player more and more likely to be injured in the game. The third level is the players form level, this is judged by the amount of mistakes (knock ons, forward passes, head highs, offsides etc) that they make as opposed to the amount of positives they do, try assists (last player to pass the ball before a try, this would have to be created as a stat), tries, points scored, 40/20 kicks, tackles/attempts is high etc. The effect of this should not be as great as the other two levels but should give the players who are playing really well a temporary high and the mistake ridden players a slump.

To go along with this the attributes should be out of 100 not 10. Surely by chnaging this and having the code just divide by 10 the effect to the game engine will not be much, but the gameplay will be better

To be continued...



Max01 suggests

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned...hell, I probably already mentioned it myself, but I think the next version of the game should have complete tv-style presentation.

So, for example, a friday night match will start off with the friday night intro screen and then cut to shots from outside the stadium and shots of the crowd (maybe as an FMV, because the crowd currently is terrible.) During the shots, the commentators should talk about the game, just simple stuff like "welcome to Friday night football, where the Cronulla Sharks clash with St George Illawarra, etc, etc..) Then the team line-ups, shots of the players RUNNING out onto the field, with boos accompanying the away team. The commentators will go through the line-ups, which will be done just like they are on TV...this all depends on licenses with channel nine though.

Maybe the same could be done with the Super League, but with their TV format and commentators.

You should also have the option of scoreboards you would like on-screen. So you could have the channel nine scoreboard, the 'Rugby League' scoreboard (which is basically the Foxtel scoreboard) or Sky Sports UK in exhibition modes. In franchise mode however, it would depend on what team you are controlling and what competition that team is in.

I think this would be a minor addition which will add tremendously to the game.

Also, in a season, other teams stats are done on what looks like an 80 minute game, so Martin Lang will have 14 hit-ups and 17 tackles. They should be toned down for whatever game length the actual player is playing on.

Half-time stats also need to be implemented to include the 'star players' that channel nine use, line breaks, tries, POSESSION FLOW CHART, etc. Full-time stats should also be shown.

IanRitchie suggets...

An option to change the game from attack oriented to defence oriented.

Go from winning 42-30 to winning 12-6 - make scoring a try a real acheievement, and this isn't done by increasing difficulty levels.

eagle404 suggets...

Improved season stats. My season, Ben Walker scored 286 points and the next best player scored less than a 100.
Also conversion ratio's need to be increased. 99% of kickers had under a 50% success rate.

Make it easier to interchange players. Sometimes it can be hard to get the right player in the right position as you have to make 4 interchanges to do so. Also putting players in custom teams you are forced to place them in order of their position

Team ratings. I had no idea how the SL teams faired. They should have a rating as you cycle through them. Eg, souths 70, roosters 94, Australia 98.

Have coaches. If you are playing poor then the camera will switch to the coach and he will be shaking his head or banging hands on the table

Video Ref and option to save replays.

I think i have said all there is to mention, so i hope this makes it a bit easier for you mario, instead of going through all the 12 pages.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Mine was to have like a wrap up show, like have the footy show characters go through the results, and show the best try from each game. And the odds on to win the next round games.

Have a sunday footy show with fatty and gould with guests talking about the results, and an in-depth look at the matches on sunday.

Have Awards shows at the end, and have it like an oscar, going through 5 or so contenders and showing a few of their best things, eg for best forward maybe show the forward hitting the ball up and heavy tackling.

Also, have it so you can see when other teams players come off contract, and contract signing begins mid season and have a few players actually switch clubs mid season eg vince mellars warriors to sharks.

Salary cap

SOO apart of the season, and players become unavailable during the SOO and internationals rounds.

Also have it that the SOO players get really tired, if the SOO was mid week, then they play the round after but a bit beat up.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Positional changes a must

And have players get tired quicker in the 10 minute games, especially in Franchise as its more important

Have a judicery, and players get put on report and possibly suspended a few matchs *cough sione faumuina, jerry seuseu and francis meli*

Injuries last longer than one match.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Also, have injuries that can be re-done.

Have like a team doctor, who tells you when a player is fit to return. If you play him too early then the injury has a bigger possibility of being re-done


newspapers with pictures and results during the round,
other clubs that are intrested in your players (like in fifa 04)
a way beta stats system so that el masri has a goal kicking rate of 99/100 and he gets almost every1 in the game not like in the current game...
have more players in the squad,
choose what position you want them to play when the player is on the bench,
in stats say wat position the plays,
have inpact players like sullivan and lincon withers,
penalty: like points taken away or fine if they go over the limit,
the ability to release players during the season
have a footy show... :D :lol:
have reps which the computer /yourself selects depending on form and expiernce
drop kicking ability
be able to watch video tapes of you playing and be able to see where you are going wrong
have skoolboys and way more international teams.
have way more players which can be found in the teams group not a huge list

so yer i hope some of these are considered thanxs!


manage only mode, where you just make the calls,


select lineups
make subs
decide what to do after penalties
set plays


Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Also Mario, please keep it, so any player can play anywhere, because i find having big willie mason on my wing is awesome!
what about an unlockabe feature where the top rugby league team plays a game against a top union team where the rule ae one haf league and the other union rules.( like saints v sale sharks a few years a go.)


you should be able 2 create revenue for the poorer teams eg souths

i think that more cut scenes, post try celebrations and national anthem at gand final ARE AN ABSOLUTE MUST!! i hate kicking a field goal to win the game in the grandfinal with souths against roosters and hearing vossy saying jack shit.


HAVE A FOOTY SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If you add the salary cap which i believe is a great idea.
place it in just like in real life (3.25million)
NBA has pionts for the salary cap.(which i dislike)
It would just add more realism to the game if it was done in cash and not pionts
maybe they could add the salary cap on more advanced difficulty levels so if young kids wanna do a season they dont have to get confused about that sort of stuff.
like have the salary cap on in league god mode but dont for school boy mode


Deano wire till i die said:
maybe they could add the salary cap on more advanced difficulty levels so if young kids wanna do a season they dont have to get confused about that sort of stuff.
like have the salary cap on in league god mode but dont for school boy mode

Maybe even have the salaray cap get smaller as the dificulty gets higher.


To sum it all Up...

Madden 2004's Owner Mode combined with Championship Managers Player Relations

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