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SMH Article


First Grade
I also like how nowhere in the article the Juniors were mentioned, or the fact that Newtown has the likes of BTJ running around in A Grade.

Too many times the little people are overlooked in this club.

Where is shannon NOll when you need him.


First Grade
Mr_Smith said:

are you a director on the newtown board?

you seem to have your head that far up Barry Vinnings arse you would have eye contact with both Bumper O'Dwyer and "GOD" ( terry )

No I'm not.

I just see things differently to the way you do.

I know you really can't conceive of that, but there you go.

Your posts may appear a bit more lucid if you could spell his name right as well.


First Grade
Ball_Licker said:
your kidding hrundi

i think you have limited knowledge of what goes on at this club. I remember reading about you previously - werent you involved sometime ago??? and what happened to you then?? from what I can gather mr vining has little knowledge of wht goes on himself so i doubt you do either!

Yes I was involved but getting a job with an NRL club and the birth of my first child meant I was no longer able to spare the time to assist with the club.

I would certainly like to but it's not logistically possible at this point.

Have you put your hand up to work with the board and assist on game days?


First Grade
I put my hand up when we are down 12-0, stuck in our own 20m zone and no one wants the hitup.

I put my hand up when a line break has been made and some needs to chase like the dogs of hell to save a try.

I put my hand up when the opposition is camped on our tryline, repeat sets flwoing like the sweat off my brow and tackles must be made.

I put my hand up plenty.


hrundi99 said:
No I'm not.

I just see things differently to the way you do.

I know you really can't conceive of that, but there you go.

Your posts may appear a bit more lucid if you could spell his name right as well.

You do see things more differently. You are increibly generous in your assessment of Barry Vining. He is so out of touch he probably down't know that there is a ten metre rule.

Your interpretations of his intent are off the mark. Would a Wests Tigers Chairman plug Don Smallgoods because they used to sponsor them in the hope that they'd come back. F*ck no! They'd ignore them and plug the existing backer which is Proton Cars.

It is hard to sell sponsorship when its benefits are given away for free. Why would the HP Hotel, Singo or any other company fork out cash for the Jets when the Jets are publicising them for free? Barry's tactics are bullsh*t.

As for Singo, Barry may be plugging Singo's business interests but as chairman his duty it to Newtown first and foremost. Using Newtown as a front for advancing barry's friendships is inappropriate.
Mr_Smith said:
You do see things more differently. You are increibly generous in your assessment of Barry Vining. He is so out of touch he probably down't know that there is a ten metre rule.

You want a referee running the club?

Mr_Smith said:
Your interpretations of his intent are off the mark. Would a Wests Tigers Chairman plug Don Smallgoods because they used to sponsor them in the hope that they'd come back. F*ck no! They'd ignore them and plug the existing backer which is Proton Cars

Every former sponsor is a potential future sponsor, there is nothing to gain by sh*ting on them.

Mr_Smith said:
It is hard to sell sponsorship when its benefits are given away for free. Why would the HP Hotel, Singo or any other company fork out cash for the Jets when the Jets are publicising them for free? Barry's tactics are bullsh*t

What did he give away for free? He was selling the henson park experience, do you really believe the HPH sponsorship equated to much? Should I remove my son from the child care down the street because they dont sponsor the Jets?

Mr_Smith said:
As for Singo, Barry may be plugging Singo's business interests but as chairman his duty it to Newtown first and foremost. Using Newtown as a front for advancing barry's friendships is inappropriate.

Blah blah blah your conspiracy theories are tiresome and have only surfaced since one person was made redundant ,so stop dressing up your pathetic hate campaign as anything other than the political posturing of a disgruntled employee.


Blah blah blah your conspiracy theories are tiresome and have only surfaced since one person was made redundant ,so stop dressing up your pathetic hate campaign as anything other than the political posturing of a disgruntled employee.

Dick Head p/t jets fan

* that so called tiresome conspiracy theorie you mention clearly outlines your lack of knowledge not only relating to the poorly managed, disfunctional, egotistiacl, ill mannered under performing Newtown board, but also the reason behind the "RESIGNATION" of one very important staff member, who to correct you, was not made redundant. in fact there are now two people doing that same job she did on her own
* that so called "redundant" person you mention, had clearly improved daily operations of the club single handedly, without any help from her spinless, so called employers
* that same person was either ignored or spoken to in a demeaning manner by a select few directors on numerous occasions
* this list could go on for ever, so in future, get some facts, know what you are talking about and then, you may have your post taken seriously
*I'm not talking about sh*tting on former sponsors, just not publicising them ahead of existing sponsors when you are acting on behalf of the club. if the HPH is to be a future sponsor, (and I agree that they coyuld be) we need to sell it to them in proper channels, not devaluse the club brand by publicising non-sponsors for free at the expense of good pubs and clubs that PAY for exposure. It's not the biggest deal in the world but it shows you how bad thge leadership is.

I will post a private mesage for all on this forum to read, you will then see, that all that is being said on here has credibility
Fair enough I was misinformed regarding the manner in which her employment was terminated. My point still stands though.

No need for the name calling, that hurt. Anyway if there really is bad stuff going on at the board I hope you make them accountable. But I havent seen any real evidence of it.