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Some Sanity From The Usual Crap At The Telegraph



Conduct unbecoming if you're a poster boy

By Nick Walshaw | March 12, 2009 12:00am
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ANTHONY Laffranchi must be thankful he never launched a season. Never won Sexiest Man. Never spawned a Facebook site. Never had $1.25 million hanging on his image.
Because what other reason can there be for Manly wonderboy Brett Stewart missing the first four rounds of 2009?
Sidelined by some dusty Code of Conduct clause insisting all NRL players behave publicly in a sober, courteous and professional manner.
And so punters in front bars around the country shake their collective heads.
Questioning what ever happened to the presumption of innocence for this 24-year-old?
For a fella whose only crime, right now, is being refused service at Manly Wharf Hotel.
A footballer who come this weekend, should be playing football for the Manly Sea Eagles.
Because while most of Sydney is howling him down, Brett Stewart should be free to challenge the Bulldogs for the new "Bullfrog Arko" Cup.
Should be free to play right up until his innocence is decided in court.
Which doesn't make this a defence of Stewart. Because in a code where accountability often seems rarer than sandbuckets, he should be tried on the sexual assault charges and dealt with accordingly.
But that should happen in a court of law.
And until then Stewart should be playing.
Should be offered the same right of every other Australian who faces trial believing they are innocent until proven guilty.
Certainly this is how it played out for Laffranchi - the Gold Coast back-rower who needed 414 days to prove his innocence.
Who, had he been stood down, would've missed the most important period of his working career. A year when he not only played himself into NSW and Kangaroo jerseys, but earned a reputation that forever improved his earning capacity.
And why should that opportunity be taken from him for a claim that eventually proved false? Or from Warriors winger Michael Crockett - who took 383 days to clear his name?
Of course, this isn't to say NRL boss David Gallop shouldn't be furious with Stewart.
He should.
Because surely even prop forwards knew this wasn't the best week to drink like a sailor on shore leave.
Or that drinking yourself into a stupor two days after launching the season might also cause some angst with the suits down at Fox Studios.
But where was this Code of Conduct when Todd Carney first started on his rampage?
Or when a pantsless Tim Smith started abusing pensioners? Indeed, where was the code in any of the dramas that have seen leaguies brawling with knives, assaulting with plastic chairs and being done for DUI?
This Section 20 (2) ruling could've been used any number of times in the decade since its last appearance - against serial offender Julian O'Neill.
And even then good ol' Jules had to poo in a shoe.
And so the inconsistencies continue.
Like if Stewart is suspended, why not fellow Sea Eagle Anthony Watmough?
Because, surely drinking and slapping a club sponsor sits outside the realm of sober, courteous and professional behaviour too?
OK, so police last night dropped all charges against the Sea Eagles enforcer. But Stewart is not yet guilty of anything either.
Maybe Choc should just be thankful he never launched the NRL season.

Probably the most sensible thing I have read from that excuse of a paper in a long time.

Eels Dude

Interesting opinion but I don't really agree. As far as i'm concerned there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for comparing the 2 cases and their respective punishments. If people are going to bring up Laffranchi as a precedent then they may as well bring up a similar case fro 50 years ago.

It's irrelevent. If the NRL are going to make a stand against player behaviour then they have to start somewhere. Given the amount of off field incidents in the past 12 months or so then they are deservedly cracking down.

If another player were to be charged with sexual assault in a month's time and the NRL didn't take action then these kind of arguments would be valid, but they are irrelevent if attempting to move forward.

It's a very illogical article as far as I'm concerned. David Gallop and the NRL should be commended for putting a code of conduct in place now, rather than being criticized for not doing it in the past.

Or maybe they should just sit on their hands and continually wait for the off field drunk incidents and criminal charges to die down without their involvement???
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So refusal of service at a bar is now liable for a 5 weeks suspension?

It disgusts me that the NRL bans players who are claiming innocence, but still come up with frivolous charges to ban the player in order not to prejudice awaiting cases.

I understand that the game has an image to uphold within the community, but they are running a kangaroo court system pandering to the tabloid press of Australia (part of which ironically own a share in the game). The sad thing is that so many of you on here are caught up in the storm and are on your high horses proclaiming down with the idiots!

Wait until all the facts are known and judgement has been past before we go casting stones. Then you can all you self righteous twats can shout from the roof tops what great tea-total citizens you are and come up with mundane plans two lock footballers up only to be let out to play, and how they should for go their rights live and grow like the rest of society because a few of them act up and dare to earn a decent wage for a few years.


funny, you see sanity... i just see another article smearing the NRL and rugby league. they're attacking from all angles now.


Nick Walshaw the International RL hater.

Crap article.

Of the Watmough and Stewart incidents which one has smeared the game through the mud more?

The Stewart situation by itself would've created just as much chaos. The Watmough incident on its own would have been forgotten about by now.
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funny, you see sanity... i just see another article smearing the NRL and rugby league. they're attacking from all angles now.

Agree. If Gallop hadn't suspended Stewart, Walshaw would have written an article on how the NRL lets players get away with it. It's a slanderous, terrible article -typical of News Ltd filth.
Great article. Some thickheaded geese still don`t understand that had Stewart not had this sexual assault allegation against him, nobody in the world would have cared about him getting drunk. And that`s why this is a cop-out, the sexual assault allegation is the reason why the NRL has banned him, and that is totally unfair, cos right now he`s 100% innocent of that charge.


Great article. Some thickheaded geese still don`t understand that had Stewart not had this sexual assault allegation against him, nobody in the world would have cared about him getting drunk. And that`s why this is a cop-out, the sexual assault allegation is the reason why the NRL has banned him, and that is totally unfair, cos right now he`s 100% innocent of that charge.

Inclined to agree. Given he will be able to play after the 7 April hearing must just be a co-incidence no?

Or will 4 weeks suspension become the norm, depending of course on media build up.

What will the league do if a new sexual assault claim is brought against a player and no alcohol is involved?


Nick Walshaw the International RL hater.

Crap article.

Of the Watmough and Stewart incidents which one has smeared the game through the mud more?

The Stewart situation by itself would've created just as much chaos. The Watmough incident on its own would have been forgotten about by now.

Walshaw hates league now does he?

What will the league do if a new sexual assault claim is brought against a player and no alcohol is involved?

Yep, that is the point. Officially they cannot say the banning is because of the police charges, because they just can`t ban someone for being charged. So they had to use the drunkenness as a pretext.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Here's an idea, don't get wrecked, don't embarass your family, club,code and fans and you won't get banned!


Great article.

Stewart's getting punished because he has been a great role-model for the last 6 years and a great player. Zero logic in that.

green eyed mike

Absolute rubbish.

Stewart is being punished for raking the NRL through the mud in the week before the season starts after being given the responsibility of being one of the new faces of the game. Manly are a disgrace for forcing the NRLs hand on this issue.


So the Telegraph is saying Stewart shouldn't be stood down... but anyone agreeing in here that he should be stood down for the good of the game gets called a News Ltd employee or Telegraph lover? :roll: