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Something which won't get mentioned on tv..


can you not read :?
Do yourself a favour. If you can, go to a newsagent, (assuming your close to a relatively large centre), and look at the front page of the Herald Sun. You will see a headline "Police Widen Probe". Now, this has zero reference to any kind of erotic activities you may undertake, so I apologise, but is in fact, in reference to the "Footy Rape Scandal", which is also on the front page.

Now, as has been mentioned before, is the front page of the biggest paper in the state, sweeping it under the carpet?


And what a massive thread it is.

It certainly is. I was horrified to learn that Alastair Lynch had accumulated a loss of demerit points sufficient enough for him to lose his license. Terrible culture.



It certainly is. I was horrified to learn that Alastair Lynch had accumulated a loss of demerit points sufficient enough for him to lose his license. Terrible culture.

Yeah, that's certainly the worst of it, never mind the numerous physical and sexual assault allegations in there, the number of positive drug tests and rumours of player involvement in the transporting of illegal drugs, overdoses, death and maiming of innocent people.

Keep that head in the sand, when every man and his dog lays the boot in over this and the numerous other transgressions then we'll gladly admit there is some parity in the reporting of the two codes.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Do yourself a favour. If you can, go to a newsagent, (assuming your close to a relatively large centre), and look at the front page of the Herald Sun. You will see a headline "Police Widen Probe". Now, this has zero reference to any kind of erotic activities you may undertake, so I apologise, but is in fact, in reference to the "Footy Rape Scandal", which is also on the front page.

Now, as has been mentioned before, is the front page of the biggest paper in the state, sweeping it under the carpet?


can you not read?


The Carlton Football Club paid several women thousands of dollars in hush money to stop them going public with rape allegations, a former president has revealed.
John Elliott, who was club president during the 1980s and 90s, said "four or five" women were paid about $5000 each during his reign to keep their stories quiet, the Sunday Herald Sun reports.
Mr Elliot said he believed most of the women made up the rape claims and actually had consensual sex with the Blues players.
But the former president admitted he did have concerns one of the women who accepted hush money may have been telling the truth.
"Of the four or five, there was one that we were worried about, the others we knew were not true or we were told by the players they weren't true," Mr Elliot was quoted by the Sunday Herald Sun as saying.
Mr Elliott said he was confident all the other claims were not true because all the women dropped their complaints once they were offered the money.
He said he believed the payments, made to so the club did not have to deal with "a huge front-page story", were appropriate.
A spokesman for the club, Ian Coutts, told the Sunday Herald Sun that Mr Elliot "does not speak on behalf of the Carlton Football Club".

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/828143/carlton-paid-off-rape-claim-women

I disagree. Living here in Melbourne the story is starting to snowball. It's been front page news in the Hun for pretty much the entire week. It's gonna be like the elephant in the living room eventually. The sex crimes squad are investigating and Elliot could face criminal charges and past players are expected to be interviewed.

This could potentially rock AFL the way the Sharks case shook up RL.


It is good to see the real attitude of the afl players towards women continue to be brought to light.

AFL Adelaide Crows star Nathan Bock guilty of assault
AFL star Nathan Bock slapped his girlfriend twice on the cheek and threw beer in her face during a drunken altercation at an Adelaide hotel, a court has heard.
The Adelaide Crows club champion pleaded guilty in the Adelaide Magistrates Court to assaulting his girlfriend in April this year.
Bock, named in the AFL's All Australian team last year, also pleaded guilty to property damage.
Bock was placed on a 12-month, $200 good behaviour bond by Magistrate Joanne Tracey, who did not record a conviction on the 26-year-old.
”I am relieved the matter has been dealt with by the courts,” Bock said outside court.
”As I have stated previously, I regret the situation ever happening and have put steps in place to make sure it never happens again.”
The court heard Bock was detained by police in a jail cell for between five and six hours after the alcohol-fuelled incident at a city hotel in the early hours of April 5 this year.
Prosecutors said Bock slapped his girlfriend, Carlie Matthews, twice on the left side of her face and threw beer in her face during an altercation at the General Havelock Hotel.

He later damaged Ms Matthews' handbag, mobile phone and bracelet, the court heard, but was too drunk to be interviewed by police at the time.
Bock's court appearance coincided with Adelaide's final training session ahead of their home fixture against Sydney on Saturday, but he will play against the Swans.
The Crows suspended Bock for one game and fined him $5,000 in the days following the incident.


Funny you mentioned 4 Corners cos when SEN were discussing this same story this morning, a rugby league supporter rang in and asked the commentators if 4 Corners would do a report on this.

The response was "of course they would, if one of the ladies came out and was so traumatised by it as happened in the Matty John's saga":lol::lol:

So an incident by an RL identity where no charges are laid is worth digging up yet a similar story in the AFL places the onus on women to "come forward" which Kate has already done in a way.

What a farkin' joke!

Maybe Sarah Ferguson can get in touch with "Kate"


This could potentially rock AFL the way the Sharks case shook up RL.

Very possible, but I think that further illustrates the point that the two codes treatment from the media is far from equal, it's taken allegations of rape, conspiracy and hush money to have a story that is slowly building and may take on the same proportions as the Sharks furore.

We had 2 very similar incidents happen around the same time across the 2 codes in 2007, one was Tevita Latu and I'm sure we all remember the end result, the other was Brodie Holland who assaulted a woman over a taxi dispute -

AFL Collingwood midfielder Brodie Holland has been fined $2,500 without conviction for using his fist to settle a late-night dispute with a woman over a taxi.
Later today, Holland's Collingwood teammate Scott Burns said the Magpies would rally behind the midfielder, who also is suspended for the first six games of the 2007 season for an onfield incident in last year's final.

"Dutchy's one of the most loyal blokes at the club and one of the most trustworthy and honest guys, so we all rally behind him," Burns said.
from: http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/holland-fined-over-taxi-fracas/2007/03/26/1174761348871.html

So Latu rightly lost his job, respect and was convicted. Holland got a fine, no conviction and his club came out to tell us all what a top bloke he is, I'm surprised they weren't bragging about how good the punch he laid on her was.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I admire the AFL and the way they control the media. We have a lot to learn from them!

ps you have to realise as well that AFL might not get much media for these stories in NSW and Q'land but in Vic, SA and WA it is often front page news and in the comments coloumns for weeks. You think the Sydney press have gone to town on NRL players, you should have seen the media storm that surrounded Cousins in WA. One day the West had 5 pages just on his arrest! In comparison the NRL stories barely rate a couple of inches in the sports section. Its all relative to the area you are in.

El Diablo

Post Whore
10 talk about AFL every night and even sometimes have it as their first sports story yet have not mentioned this once. even their morning news at 11am which is National has failed to mention it

they don't want it known in non AFL states as then it will make their usual AFL stories and League condemnation look bad

El Diablo

Post Whore
She may well do so if the story continues to build momentum and "Kate" aqnd others are willing to talk about it. 4 Corners has dished up the dirt on AFL before - I don't think they favour one sport over another.

they have never done a show solely on AFL

the only time they did one on AFL it also included the Bulldogs Coffs scandal

there is no way they will do one on this unless they can somehow bring League into it as well

Green Machine

First Grade
She may well do so if the story continues to build momentum and "Kate" aqnd others are willing to talk about it. 4 Corners has dished up the dirt on AFL before - I don't think they favour one sport over another.

Just out of interest, what programs have Four Corners ran on AFL off field behaviour in the past?

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