Saw this last week, having only seen Casino Royale previously of the Daniel Craig Bond films (and that was when it was a new release so barely remember the plot anyway).
It was OK, probably should've watched the last two though as there were a lot of 'reveal' moments that I presume should have been shocking or exciting, but I didn't feel as such cos I didn't know whether I should know what was actually going on or not, watching in isolation from the other movies.
Anyway, enjoyed Batista as the thug, a little disappointed he wasn't sighted again after his last scene (the way he was dispatched made it feel like a "I'll be back" kinda moment, maybe the next film?), the French chick was hot, Monica Bellucci while still hot is now showing her age (nothing wrong with it though), some of the action setpieces were quite exciting but in a classic 'how could that ever happen' action movie kinda way, the little bits of humour here and there were quite funny in a 'snicker under your breath' kinda way.
Main villain didn't feel menacing as he could be, though again I don't know whether not seeing the last couple of movies meant impact wasn't felt for me as much?
All up, it was fine. Not amazing, just fine.