I have been diagnosed with bad case of bi-polar but refuse to take medication because I think it will curb my creativity and impulsiveness
Plus even though the lows really suck the highs can be f**king awesome
I have been diagnosed with bad case of bi-polar but refuse to take medication because I think it will curb my creativity and impulsiveness
Plus even though the lows really suck the highs can be f**king awesome
Most bi polar medications are exactly the same as epilepsy meds I used to take, as they're used to treat the chemical imbalance in the brain which causes the disorder. Been on epilepsy meds, it exacerbated the bi polar and I still had seizures. I think self-discipline is much more effective than medication when it comes to most cases of bi-polar, a bit of therapy helps if your therapist isn't an idiot.
I like the current mainstream music. I haven't since I was a kid, but my younger siblings have been listening to it and singing it for several months now and it doesn't bother me at all. I wouldn't pay for any of it, but I kind of like it.
It might be partly because I miss my siblings and it reminds me of them, but I see the appeal of it too