So in this episode it's the dilemma of does Discovery just teleport away and let the peeps having a holoadventure hit their 4 hour limit and die, or do they hang around and get whacked by the greenskins?
But of course, there's an alternative!
Adira Crusher has SOOPER SEKRIT medication that will allow the idiots on the planet thing to survive until Discovery comes back, and it's sooooo SOOPER SEKRIT that she has to hide on Book's ship then jump out at the right time to beam herself down to the planet so now the people there can survive apparently indefinitely AND Discovery can get whacked by the greenskins! PLOT ARMOUR TO THE RESCUE!
So in Tilley's first few hours in the chair she manages to get Discovery captured by the greenskins all because Culber for some reason believes they can only be on the planet thing for 4 hours max and Adira Crusher has medicine that will allow them to stay much longer than that, but decides to keep her mouth shut until Discovery has hung around too long and ultimately gets boarded and taken over. At least Tilley didn't crash the ship into a planet I suppose!
Oh, and of course there's the "hey, we got a cloaking device during the retrofit, right?" moment that for some reason didn't come the first time they encountered the greenskins.
Then we have the curious bit where the greenskins can somehow track where Discovery teleports to. I'm gonna wait for more info on this one. I've been suspecting for a while now the Federation isn't all it appears to be, and it's possible Vance told the greenskins where Discovery was. But if not....
And there's a f**king trans-warp tunnel that opens up right at the source of "the burn." f**king ok.
Oh, and "the burn" looks like it's caused by some Kelpian window washer getting hyper emotional? f**king SNOOZE.
And finally, Tilley and the greenskin woman jibber jabbering at each other was like listening to two high school girls arguing with each other over who was more popular.