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Stay and Play


In short, I agree with the people who are saying that Germ's best days are behind him. I'm not sure who should be captain next year, but I won't cry if it's given to someone else. He has generally been really disappointing for us over the last 2 years, in my opinion. And while he has had a couple of good games, they have been the exception rather than the rule.

I'm also a little surprised Rhino hasn't been covered in this discussion. He's been offered a 4 year contract...and for what? To continue the crap he showed through out this year? While i think he is a priority, he is the number 1 player in our side that has to take his finger out of his backside and show us the form he has illustrated for Country 2 years running.

Um Jammer Lammy

If Woolford is going to no longer be captain I think it is a discrace. I don't want a team angry at coach and management by round 1, I think he is the best option anyway some say Schifcofske, all I can remember is him in the Roosters game. I know that was more Tyran Smiths fault but still it was a stupid play. Anyway Woolford should stay captain and I do hope its his last year, but above all that the club gives him the treatment he has earnt.


I personally think reviewing the captaincy every year is a great initiative. It's a privelege to captain the side, not a right and with that privelege comes the responsibility to captain the side and earn the resepct of your players and if Woolford has lost the confidence of the coaching staff and the players, then a change is the best thing for the club.

Whilst I rate Woolford highly, this is a business decision that will be made in the best interests of the club, not to appease players egos.

Woolford is past his best and is spending more time on the sidelines through injury, suspension and fatigue when he does play. The club needs a captain who will be on the field for most of the 80 minutes, if not all and Schif is the only player who fits the criteria as I don't see too many other leaders in our top seventeen.

It's the off season and the media need something to report on to sell papers. Storm in a tea cup if you ask me.


First Grade
Legend … on this occasion I beg to disagree with you.

Im sure Schif will make a worthy captain although I am a touch concerned with his past history ,,,, I can remember he having a number of stints in the bin, running battles with simpkins and don’t forget the ball thrown at the referee only a few seasons back.

What I am concerned with is the supposed shafting of one heck of a courageous and loyal servant to the club .. what message does this send to the younger players …. we buy a Drew and shaft an M.Mona’s …. We talk about business decisions and then call J.Monas a traitor.

Woolford has at least one more good season at the club and I see absolutely no reason to take the captaincy away from him thereby creating friction and animosity between player and club. We have lost approx 400 games of experience in Wiki and Davico …. do we really need to lose more.. I suspect that a coaching role for Germ would be of great advantage to this club ... he has that fierce dermination to make sure that those he coaches will listen to his word.


Post Whore
Bay56 said:
Woolford has at least one more good season at the club and I see absolutely no reason to take the captaincy away from him thereby creating friction and animosity between player and club. We have lost approx 400 games of experience in Wiki and Davico …. do we really need to lose more.. I suspect that a coaching role for Germ would be of great advantage to this club ... he has that fierce dermination to make sure that those he coaches will listen to his word.

i agree 100%!
germ wouldnt be a bad person to have behind the scenes some where in an off feild role


Post Whore
Bay56 said:
R_69 shouldnt you be studying .... how'd you go with the maths exam ?

its tomorrow and yes i should be studying #-o
im in the process of printing off a few past papers to go through today 8)


I have the answers for $2000.00. Interested? ;-)

Bay, Woolford wants the big pay off in England like most players so I have no problem leaving him as captain for 2005 to send him off in a manner befitting a great club man but I also have no problem with Woolford being replaced for the betterment of the club long term if they club know he is leaving.


First Grade
If Woolford loses the captaincy, I can see no-one better suited than Schif. But like I've said before, I don't think Germ has done anything to deserve being stripped.

Playing devil's advocate for a second, shouldn't the captaincy always be up for grabs? Shouldn't we have the best player, just like we should do for every position on the field (with the obvious exception of Bulgarelli).


My thoughts exactly. No one player is bigger than the team and Jed, I can't believe you are lobbying for Bulgarelli to be captain. :shock:


First Grade

Whyever not? He surely couldn't do a worse job at it as he did playing in the backline for us this season.



legend said:
I personally think reviewing the captaincy every year is a great initiative. It's a privelege to captain the side, not a right
that is absolute legend stuff, great call :clap: :clap: :clap: i would add to it and expand on it, but there's no need, you've summed it up.


Post Whore
raiders_boy said:
legend said:
I have the answers for $2000.00. Interested? ;-)

he was talking to me in reguards to my maths test tomorrow
and yes legend we have a deal, met me behind the Penrith Krispy Kreme Donut dumpster at precisly Midnight.... come alone :|


First Grade
Sorry... maybe you should have studied more! :lol: Ah well, we learn from our mistakes....

I still have nightmares about exams and I haven't done one for 20 years... :oops: :lol:


Post Whore
na i dont care, if i cared i would have done more study
my only reason for getting a UAI is to beat my sister and i dont want to beat here that much

Raider Azz

I'm pissed about my exam, I had one exam (psychology) and some prick decided they would steal a copy of it so now it has been postponed till the 19th. I am stuck twidling my thumbs until I have to take the damn thing.

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