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Summary of the game against Raiders.


First of all i would like to mention our positioning change from robson to hooker and KK to first receiver was very effective.

But i must say morts let us down greatly tonight with his atrocious kicking game. Also i think it was morts who tried finding touch after a penalty and he kicked it straight to a raiders player, why cant hayne do the penalty kicking!!! Look at one of his touch finders, it went at least 40-50m , though in the last 5 min he couldnt find touch due to pressure, surely next time he should kick for touch with his massive powerful legs.

Another event in the game was Luke Burt's conversions. If he had his kicking legs on tonight, we would of been only trailing by 6 and ease off some pressure during the last 10mins.

However, we had one of the best opening set starts of the season with KK kicking into touch out to the oppositions 20m line and yet what was all let down, was from, yup you guessed it -a simple penalty given to the raiders. Every time we were in the oppositions half, morts would just give an easy kick return for their fullback and NO pressure at all was given due to the kick, at least do a little chip kick for someone to chase or BOMB IT !!

Personally i think KK was outstanding tonight. Despite the loss i think he done possibly everything right with his kicking game and passing game. Not to mention his 3 great lifts on the raiders props, tackling players 100kg above his weight by himself and lifting him up the air and driving em towards the ground, i dont see morts doing dat with his body size!! From what we have seen, everyone knows this kid has potential to became a great player and know that we should of let morts go to the doggies and let KK stay.

Another great player was robson. I think hooker is a more suited position for him to play in rather than MK as we all saw tonight with his quick passes and dummy half runs.

Tamana tahu also looked dangerous when he had the ball during attack.

On the other hand, one of the worst games i have seen reddy play in a long time. Two clean overlaps and all was all brought down with a simple bad pass. He could of just gotten tackled and wait for a quick play the ball. And then BANG two tries!!! 12-nil.

Our defensive game was a bit off tonight. Especially on the wing, not a hand laid on joel thompson in his 50m try.

Overall im sure we'll b ready for the Souths game. With some slight adjustments, by all means bring it on rabbits!


Hayne - lack of commitment in defence and positional play, poor game
Burt - good positioning earnt two tries down his side, we didn't look like doing too much else
Reddy - will cop a suspension
Tahu - a couple of better touches in attack, a couple of good bits in defence. I think he's getting there, would like to see him take more of the early hit ups like Eric because TT has the build to do it.
Grothe - tried hard, even when it was hurting. Left the line wide open on one occasion and was lucky Ben Smith stopped the try.
Mortimer - a bit out of his depth at the moment.
KK - tried to get things going. I'm happy with him picked for starting/80min in the halves.

Cayless - had a great first 30 mins and lead by example, probably his best stint all year. Had a not as good second stint of around 15mins, when we were on the back foot and time was running out.
Robson - thought we looked best with him at dummy half, kind of lost the plot after he was subbed off.
Moimoi - probably his best game this year? Still some way to go until he's back to peak form though.
Hindmarsh - think he should restrict his hit-ups to tackles 1, 2, or 3 and let the attacking guys do the job for the rest.
Smith - a good 80min effort, covering Eric's arse defensively as well.
Mateo - was surprised he went for as long as he did in the first half, was making the effort but then the mother of all defensive mistakes/slowness led to the try before half time. Got hooked instantly. Should be an 80min player but isn't fit/focussed enough.
Poore - probably his best game for us so far? Had a real go I thought, happy for him to do that from the bench each week.
Mannah - he's coming on, another good effort. DA should look at a 3 prop side one week, to give Mannah more minutes and maybe use Hindy in a different way.
Horo - looked ok at this level, had a go. I can see him doing a 50% rotation with Mateo, getting the best out of both of them this year while Mateo is still with us.
MK - not a happy 30 mins. Seemed like he came on just at the time the rest of the guys decided it was all too hard and stopped trying to match it with the Raiders.

Changes for next week:
Inu for Reddy (suspension)
Start Horo in 13 and bring Mateo on for impact either side of half time
Leave Robson at dummy half for 80mins, and give MK a week off
Add Oake to the bench in MK's place, to give Hindy a rest in the back row
I'd swap Burt and Hayne (especially in defence), but that won't happen...
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First Grade
getting better. the camera shot of hindy and cayless at the end said it all for me. they both looked devastated but knew improvement was there.


Hayne - lack of commitment in defence and positional play, poor game

I agree. He needs to be way more focused on defense and i think the raiders first try, Hayne could of stopped dat from occuring if he had a little more commitment in helping out in D, instead of coming to the rescue when its already too late...


getting better. the camera shot of hindy and cayless at the end said it all for me. they both looked devastated but knew improvement was there.

Do you know what I saw in that camera shot ? Pricey and the Crow on grand final day 1986.
Two old warriors with nothing left to give.

(Although Caylo had a great game tonight)


I thought Mannah and KK were great tonight. Mannah was awesome! The next captain for sure.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
We were better last night, probably the best we have been, sure we didn't win but there was more attack. There were a few defensive lapses on the right hand side defence with Reddy. The problem was at times we went back to one out especially in the opposition half when we should be attacking. At one stage M Keating picked up the ball near the line and had to go himself because no one was running. There still isn't enough players running.

But it was much more positive, Inu into the side next week either for Reddy suspended or for Tahu who is still a few steps behind.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Oh and Mannah and Poore need to look for the offload or pass more often.

Like I have said I would get them in training to run at the line and practice when to pass and when to hit it up and when to poke the arms trhough and offload and when to hit and spin.

This would add so much more to both their games. But Mannah was one of our best again.


Few postives - Mahara, Horo and Poore

To me Hindy looks like he's carrying the weight of Para on his shoulders - and still gives it 100% every week

Some of the other players really need to take a good at themselves



Parra Steve

Do you think Reddy was one of the players that DA had a word with in the lead up to the game last night? as he tried to force the pass on more than one occasion then there was the forarm to Campese.
Cayless - had a great first 30 mins and lead by example, probably his best stint all year. Had a not as good second stint of around 15mins, when we were on the back foot and time was running out.

I cant agree on his second stint. I thought he continued with the commitment he showed in the first half. At one point, making 3 tackles in a row - 1 on Tongue from marker showed how much he was putting in. Those 3 tackles were made by Caylo & Hindy - everyone else watching. The poor bastards were trying to show the way.

Once again, I think Cayless showed up his detractors last night. (Everyone sees Mannah come on after the first 15 minutes, when the game is starting to loosen up a bit, and make ground, maybe swap them, so that people can see how hard it is to make ground in the first 15)

Cayless IMO, does not get the recognition that he deserves a lot of the time, & instead is made the scapegoat a lot of the time.

Poore impressed me for the first time, last night - he really put in. Just needs to learn to offload now, and somebody needs to follow, so he can slip them a pass.

Stagger eel

Staff member
look, i can't fault the effort by our 4 meatheads last night, i thought for the first time they really worked well as unit.

forward pass

I still scratch my head that we have someone like Inu watching from the stands? Absolutely ridiculous. In fact he may have made a huge difference last night.

We can hardly score points and we have Inu sitting in the stands? I thought Reddy had one of his worst games for Parra last night - as did Hayne.

I can not believe some people on here give Hayne points in their 321?? I am one of his biggest fans but he was pretty poor last night.

Stagger eel

Staff member
I still scratch my head that we have someone like Inu watching from the stands? Absolutely ridiculous. In fact he may have made a huge difference last night.

We can hardly score points and we have Inu sitting in the stands? I thought Reddy had one of his worst games for Parra last night - as did Hayne.

I can not believe some people on here give Hayne points in their 321?? I am one of his biggest fans but he was pretty poor last night.

well who would you have had sitting on the grandstand instead of him??
I still scratch my head that we have someone like Inu watching from the stands? Absolutely ridiculous. In fact he may have made a huge difference last night.

We can hardly score points and we have Inu sitting in the stands? I thought Reddy had one of his worst games for Parra last night - as did Hayne.

I can not believe some people on here give Hayne points in their 321?? I am one of his biggest fans but he was pretty poor last night.

It happens every week. I reckon he could be injured & not play, but still get 1 point for turning up on the sideline.

84 Baby

look, i can't fault the effort by our 4 meatheads last night, i thought for the first time they really worked well as unit.
It was the biggest positive out of the game. And as Mark Geyer said to Hindy on MMM this morning those 4 plus Hindy, Smith & Horo deserve to be annoyed at the rest of the team for not being as committed. Poore & Cayless had what deserved to be match-winning first halves. Set a great platform. But all that was destroyed by atrocious defending on the edges.

I'll maintain if Reddy is suspended I suspect he'll struggle to find his spot again. And Mateo has to either start at 6 or 14. And I can't see the MK/Robbo combination continuing all season because they're too similar in their styles

forward pass

well who would you have had sitting on the grandstand instead of him??

Mate if he is not a better player then Reddy then I will give it away. Reddy is a top player and I would hate to see him dropped, but Inu just has that extra class that we need at the moment.

Personally - I would put Tahu to lock and play Inu in the centres. At least T would get his hands on the ball.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Mate if he is not a better player then Reddy then I will give it away. Reddy is a top player and I would hate to see him dropped, but Inu just has that extra class that we need at the moment.

Personally - I would put Tahu to lock and play Inu in the centres. At least T would get his hands on the ball.

well, hate to tell you FP, but I've seen more dodgy games from INU than I have from Reddy however the T idea could be one that the coaching staff should atleast explore.

84 Baby

I still scratch my head that we have someone like Inu watching from the stands? Absolutely ridiculous. In fact he may have made a huge difference last night.

We can hardly score points and we have Inu sitting in the stands? I thought Reddy had one of his worst games for Parra last night - as did Hayne.

I can not believe some people on here give Hayne points in their 321?? I am one of his biggest fans but he was pretty poor last night.
IMO Hayne didn't play any better or worse than he has any other game this season, bar the last 20 against Manly. It is pretty obvious that noone has taught him how to play fullback at all, and if they have then they have no idea how to play fullback. He's too deep and centralised in defence and chimes in too much in attack (gotta pick his times better). People saying he isn't trying though is rubbish. Most obvious example is Tigers first try against us where he smashed into Lote even though he was always going to score


Cayless threw everything at them last night and had a great game!

When he came off after 25 minutes he was gone, he gave his all......he does that for the rest of the year and we will go close!

I have been very critical of Cayless over the years but last night he showed what the blue and gold means to him imo....after all the crap in the media this week, he really showed why he shouldn't be dropped!