Or jump on Gumtree and pick up an exercise bike for the lounge room. When I finally came out of my end of footy career depression after my reconstructions that's how I started, just bought a cheap exercise bike and watched shows or played Playstation while riding.
I'm no dietician or anything but I've always believed that people do better when they still allow themselves the odd treat, whether it's chocolate or junk food or cake or whatever. I think that trying to completely shun stuff like that leads to binge eating in a lot of cases...I also find having a meal plan for the week helps. You only buy what you need, you cook more and you eat healthier at home. Soup is great over winter, grab a dozen healthy soup recipes and you can do a soup or two a week and not get bored. After that it's just about habit. I find I crave junk a lot less now that I've been eating healthier for longer.