I agreeVB and Carlton are the best beers that you can get on tap at every pub. Way ahead of Tooheys and XXXX ect
I have a bucks this weekend too! Starting with paintball Saturday morning. I assume ending in some sort of gutter around midnight SundayMates bucks weekend starts at 12 tomorrow! 48+ drinking binge coming up!
I agree
Bunch of fairys here drinking their fancy boags and other crap
We have paintball Saturday as well but im doubting we'll be allowed in haha
I have honestly never heard of Reschs
Your assumption is incorrectWe know several of the referees...we'll be sweet
I can only assume this is because you exclusively drink on Oxford Street
This man knowsReschs and Boags say you're wrong. And probably a homosexual.
I have had them a few times while working in Qld. It's like drinking liquid bread yeast.Does anyone drink xxxx heavies ?
No straight man has never tasted the manly tang of ice cold Reschs :sarcasm: