Day off during the 1st day of a test is amazing. Gunna kill 2 birds with one stone and get a solid workout in while watching us destroy the English. Doing 300 pushups (10x30), 300 situps (10x30) plus 50km on the stationary bike (5kmx10). A fit BM is a sexy BM.
Then I'll cook a steak. A well fed BM is a happy BM.
Other bits of the pig would generally refer to pork.
End yourself.
Suicide talk and death jokes cross the line. Whatever people think of me I've never said anything even close to that bad. You two think I'm a shitty person and yet in a sentence each you do things lower than I ever have.a good BM is a dead BM
Nobody believes you.
Nobody loves you either.
Please don't call him Davey. It makes me cringe.
I wish the crowd would sing 'Daveys a Dickhead'
You need a job for it to be a day off. Also give your Mum a rest and go to subway.Day off during the 1st day of a test is amazing. Gunna kill 2 birds with one stone and get a solid workout in while watching us destroy the English. Doing 300 pushups (10x30), 300 situps (10x30) plus 50km on the stationary bike (5kmx10). A fit BM is a sexy BM.
Then I'll cook a steak. A well fed BM is a happy BM.
On phone to my credit union in the US. International calls are not a part of my plan. I'm on hold FFS! Give me my f**king money!
Some like them deep fried but I'll pass on that.
Life must be pretty good for Mis if he's worried about being awake by what, 9am.