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I was worried about no longer having my Medicare card (no idea where it went), but my old housemate just FBed me to tell me a new one had arrived at his place last week.
Yeah Tafe counts. Including online ones you can do from overseas. And you can start uni online through OUA and keep working on it from overseas. There's someone doing the same unit I'm doing in the phillipines.As much as I'd like to study, I don't think I'll be in Australia long enough to commit to anything unless it's a TAFE course. Do they count?
You said they're paying some of your rent too?
Pretty cosy for you by the sounds.
I'm finding online courses very difficult. Not only the motivation factor, but not being able to bounce ideas around in a classroom, I'm really struggling with that.
Keno: A Strategy for Winners
found face to face the way to go..
otherwise, if you can get a good online study group, skype always helps...
interesting discussion re: statistical odds of winning the lotto..
was having a debate with a guy from work re: odds, particularly when the lotto was getting up around the $100m mark a couple of years ago..
he was saying that if you just bought a ticket with every number possibility it would be about 45 million games, there or thereabouts..
which at $1.10 per game would cost about $49.5m..
he said that would guarantee him the win, and therefore a $50m kitty..
i pointed out that strategy was based on him being the sole winner, because if more than one winner came about (which it traditionally does for bigger draws as more people enter, because, lets face it, who only wants to win $1m or $2m?)
anyways, i am of the strong belief that winning the lotto is greater than a 1 in 45 million chance..
from my rough statistical calculations, i see there being roughtly 5,864,443,200 possible combinations of winning numbers in a 6 number from 45 ball draw.. (which grows to 229 billion when you add in the additional 7th number for oz lotto)
seems a bit high though..
dunno.. any debate as to which it should be?
Your mate is right going off the official OzLotto game odds. Problem is, they actually base that off the minimum of 4 games
Normal lotto is 1:8,145,060 https://tatts.com/nswlotteries/games/oz-lotto/game-rules-and-odds
OzLotto is 1:45,379,620 https://tatts.com/nswlotteries/games/oz-lotto/game-rules-and-odds
Online is fun. I had an exam last week and I did it while naked.
I've nearly been convinced (by a doctor of all people) to go to uni with the credits I'll receive with my courses...if I ever finish them...
It took me 10 years to go back to school for a reason. That's all.
New Adventure Time just hasn't been as good as previous seasons.