I've learned to constantly have some sort of non-perishable food in the ute at all times. Usually a breakfast bar in the middle console
My ex was the worst. She'd be sitting at home and would message me just before I finished work saying she was hungry. I'd say there was plenty of food in the kitchen, so if you're that hungry, eat something. She'd bitch that it wasn't what she wanted. Like....f**k you.
I don't know how many times my drive home from work ended up with a seething diversion to some fast food place. f**king heaven help me if she texted me too late and I don't check my phone when I'm driving.
My current partner will whine a little bit if she's hungry, but it now goes a bit like this:
Her: "I'm hungry!"
Me: "Well eat something"
Her: "True. Do you want...."
The good part is that virtually never happens, because I'm the one usually carrying food anyway (I'm a pig) or suggesting we get something to eat (still a pig). Yesterday she thanked me for insisting we buy a sandwich before we got on a longish train trip. I don't know if it's me subconsciously trying to avoid problems from the past, but given she's trying to lose a bit of weight I might be a bit of a food enabler.....oops.
Ah well. Better a few extra kilos than wanting to kill her on a daily basis.