its gunna be 1999 all over again
St Merge will be your undoing MC....
Razor is starting up his 'women aren't weaker than men, it's a myth' arguement again. Should be good.
I think at one stage or another we've all wanted to uppercut a woman. It's a perfectly natural thought, but you don't do it. You just don't. See, you never lead with an uppercut. You have to set it up with the jab, get inside, come right up through the cleavage, and then you rock that head back.
Didn't realise we were playing cheating scum...
Dragons fans need to get over 99...
Is it confirmed yet Twiz? Sif go anywhere near that stink of a club.
Actually, thats another reason why I'm on the Dragons. Storm fans will love it if the Saints go marching in