It does if you're doing it front of a mirror and want to see her facial expressions every now and then.When you're pulling on the back of the hair, it don't matter what the front looks like.
For women to paint with pretty colours
Ok then what is the point of men's toenails?
To clip and leave around bathroom/bedroom/loungeroom/kitchen floors and piss off the missus
My boyfriend is a cronic toenail picker. I once stood on a bit he'd picked off while i was making the bed.
f**ker went right into my foot and drew blood.
Men are disgusting, vile creatures.
im a cronic nail bitter on my fingers and through the use of my leatherman and its knife and pliers, a chronic toe nail cutter and picker...
i cant help it, i honestly cant. I know its disgusting, i know its terrible
but i cant help it
if i could take a pill tomorrow where all my nails would fall off and be replaced by normal skin, id take it right now
terrible habit and almost impossible to kick
You are such a catch!
Thought you split up? Get back together or a new one?