PK said:Mick, I am a season ticket holder and live 2 hours away...
and I won't have you abusing other fans when they question your posts and not abuse you in the process. Constructive criticism Mick - learn to take it or pull your head in.
You have got to be bloody kidding me arn't you?
i'm abusing other fans by backing up my statements?
I'm abusing him when he's the one that called me a "so called" supporter?
I copped the critism about the team PK if you bloody bother to read it.
"But hey...Your entitlted to give it to me about my selections and thats fair enough, thats what this thread is all about, Getting the right mix of players and thats what Lang has done this week. However, what I wont tolerate is you questioning me as a supporter of this club."
I didn't care that he had critism of my team...but noone questions my support of this club, to me that is abuse. So how about you pull your head in PK because that wasn't abuse that was responding to saying i'm not a supporter of Penrith when I am.