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Teams v Bulldogs


eelavation said:
Flatch, I take on board what you say however your tone was pretty severe a few weeks back when the likes of Ian Hinmdmarsh, Burt and Tim Smith were continuelly named in the side so that wouldn't surprise me.

I've said on several occasions that I'd prefer Blake ahead of Finchy however I took exception to the fact that Finch appeared to be the only person who played sh*t that night when it was obvious that Guru also did some really dumb things and put us under preasure, Feleti as he has been doing for a few weeks gave a couple of penalties.

Under the fire he copped this week for his performance I wanted to also bring to light a couple of important things he did, in 3rd minute enrith attacking 40 metres out and Guru shoots out and tries to put Wallace in Napeaon hospital but inturn turned it into a very dangerous situation for us with Jennings making a break down the left side before he was mowed down by Finch, now it was a tackle that had to made at the time and stopped a dangerous situation, it obviously stuck in my mind for a while because this is the third time I mentionerd it, then a learnt today from DK today while exchanging e-mails that Finch was sent out by Hagan to stop Puletua offloading to any of his outside men, as far as I'm aware he did it that and did it well but for some reason it appears that Finch is being blamed for just about everything that happened on against us and all I'm merely doing is balancing things up a little bit which is something I've been defending all afternoon.

to be honest after watching the game again (God this is killing my studies, i have an exam tomorrow, and a report I'm in the middle of writing. Bloody medical science degree, why can't they make it easyer) Finch wasn't that bad, he was bad but not as bad as made out to have been. Now someone else said this so i watched the game and watched finchy carfully. In attack he did look dangerous early, when he passed to himself and ran to the line out wide, he looked also to put on a few good plays with hindy for his outside men and set up the try for Ian. His problem arose when he came into the middle of the feild and kept turning the ball inside, and lost momentum for the team. He will learn i believe, and will get better. I think he needs to work on getting the ball out to timmy early when his in the middle of the feild, and just trust his running game when he is out wide. The drop ball wesser scored off, timmy should have made the tackle, it was 40meters later, and a poor read by timmy. Timmy will even admit that, players drop the ball atleast 5 times a game (collectivly not each), and first graders play in the NRL because they take ownous on themselves, it was timmys fault not finch. The rack on finch, i want to see someone be tackled by pritchard and not have him steal the ball, he is huge and strong our forwards struggle to contain him, sh*t happened. 1 drop ball and the ball being stolen from you is not the end of the world, grothe dropped 2 balls, let one bounce and shot out of the line to hammer a player. That was dumb, but he took the ball up solidly.

I have faith, because everytime a players weakness has arose (eg timmy running game) they have come out the next week and fixed it up. I believe this is hagans coaching, working with the team colectivly and player individually, meaning they able to adress their own issues. I expect a solid game from finch and timmy.


One reason for my slight change of tone is the fact the team is now winning and as someone said Ian, Burty and Timmy have gotten better over the last 3 weeks whereas Finch at least in attack and as a halve attack is a priority has not.

I just think that Finch and Smith are far too similar style of player both of them look for a pass or kick first and then look to run the ball. Timmy did start running the ball more in the 2nd half but you saw in the 1st half Tim was over the line all he needed to do was fall down but he went for a pass to Hayne who had no chance of catching it.

and yes your right Grothe was shocking in more then one case against the Panthers and half way through the match I was actually going to come on here and post a topic that Grothe should get dropped


I think it's obvious/predictable that Finch stays in the 17 until Riddell is available again. Sticking another kid up there this early in the season is not something most coaches would do unless forced. Hages is going to have some anxiety about going with 6. young Blake, 7. young Tim, and 9. PJ in the scrums without anyone who can fill all of those roles waiting on the bench.

Hence Blake is in the 14. Finch gets more time (perhaps due only to Riddell's injury) to prove his worth. When Riddell comes back and Hagan has to drop either Blake, Finch, Tim, or PJ back to PL, I think it will be a straight choice at 9 or 14 between PJ and Riddell, which means Hagan gets the opportunity to slot in Blake at 6 and Finch to PL if Blake remains in better form for the next month and Finch hasn't come good.

Meanwhile, we'll come out of this weekend at worst with a 50% win ratio, with room for improvement, building from here toward a peak for the finals. I'm not annoyed with the selections yet, especially this week where we might have one of two senior guys a bit rough as a result of the test.

Stagger eel

Staff member
caylo said:
to be honest after watching the game again (God this is killing my studies, i have an exam tomorrow, and a report I'm in the middle of writing. Bloody medical science degree, why can't they make it easyer) Finch wasn't that bad, he was bad but not as bad as made out to have been. Now someone else said this so i watched the game and watched finchy carfully. In attack he did look dangerous early, when he passed to himself and ran to the line out wide, he looked also to put on a few good plays with hindy for his outside men and set up the try for Ian. His problem arose when he came into the middle of the feild and kept turning the ball inside, and lost momentum for the team. He will learn i believe, and will get better. I think he needs to work on getting the ball out to timmy early when his in the middle of the feild, and just trust his running game when he is out wide. The drop ball wesser scored off, timmy should have made the tackle, it was 40meters later, and a poor read by timmy. Timmy will even admit that, players drop the ball atleast 5 times a game (collectivly not each), and first graders play in the NRL because they take ownous on themselves, it was timmys fault not finch. The rack on finch, i want to see someone be tackled by pritchard and not have him steal the ball, he is huge and strong our forwards struggle to contain him, sh*t happened. 1 drop ball and the ball being stolen from you is not the end of the world, grothe dropped 2 balls, let one bounce and shot out of the line to hammer a player. That was dumb, but he took the ball up solidly.

I have faith, because everytime a players weakness has arose (eg timmy running game) they have come out the next week and fixed it up. I believe this is hagans coaching, working with the team colectivly and player individually, meaning they able to adress their own issues. I expect a solid game from finch and timmy.

caylo, it appaers that you only focused on the moments with the ball in his hands, let's not make no bones about it, he was sh*thouse, what I'd like you do if possible, assuming that you've taped the game, is watch it again while Penrith have the ball and see his effort in defense, we all know what he did with the ball in his hands but it appears not many of us noticed what he did without it.

that's about all I'm going to say about that matter ;-)


Give credit where its due fellas, Finchy has a real dig in D. I'd like to see his stats for tackles compared to what he misses. One on One tackle count would also be interesting. He isn't a liability like many other halves are.

Stagger eel

Staff member
<UPtheEELS> said:
Give credit where its due fellas, Finchy has a real dig in D. I'd like to see his stats for tackles compared to what he misses. One on One tackle count would also be interesting. He isn't a liability like many other halves are.

I don't think there's a player in our side that doesn't have a real dig but that shouldn't exempt them from critisism.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
The issue with defence is that the possible replacement also has a real good dig at defence but his attack is better and more suited to the halfback.


First Grade
boy. What hasn't been said in this thread yet????????

I would persevere with Finch for a few more weeks.
The team is still settling in and he may be taking a bit longer than some others to find his feet.
As with Tim, we all know what Finch is capable of, so while we are going Ok, ie winning and not getting absolutely flogged he will have his chance.

If he is still not performing when pig is back in a few weeks I'm sure (I hope) Hagan will consider dropping him.

Robbo will have to be going off in prems to get back into firsts when he is fit.

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