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Terminator: Genesis

Bulldog Force

Well this promises to be shit.

Even though Arnold Schwarzenegger is back, we have a 45 year old Queenslander playing John Connor, and a 27 year old pom playing his mother, Sarah Connor!

Also, remember Miles, the guy who was killed in Terminator 2, and his young son Danny? They're both in this. (Different actors of course).

From the information given on IMDb, and the age of these actors, there surely must been something travelling back and forth through time, not just back from the future as 1, 2 and 3 have been (forget about Salvation).

Yep... ruined furthermore!



Are they going to explain why Skynet has suddenly decided to start making geriatric terminators?

Joker's Wild

They have explained the old terminator

Basically the metal frame underneath doesnt age but the orgnic "covering" does. This terminator has been around for along time hence the aged appearance

I dont see what the age or nationality of the actors has to do with how good or bad this film will be btw.


So I assume terminators are supposed to go in for an organic material upgrade every couple decades?

If memory serves they only managed to capture and send back the good terminator in T2 because they had all but won the war and got access to spare terminators and time travel technology. Seems odd they'd then wait another 30 years to let a terminator age before sending him back in time.

They'd be better off just getting a new actor to play the terminator and give him the buzzcut + sunglasses treatment. I'm sure there are any number of bodybuilders or pro athletes out there who could nail the role and not have saggy manboobs while doing it.

Bulldog Force

They have explained the old terminator

Basically the metal frame underneath doesnt age but the orgnic "covering" does. This terminator has been around for along time hence the aged appearance

I dont see what the age or nationality of the actors has to do with how good or bad this film will be btw.

Well John Connor's mother is nearly 20 years younger than him. Nationality isn't a big issue unless you're someone who can detect a phony accent. I got a feeling that will happen here.


Well John Connor's mother is nearly 20 years younger than him. Nationality isn't a big issue unless you're someone who can detect a phony accent. I got a feeling that will happen here.

I'm going to go ahead and guess that John Connor will be a character portrayed in the future while his mother will be in the past.... Probably because the plot for the movie is exactly that.

The movie is going to take place further in the past than the first terminator movie
Cant wait. Should be good. Who cares how old Arnie is. He needs to be in it. I am sure with a bit of make up and CGI they can take a few decades off his age anyway.


T1 + T2 + The Sarah Connor Chronicles (the Terminator tv series) make for one of the best sci-fi stories around. The tv series was excellent, and the first two Terminator movies are timeless, I really hope they don't stuff this up.

God-King Dean

[-X :sick: :-s :fist: :sto:

Sorry about the repeat posts, but all those emoticons needed to be there to express my feeling towards it.

Terrible actress/choice.


T1 and T2 were great because of the writing and directing, Arnie did his job but he was not an essential part of those films. He is not a good actor.

Shoehorning him into the new film seems like a big mistake to me.

Give the franchise to talented and passionate film makers and give them complete control to realize their vision so that we can get a good film, rather than some watered down bullshit with the only aim being to make money.

That being said, the casting choices are OK and the director has done some good TV work, the writers seem pretty poor though.

God-King Dean

T1 and T2 were great because of the writing and directing, Arnie did his job but he was not an essential part of those films. He is not a good actor.

Shoehorning him into the new film seems like a big mistake to me.

Give the franchise to talented and passionate film makers and give them complete control to realize their vision so that we can get a good film, rather than some watered down bullshit with the only aim being to make money.

That being said, the casting choices are OK and the director has done some good TV work, the writers seem pretty poor though.

Unfortunately, it's going to be the latter.

I don't like to bag Arnie, because I love the guy. But T3 should have been his last.

He's there, because he equals more money at the box office. And to a lesser extent, they are using the success of GOT to casting Emelia Clarke. A lot of women love her character, so they figure that will get a few more female butts on seats.

Bulldog Force

Unfortunately, it's going to be the latter.

I don't like to bag Arnie, because I love the guy. But T3 should have been his last.

He's there, because he equals more money at the box office. And to a lesser extent, they are using the success of GOT to casting Emelia Clarke. A lot of women love her character, so they figure that will get a few more female butts on seats.

I agree. But to give you a little taste of how much money he'll generate... on the set of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, he was paid $36,500 for every WORD he said. Yes... you read the correctly. $36,500 per word!


The guy playing Kyle Reese has a weird head:



I didn't mind Salvation, the mad max style roaming with Worthington and having Bale saved it from being shitty like T3.

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