Galloways Stats for the last 2 games combined.
60 Minutes
31 Tackles
1 Missed Tackle
96.87% Effective Tackles
18 Hit ups/Runs
158 Metres gained
8.78 Metres made per hit up/Run
1 Offload
0 Handling Errors
0 Penalties Conceeded
0 Line Breaks
0 Points Scored.
To be fair, his stats show that he's been fairly decent in a side thats lost both those games.
The problem is with the Whole Forwards pack.
Apart from the 111 metres made by Bryce Gibbs against the Broncos, all the Tigers forwards (bench included) have failed to make 100 metres on their own in the last 2 games.
If your forwards aren't moving forward, how do you expect the rest of the team to make any inroads?
Farah has been making more tackles than any of the other forwards, been making the majority of dummy half runs for the team, and kicks, as well as being the only real player to be running the offence.
The bloke needs a f**king hand. Can we get him a handfull of forwards that move at all?