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The 2004 Premier League Draw



ROUND 1 – 12,13,14 March

Dragons V Raiders OKI Jubilee Oval
Cougars V Knights Penrith Stadium
Roosters V Rabbitohs Aussie Stadium
*Bulldogs V Eels Belmore Sports Ground
*Tigers V Sharks Leichhardt Oval
*Magpies V Sea Eagles Campbelltowm Stadium
Bears BYE
Jets BYE

ROUND 2 – 19,20,21 March

Raiders V Cougars Canberra Stadium
Rabbitohs V Magpies Aussie Stadium
Bulldogs V Sharks Sydney Showground
Sea Eagles V Roosters Brookvale Oval
*Jets V Knights Henson Park
*Tigers V Bears Leichhardt Oval
*Dragons V Eels OKI Jubilee Oval

ROUND 3 – 26,27,28 March

Eels V Knights Parramatta Stadium
Roosters V Bulldogs Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Sea Eagles Toyota Park
Magpies V Tigers Campbelltown Stadium
*Jets V Dragons Henson Park
*Bears V Raiders North Sydney Oval
Cougars BYE
Rabbitohs BYE

ROUND 4 – 2,3,4 April

Dragons V Knights WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles V Bears Brookvale Oval
Cougars V Roosters Penrith Stadium
Rabbitohs V Sharks Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Eels Canberra Stadium
*Magpies V Jets Campbelltown Stadium
Tigers BYE
Bulldogs BYE
* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue
ROUND 5 – 9,10,11 April

Eels V Rabbitohs Parramatta Stadium
Cougars V Jets Penrith Stadium
Roosters V Magpies Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Bears Toyota Park
*Tigers V Dragons Leichhardt Oval
*Bulldogs V Sea Eagles Belmore Oval
Raiders BYE
Knights BYE

ROUND 6 – 16,17,18 April

Dragons V Cougars WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles V Eels Brookvale Oval
Knights V Roosters Energy Australia Stadium
Sharks V Raiders Toyota Park
*Bears V Bulldogs North Sydney Oval
*Jets V Rabbitohs Henson Park
Magpies BYE
Tigers BYE

ROUND 7 – 24,25 April

Dragons V Roosters Aussie Stadium
Eels V Sharks Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Bulldogs Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Knights Canberra Stadium
Tigers V Sea Eagles Leichhardt Oval
*Bears V Magpies North Sydney Oval
Cougars BYE
Jets BYE

ROUND 8 – 30 April, 1,2 May

Bulldogs V Tigers Telstra Stadium
Eels V Jets Parramatta Stadium
Knights V Rabbitohs Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Magpies Penrith Stadium
Roosters V Raiders Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Dragons Toyota Park
Sea Eagles BYE
Bears BYE

* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue

ROUND 9 – 8,9 May

Sea Eagles V Dragons Brookvale Oval
Knights V Bulldogs Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Rabbitohs Penrith Stadium
Raiders V Magpies Canberra Stadium
Roosters V Tigers Aussie Stadium
*Jets V Bears Henson Park
Sharks BYE
Eels BYE

ROUND 10 – 14 15 16 May

Dragons V Bulldogs WIN Stadium
Eels V Bears Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Jets Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Roosters Toyota Park
Magpies V Raiders Campbelltown Stadium
*Tigers V Knights Leichhardt Oval
Sea Eagles BYE
Cougars BYE

ROUND 11– 21,22,23 May

Bulldogs V Tigers Sydney Showground
Sea Eagles V Sharks Brookvale Oval
Eels V Dragons Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Bears Aussie Stadium
*Jets V Raiders Henson Park
*Magpies V Cougars Campbelltown Stadium
Knights BYE
Roosters BYE

ROUND 12 – 28,29,30 May

Knights V Jets Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Bulldogs Penrith Stadium
Raiders V Sea Eagles Canberra Stadium
Roosters V Bears Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Rabbitohs Toyota Park
Tigers V Eels Leichhardt Oval
Magpies BYE
Dragons BYE

* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue

ROUND 13 – 4,5,6 June

Bulldogs V Roosters Telstra Stadium
Dragons V Bears WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles V Panthers Brookvale Oval
Knights V Eels Energy Australia Stadium
*Jets V Tigers Henson Park
*Magpies V Sharks Campbelltown Stadium
Raiders BYE
Rabbitohs BYE

ROUND 14 – 11,12,13 June

Eels V Sea Eagles Parramatta Stadium
Cougars V Dragons Penrith Stadium
Rabbitohs V Bulldogs Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Sharks Canberra Stadium
*Bears V Knights North Sydney Oval
*Jets V Magpies Henson Park
Tigers BYE
Roosters BYE

ROUND 15 – 18,19,20 June

Bulldogs V Raiders Sydney Showground
Dragons V Tigers OKI Jubilee Oval
Sea Eagles V Rabbitohs Brookvale Oval
Eels V Magpies Parramatta Stadium
Roosters V Knights Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Cougars Toyota Park
*Bears V Jets North Sydney Oval

ROUND 16 – 25,26,27 June

Knights V Sea Eagles Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Eels Penrith Stadium
Rabbitohs V Dragons Sydney Cricket Ground
Magpies V Roosters Campbelltown Stadium
*Bears V Tigers North Sydney Oval
*Raiders V Jets Canberra Stadium
Bulldogs BYE
Sharks BYE

* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue

ROUND 17 – 2,3,4 July

Sea Eagles V Bulldogs Brookvale Oval
Knights V Sharks Energy Australia Stadium
Raiders V Tigers Canberra Stadium
Roosters V Bears Aussie Stadium
*Jets V Cougars Henson Park
*Magpies V Rabbitohs Campbelltown Stadium
Eels BYE
Dragons BYE

ROUND 18 – 9,10,11 July

Bulldogs V Jets Sydney Showground
Dragons V Magpies WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles V Tigers Brookvale Oval
Eels V Roosters Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Cougars Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Bears Canberra Stadium
Sharks V Knights Toyota Park

ROUND 19 – 16,17,18 July

Knights V Bears Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Raiders Penrith Stadium
Roosters V Dragons Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Bulldogs Toyota Park
Tigers V Jets Leichhardt Oval
*Rabbitohs V Eels Aussie Stadium
*Sea Eagles V Magpies Brookvale Oval

ROUND 20 – 23,24,25 July

Dragons V Sharks OKI Jubilee Oval
Knights V Cougars Energy Australia Stadium
Rabbitohs V Roosters Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Tigers Canberra Stadium
Magpies V Bulldogs Campbelltown Stadium
*Jets V Sea Eagles Henson Park
*Bears V Eels North Sydney Oval

* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue

ROUND 21 – 30,31 July, 1 August

Bulldogs V Cougars Telstra Stadium
Sea Eagles V Raiders Brookvale Oval
Eels V Tigers Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Knights Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Magpies Toyota Park
*Jets V Roosters Henson Park
*Bears V Dragons North Sydney Oval

ROUND 22 – 6,7,8 August

Bulldogs V Bears Sydney Showground
Dragons V Magpies WIN Stadium
Knights V Raiders Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Sea Eagles Penrith Stadium
Roosters V Sharks Aussie Stadium
Tigers V Rabbitohs Leichhardt Oval
*Jets V Eels Henson Park

ROUND 23 – 13,14,15 August

Dragons V Jets WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles V Knights Brookvale Oval
Raiders V Bulldogs Canberra Stadium
Roosters V Cougars Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Eels Toyota Park
*Bears V Rabbitohs North Sydney Oval
*Tigers V Magpies Leichhardt Oval

ROUND 24 – 20,21,22, August

Eels V Magpies Parramatta Stadium
Knights V Dragons Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Bears Penrith Stadium
Rabbitohs V Sea Eagles Aussie Stadium
Raiders V Roosters Canberra Stadium
*Jets V Bulldogs Henson Park
*Sharks V Tigers Toyota Park

ROUND 25 – 27,28,29 August

Bulldogs V Knights Telstra Stadium
Dragons V Sea Eagles OKI Jubilee Oval
Eels V Cougars Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs V Raiders Aussie Stadium
Sharks V Jets Toyota Park
Magpies V Bears Campbelltown Stadium
*Tigers V Roosters Leichhardt Oval

* denotes no NRL Fixture at venue

ROUND 26 – 3,4,5 September

Sea Eagles V Jets Brookvale Oval
Knights V Magpies Energy Australia Stadium
Cougars V Tigers Penrith Stadium
Raiders V Rabbitohs Canberra Stadium
Roosters V Eels Aussie Stadium
*Bears V Sharks North Sydney Oval
*Bulldogs V Dragons Belmore Sports Ground


The joint venture between St Marys and Penrith still exists. It applies to only the Premier League in 2004. The Panthers website indicates that Penrith will honour its commitment under the JV and play half of the home games at St Marys in 2004.


The Premier League has 14 teams and is played over 26 rounds. That is the perfect setup for two full rounds of home and away.

Somehow, whoever was doing the draw has come up with the teams playing 24 games plus two byes. To round out the stupidity, the Tigers and Cougars only play 23 games plus three byes !!!!

What is going on ?

Maybe the NSWRL got that Canadian mob to do the Premier League Draw.



The NSWRL draw organisers have your namesake in their head. The Premier League draw does correspond with NRL as much as possible but as you say, they stiull could've had a full home and away draw. The mind boggles.


It's easy to criticise, and these are the same conclusions I jumped to.

But... The NRL club's didn't want their Premiers sides playing away when they had a home game (fair enough), and I'm also led to believe they wanted byes. This basically pre-ordained the draw we have. I tried to nut out a better draw but after three days I basically had to concede that tying into the NRL draw means it's always gonna come out looking horrid. I know the guy in charge of it pretty well and would have told him where it could have been fixed if it could.

The biggest issue is the two Premier League sides feeding the Tigers actually. Without that it would fall together reasonably well. (bye bye Balmain ;-) )

Then of course there is the Flegg draw #-o

Try it for yourself.


I'll mess around with it....... so there are two constraints:-

a) two byes
b) homes games with NRL teams

Anything else ?


Nah that's it.

You'll be going like a dream until you find the Magpies and Tigers have screwed it up.


You were right Yappy, tying the games to the NRL draw makes it very difficult.

The Official PL draw has the following problems:-
a) Cougars and Tigers have a 3rd Bye rather than playing each other a 2nd time.

b) There are 6 occasions where a side should have played at home, but instead plays away to match up with the NRL draw (Rabbitohs v Bulldogs Rnds 7 & 14, Bulldogs v Tigers in Rnds 8 & 11, Roosters v Bears Rnds 12 & 17, Eels v Magpies Rnds 15 & 24, Raiders v Tigers Rnds 17 & 20, Dragons v Magpies Rnds 18 & 22).

c) Each team has 2 other teams (ignoring Tigers/Cougars 3rd bye) they only play once. To ensure an even split of home games, teams should play one of these at home and the other away. Manly, Cronulla and Tigers play both of these at home giving them 13 home games. Parra, Roosters and Norths play both away.

All up, taking into account Problems b) and c) the Tigers, Magpies & Bears only get 10 home games while some teams get 13 home games.

d) There are 3 occasions where two teams play each other in successive weeks (Raiders v Magpies in Rnds 9 & 10, Knights v Sharks in Rnds 17 & 18, Raiders v Rabbitohs in Rnds 25 & 26)

My version of the draw improves on these problems as follows:-
a) All teams have 2 Byes only and all play 24 games.

b) There are only 2 occasions, not 6, where teams lose their home ground advantage and play away to match NRL draw (Rnd 18 Magpies play away at WIN instead of a home game against Dragons, Rnd 20 Parra plays away at Canberra instead of a home game against Canberra).

c) Where teams play 2 other teams only once, all teams play one of these games at home and one away ensuring no effect on the number of home games.

All teams have 12 home games except Parra 11/Raiders 13 and Magpies 11/St George 13 (although note St George play ANZAC home game at Aussie Stadium as per NRL draw and official PL draw).

d) There is only 1 occassion, not 3, where two teams play each other in successive weeks (Magpies v Dragons Rnds 11 & 12).

My draw did introduce 1 situation where the PL team plays away while the NRL team plays at home (Rnd 10 Parra PL plays at Aussie Stadium while Parra NRL plays at Parramatta).

Some teams, particularly the Sharks, may not like their byes so close to the semis.

One thing I didn't put any time into was evenly distributing the home and away games, particularly for the Jets, Bears, Tigers and Magpies. If there is a problem with my draw in this regard, it can probably be fixed by swapping the games around when these teams are playing each other as those matches wont tie back to the NRL draw.

Anyway, here it is......
* = No NRL Fixture

Round 1 - 12, 13, 14 March
Cougars v Knights Penrith Football Stadium
Dragons v Raiders Oki Jubilee Stadium
Roosters v Rabbitohs Aussie Stadium
*Bears v Tigers North Sydney Oval
*Magpies v Sharks Campbelltown Stadium
*Bulldogs v Eels Belmore Sports Ground
*Jets v Sea Eagles Henson Park

Round 2 - 19, 20, 21 March
Raiders v Cougars Canberra Stadium
Bulldogs v Sharks Sydney Showground
Sea Eagles v Roosters Brookvale Oval
Rabbitohs v Magpies Aussie Stadium
*Jets v Dragons Henson Park
*Bears v Eels North Sydney Oval
Tigers BYE
Knights BYE

Round 3 - 26, 27, 28 March
Roosters v Bulldogs Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Sea Eagles Toyota Park
Eels v Knights Parramatta Stadium
Magpies v Cougars Campbelltown Stadium
*Bears v Rabbitohs North Sydney Oval
*Tigers v Jets Leichhardt Oval
*Raiders v Dragons Canberra Stadium

Round 4 - 2, 3, 4 April
Cougars v Roosters Telstra Stadium
Raiders v Eels Canberra Stadium
Dragons v Knights WIN Stadium
Rabbitohs v Sharks Aussie Stadium
Sea Eagles v Bears Brookvale Oval
*Tigers v Bulldogs Leichhardt Oval
*Jets v Magpies Henson Park

Round 5 - 9, 10, 11, 12 April
Roosters v Magpies Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Knights Toyota Park
Cougars v Bears Penrith Football Stadium
Eels v Rabbitohs Parramatta Stadium
*Tigers v Dragons Leichhardt Oval
*Bulldogs v Sea Eagles Belmore Sports Ground
*Jets v Raiders Henson Park

Round 6 - 16, 17, 18 April
Dragons v Cougars WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles v Eels Brookvale Oval
Knights v Roosters EnergyAustralia Stadium
Sharks v Raiders Toyota Park
*Jets v Tigers Henson Park
*Bears v Magpies North Sydney Oval
Rabbitohs BYE
Bulldogs BYE

Round 7 - 24, 25 April
Dragons v Roosters Aussie Stadium
Eels v Sharks Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Bulldogs Aussie Stadium
Raiders v Knights Canberra Stadium
Tigers v Sea Eagles Leichhardt Oval
*Bears v Cougars North Sydney Oval
*Magpies v Jets Campbelltown Stadium

Round 8 - 30 April, 1, 2 May
Bulldogs v Bears Telstra Stadium
Eels v Jets Parramatta Stadium
Knights v Rabbitohs EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Tigers Penrith Football Stadium
Roosters v Raiders Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Dragons Toyota Park
*Magpies v Sea Eagles Campbelltown Stadium

Round 9 - 8, 9 May
Sea Eagles v Dragons Brookvale Oval
Knights v Bulldogs EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Rabbitohs Penrith Football Stadium
Raiders v Jets Canberra Stadium
Roosters v Tigers Aussie Stadium
*Bears v Sharks North Sydney Oval
*Magpies v Eels Campbelltown Stadium

Round 10 - 14, 15, 16 May
Dragons v Bulldogs WIN Stadium
Jets v Knights Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Eels Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Roosters Toyota Park
Magpies v Raiders Campbelltown Stadium
*Tigers v Bears Leichhardt Oval
Sea Eagles BYE
Cougars BYE

Round 11 - 21, 22, 23 May
Bulldogs v Tigers Sydney Showground
Sea Eagles v Sharks Brookvale Oval
Eels v Dragons Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Bears Aussie Stadium
*Magpies v Knights Campbelltown Stadium
*Jets v Cougars Henson Park
Raiders BYE
Roosters BYE

Round 12 - 28, 29, 30 May
Knights v Magpies EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Bulldogs Penrith Football Stadium
Raiders v Sea Eagles Canberra Stadium
Roosters v Jets Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Rabbitohs Toyota Park
Tigers v Eels Leichhardt Oval
*Bears v Dragons North Sydney Oval

Round 13 - 4, 5, 6 June
Bulldogs v Roosters Telstra Stadium
Dragons v Rabbitohs WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles v Cougars Brookvale Oval
Knights v Eels EnergyAustralia Stadium
*Tigers v Raiders Leichhardt Oval
*Magpies v Bears Campbelltown Stadium
*Jets v Sharks Henson Park

Round 14 - 11, 12, 13 June
Eels v Sea Eagles Parramatta Stadium
Cougars v Dragons Penrith Football Stadium
Rabbitohs v Jets Aussie Stadium
Raiders v Sharks Canberra Stadium
*Tigers v Roosters Leichhardt Oval
*Bears v Knights North Sydney Oval
*Bulldogs v Magpies Belmore Sports Ground

Round 15 - 18, 19, 20 June
Bulldogs v Raiders Sydney Showground
Dragons v Magpies Oki Jubilee Stadium
Sea Eagles v Rabbitohs Brookvale Oval
Eels v Tigers Parramatta Stadium
Roosters v Knights Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Cougars Toyota Park
Jets BYE
Bears BYE

Round 16 - 25, 26, 27 June
Knights v Sea Eagles EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Eels Penrith Football Stadium
Rabbitohs v Dragons SCG
Magpies v Roosters Campbelltown Stadium
*Jets v Bulldogs Henson Park
*Tigers v Sharks Leichhardt Oval
*Bears v Raiders North Sydney Oval

Round 17 - 2, 3, 4 July
Sea Eagles v Bulldogs Brookvale Oval
Knights v Sharks EnergyAustralia Stadium
Raiders v Tigers Canberra Stadium
Roosters v Bears Aussie Stadium
*Magpies v Rabbitohs Campbelltown Stadium
*Dragons v Jets Oki Jubilee Stadium
Cougars BYE
Eels BYE

Round 18 - 9, 10, 11 July
Dragons v Magpies WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles v Tigers Brookvale Oval
Eels v Roosters Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Cougars Aussie Stadium
Raiders v Bears Canberra Stadium
Sharks v Jets Toyota Park
Knights BYE
Bulldogs BYE

Round 19 - 16, 17, 18 July
Knights v Bears EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Raiders Penrith Football Stadium
Roosters v Dragons Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Bulldogs Toyota Park
Tigers v Magpies Leichhardt Oval
*Jets v Eels Henson Park
Rabbitohs BYE
Sea Eagles BYE

Round 20 - 23, 24, 25 July
Dragons v Sharks Oki Jubilee Stadium
Knights v Jets EnergyAustralia Stadium
Rabbitohs v Roosters Aussie Stadium
Raiders v Eels Canberra Stadium
Magpies v Bulldogs Campbelltown Stadium
*Bears v Sea Eagles North Sydney Oval
*Tigers v Cougars Leichhardt Oval

Round 21 - 30, 31 July, 1 August
Bulldogs v Cougars Telstra Stadium
Sea Eagles v Raiders Brookvale Oval
Eels v Magpies Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Knights Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Tigers Toyota Park
*Jets v Bears Henson Park
Roosters BYE
Dragons BYE

Round 22 - 6, 7, 8 August
Bulldogs v Jets Sydney Showground
Dragons v Bears WIN Stadium
Knights v Raiders EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Sea Eagles Penrith Football Stadium
Roosters v Sharks Aussie Stadium
Tigers v Rabbitohs Leichhardt Oval
Magpies BYE
Eels BYE

Round 23 - 13, 14, 15 August
Dragons v Tigers WIN Stadium
Sea Eagles v Knights Brookvale Oval
Raiders v Magpies Canberra Stadium
Roosters v Cougars Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Eels Toyota Park
*Bulldogs v Rabbitohs Belmore Sports Ground
Jets BYE
Bears BYE

Round 24 - 20, 21, 22 August
Eels v Bulldogs Parramatta Stadium
Knights v Dragons EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Magpies Penrith Football Stadium
Rabbitohs v Sea Eagles Aussie Stadium
Raiders v Roosters Canberra Stadium
*Bears v Jets North Sydney Oval
Sharks BYE
Tigers BYE

Round 25 - 27, 28, 29 August
Bulldogs v Knights Telstra Stadium
Dragons v Sea Eagles Oki Jubilee Stadium
Eels v Cougars Parramatta Stadium
Rabbitohs v Tigers Aussie Stadium
Sharks v Bears Toyota Park
*Jets v Roosters Henson Park
Raiders BYE
Magpies BYE

Round 26 - 3, 4, 5 September
Sea Eagles v Magpies Brookvale Oval
Knights v Tigers EnergyAustralia Stadium
Cougars v Jets Penrith Football Stadium
Raiders v Rabbitohs Canberra Stadium
Roosters v Eels Aussie Stadium
*Bears v Bulldogs North Sydney Oval
Sharks BYE
Dragons BYE


I still think you can get a full home and away draw AND match up games with PL. There are 26 rounds needed for a full home and away PL draw. This could line up well with the current NRL draw of 26 rounds.

I'll have a go at this myself.

The only problem as I see it is that there are 12 home matches in NRL and 13 home matches (hypothetically) in PL. So you'd have to get each club to host at least one stand alone PL match.

I will return.


First Grade
Yeap, means Balmain will get a grand total of 6 points for 2004, a big improvement on past years hey Brooky :lol:


The Cougars Premier league beat the Bulldogs 20-16 in a trial at St Marys last saturday night. In the early game the Panthers Flegg lost 16-12 to the Bulldogs. This saturday night the Cougars play Canberra at Kirkham Park (home of the Camden Rams) with the flegg game commencing at 5.30.

Big Mick

Cougars and Tigers play this weekend, a week early in place of that extra bye, therefore giving them a chance to play for 2 points and also an extra game.

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