Other than that it was pretty average. The whole UN takeover of the Avengers and all the unnecessary guilt being the cause of the split was just f**king ludicrous. It should have been about Bucky killing Stark's parents. That would have been plausible, rather than just having Stark just accept the proposal right away. Magneto's daughter was upset because she had to stay in on a Saturday night... FFS.
The airport scene would have to be the most overhyped scene in history.
It was above average, but I can see why you felt this way.
I can buy the UN taking over the Avengers. But I don't buy Starks quick stance on it. His character has always been about being free and doing what ever he wants. But is now so guilty over Sokovia and New York, he's willing to turn himself into an authority attack dog? He stopped making weapons out of guilt. Why not just stop being Iron Man? It felt forced.
I was a little disappointed with the subtle change in Visions personality. He seemed less enlightened. I get they couldn't have him sit on the fence, but with him being the most enlightened one of them all, one that none of them had a problem with, it'd make it that much more emotional when Thanos rips the stone out of his head.
The airport scene is being massively over hyped. If it weren't for Antmans super size, aswell as his and Spideys humour, it would be easily forgettable. Enjoyable, but forgettable. There was no tension in it at all except for Black Panther and War Machine falling. The opening fight scene was easily better. Even the chase with Cap, Buck and Panther arrested was better.
Black Panther was the best and most interesting character by far. I felt he was underused. Be interesting to see how his own movie goes as there is no humour in him at all. Marvel may have to stray from their formula.
Spiderman honestly felt like he wasn't needed. Honestly, why buy the rights back for him if they used him like that? He played no role in the build up to the conflict. He wasnt caught in the middle what so ever. He's f**king Spiderman! He plays a pivotal role in the Civil War arc but here he was nothing. He served no purpose for such a big character. He didn't even set up anything for future movies except for the after credits scene. Wonder Woman played a more important role in Dawn of Justice. What a waste. And a shame they went so far from the source material.
It was an entertaining film on its own merits. It was a bit messy in the middle but there was alot going on. I liked it. I liked Cap 2 and the Avengers 1 much better, but this is still good.