Pic with Chopper from last weekends bucks. Me on the right with my arm around him haha
JW curious, was that in the USA?
Yeah mate, it was at the Gun Store in Vegas
No way would you be able to handle that kinda of hardware in Australia outside of the military.
Thought so.
I love how in 'merica it's about shooting a target of someONE, not just someTHING.
What's the name of the guy with the black VZ shirt on? I played a couple of seasons for Woy Woy back in the day and he looks kind of familiar...
Funny you should say that
My Mrs had a go at a few guns too and the targets they gave her were just the bog standard outlines like the ones in Albas picture above. When I asked them what the deal was they said that they dont give out the picture based ones to women because it "makes them uncomfortable to shoot at something with a face on it"
Crazy but true
Dad says fishing is 10% skill and 95% muscle, and the rest is just good luckFish-ing, fish-ing!