SL winning it 2 years in row should give it the boost in interest as a legit contest it needs. Missing this year is a faux pas at a time that they could have kept building it.
Outside of the hardest of hardcore RL communities, the WCC has been out of sight, out of mind in AU/NZ for almost 30 years, and it's not considered a serious contest by most of the people who are aware of existence (and for very good reason mind you, but that's it's own discussion).
The sad reality is that the average RL fan, let alone average punter, has little to no awareness of the WCC's existence anymore, and unless steps are taken to change that there's very little value in continuing with it.
Put simply, it needs to be taken out of the hands of the (mainly English) clubs, who've run it into the ground by abusing the concept for quick paydays and empty bragging rights, and handed to people with the means, and the will, to turn into a major event in it's own right.
Undoing 25+ years of it being mismanaged is a big task, and it needs to be handled with a little care. It needs to be planned well in advance and played in major stadiums, in front of big crowds, and sold to host cities as the main event of it's own show, not tacked onto another event as an afterthought.