I think its kind of funny - no, sad, that their is a post in our forum about how excited someone is about being "mentioned" to sign a top player.
Thats how sh*t our retention is - just being mentioned is f*cking wonderful!
As for O'Donnell, I didnt rate hinm either, Boof wasnt going to stay either way.
Woulda liked to have kepy Jeff Lima snd Nigel Plum though.
Either way, we need new players - whether they are from the juniors or from other clubs, our current lot just dont cut it.
Will be interesting to see who Shines picks this week with more than half the team injured. May be an interesting peek into what he thinks on the juniors.
We have 5 or 6 players from last week in doubt, no Lazarus, no Tagive.
If he doesnt play Laurie - somewhere (!!) I would expect him to seek a release and I wouldnt blame him.