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- 1,544
who is stagger?
is he black?
who is stagger?
is he black?
Why can't you just talk properly?
I'm with FP.
You are an annoying prick.
Why can't you just talk properly?
I'm with FP.
You are an annoying prick.
Well maybe if your heart is in the right place you would see that I am talking properly Suity. The English Language has 26 sounds/images (Letters). There were (and still are) languages of MANS tongue that had over 120 sounds and they were not restricted by read and write alphabet languages like English. The English language was called "The New World Language". It was created out of Latin, French, Greek & Hebrew read and write alphabet languages by professional French Judeo-Judaic Legals (today known as architects/draftsmen of law, some known as barristers and lawyers).
They started creating this man-made language (invented/imagined out-of-thin-air) during the 1200's and was completed in the early 1500's. Letters like J (j) didn't even exist until then and it appears that Francis Bacon alias William Shakespeare during the early-mid 1500's was the first to use the letter j with the word jew.
It's clear that words like Jesus came out of Iesus (iesus) and Lesus (lesus) which came out of Isis (and Zeus), which is one of the thirteen black-magic sects/cults of Ancient Egypt. Today, Ancient Egypt is often refereed to as the thirteen Hebrew lost tribes of IS RA EL (IS = Isis, RA = Ra, EL = Saturn/Elohim). The Vikings of William the Conqueror were Cannanite (Cannan) bloodlines, one of the 13 "supposed" lost tribes of Israel. They are an Aryan bloodline, usually tall, blue/green/grey eyes, usually with fair skin and with fair coloured hair. They represented the British Empire which included all the aristoratic/royal houses/families of Europe.
These bloodlines today ARE the establishment who have always been in power over the serfs and commoners of Europe and today mostly the globe. Mountbatten, Spencer, Windsor, Bush, Sax-Coburg-Gotha, Merovingian, Guelphs, etc, are just some examples of these exclusive and privileged blue-blood-bloodlines.
Up until roughly 1780, 99.99% of the total global population could not read and write (or talk) any read and write alphabet language going as far back as Ancient Egypt 8000BC (10,000 years ago), its hieroglyphics being the oldest known alphabet language in existence. All serfs/commoners had their village/tribal talk, passed down from their ancestors. In fact even up to 1930 a huge majority of the serfs and commoners of Britain (and other parts of Europe), who were being forced to learn English from roughly 1780 onwards, could still not read and write any alphabet language.
This means that today's supposed 6.5 billion population, their ancestors going back 10,000 years, could not record any history or holy books or journals etc in any read and write alphabet language. They had absolutely nothing to do with it. Only a very very tiny select few could record history, less than 100 per one million (probably 20 per 1 million), and they were the owners of the castles, the landlords, the high priest-hoods, the aristocrats, the royal families and all their lackeys.
You had to be privileged to spend the better part of 20 years being initiated into learning and mastering the CRAFT of read and write alphabet languages, mathematics and sacred geometry/geometry. They all came together and needed to be mastered so that an initiate could practice law or commerce or be an officer or educator etc. It was impossible to learn, comprehend, communicate and teach man-made con-structs (invented/imagined out-of-thin-air) without mastering these three sacred crafts of Ancient Egypt.
Only the victors could record history and as the victors were biased to suit their own version of reality, all recorded history (his story) and holy books etc, are probably FULL of lies and deception, designed to dumb down the masses into herds of sheeple (slaves, renters, commoners, goi, goy) who can easily be used, controlled and led around.
The keys to this dumbing-down braindirtying/brainwashing process are the new modern-day alphabet languages like English. The plan/agenda of the establishment was to cause MAN to fall from reality (consciousness) into a fairytale, that is a state of unconsciousness commonly referred to today as the matrix.
The scam is all about a shift in focus and it only requires a simple shift in focus for MAN to return back to reality, what Christians (and others) call the Garden Of Eden.
All read and write alphabet languages were crafted out of mathematics which were crafted out of sacred geometry. They are all forged out of the fires that are the occults and esoterics of Ancient Egypt. These fires are raging in the black-magic warlocks and witches cauldron of the dark-side (the establishment). All 3 do not exist as part of reality and we cannot find what they do for reality, for creation to roll along here and now. Would we and everything of reality suffer, if not die and fade away if they did not exist?????
You will not find any man-made con-struct (like 1, 2, 3, a, b, c, compass, square, angle) anywhere in reality (creation) because they do not exist. It's just that we were trained to add these fictitious meanings of fantasy, illusion, delusion onto any life-form of reality, inanimate or not, to tell us how to think and feel about them and in doing so, tell us who we are and what we are part of etc.
If everything we are taught is of a fairytale are we not living in one????
To become a "Learned Gentleman" you had to master these three crafts which are the true basis of ALL Freemasonry and its "Rules Of The Divide", the compass and angle being its logo. Out of the Rules Of The Divide came commerce, economics, astronomy, science, engineering, education, all university courses careers, titles & degrees, psychology, history, religion, all occults, all esoterics etc, etc and all together form the fairytale that is The Western World Civilisation Of Commerce.
Everything about this fairytale represents destruction to reality and the more MAN forgets who he/she really is and what he/she is really part of the more reality will fade away until it no longer exists. The dream that created MAN has almost been completely forgotten about. Both MAN and MANS EARTH (the body of MAN) are dying.
There is so much more to all of this Suity, to fill in heaps of missing pieces will take another 40 paragraphs or so but I have just provided you with a glimpse into where I am really at and why I am using Google images to communicate with you and others in this forum instead of using the stupid-dumbed-down sheeple English language where just one word can have heaps of different meanings causing massive misunderstandings and disinformation, etc etc.
The plan of the establishment is to keep us all divided so we can all be ruled by them so while we maintain a state of chaos (Why can't you just talk properly? I'm with FP. You are an annoying prick.) we can easily be ruled by others who provide THE ORDER OUT OF THE CHAOS (OF THEIR MAKING).
Every letter of the English language is an INCANTATION, they each have a meaning that is not taught to the masses like you and I and only the privileged (a small portion educated in law who are not only members of the bar but also of a fraternity) are initiated into these secrets and if you listen carefully to various judges and barristers communicating with each other in court (as well as politicians using the media to communicate with their breathren), they talk an Old-English language that resonates the true meanings (THE CODES) of every letter and to which goes over the head of ALL the commoners and serfs (the masses) and is ONLY for the understanding of The Learned Gentlemens.
Justice really means JUST-US (The Law Of The Establishment For The Benefit ONLY Of The Establishment).
As we combine letters (INCANTATIONS) we form SPELLS and that is why we are ALL forced to learn to SPELL (to understand their constructs) so that we could all be placed UNDER THEIR SPELL. Understanding means to be UNDER THEIR STANDING. The English language is their (the establishment) copyrighted alphabet language.
If you want to use the intellectual proprietary knowledge of Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings (to market merchandise or use images/scenaries/concepts etc) you have to get permission from the copyright holder to do so, at a cost (a royalty, a fee, an interest, etc). The same applies with renting the constructs that forms the fairytale that is the Western World Civilisation Of Commerce.
It's just that none of us were provided with FULL DISCLOSURE that we were being conned into hopping on a conveyor belt running through factory planet earth so we could be educated (brainwashed) into understanding the establishment constructs, therefore becoming renters of (believers in) their constructs, therefore becoming worshipers of their copyright material, therefore becoming the serfs and commoners (the renters) of their intellectual proprietary knowledge (THE FAIRYTALE).
We are all paying fees (Interest-Royalties To The Royal Family, taxes, licenses, registrations, permits, tolls, certificates, titles, etc etc) to the copyright holder ("THE CROWN" of the establishment), overseen by the government, the rule of law, the members of the bar, all law enforcement and private corporations (A PERSON), who ALL look at "THE CROWN" because they ONLY represent "THE CROWN" as its authorised representatives, administering the affairs of the copyright holder of the fairytale...... "THE CROWN".
When you were created by your parents they registered a fiction of you to the fairytale (THE CROWN) via your birth certificate (called the Strawman), which created a bond in a trust account with the treasury for your PERSON to act as an AGENT IN COMMERCE on the seas of Admiralty Law, which is the law of the fairytale governed by The Crown. Your signature creates all the fictional $$$$ you create out-of-thin-air (but you were led to believe you are borrowing) from "THE CROWN" (the copyright holder of the idea of commerce in all its fictitious forms).
We are not under common law anymore, it was all thrown out long-ago and even this is a long-winded story that is a trail full of lies, deception, delusion and collusion by members of the masonic fraternities, the ones higher up above the feel-good marketed image of philanthropy, those initiated into the true scam/con of MANS fall from reality.
After the British Empire overtly invaded and conquered all the supposed new lands of the Americas, Gondwanaland etc, after murdering hundreds/thousands of millions of MAN on the land since they started this genocide campaign between the 1200's to 1800's, destroying/removing as much of the memories of the indigenous 72 to 120+ sounds/images of the languages of MANS true tongue, they brought in (conned) their serfs/commoners to sow their seeds of new-found freedom until they put in place the infrastructure of civilisation (that never existed on these lands before) that allowed the British Empire to gradually recede overtly (give the impression that it had done so) but actually left behind a covert freemasonic wold that operates as its shadow government which props up and administers the affairs of THE CROWNS fairytale.
What we call constitution is really a CON to stitch us all up, as is democracy (democ race), as is government (govern men), as is commonwealth (the wealth that is the commoners fruits of labour bequeathed to the crown by contract). We are all slaves to the beast of the apocalypse because all civilisations of commerce are apocalyptic by design. If you or anyone else want to learn more about what is really going on have a listen to this unedited informal 2 hour teaser video and series of podcasts here: http://nospam06.com.au/node/6608 (scroll down to find them). There are many articles to be found there as well. All this information is now being used to create a documentary to help others awaken from la la land.
Enjoy the images I post because its my way of communicating as best I possibly can outside this brain-control garbage dished up by the establishment. You can call me a prick as much as you like but make sure you are not one of those slaves fighting to wear their manacles and protesting vigorously whenever someone tries to loosen them.
Booooooooooooo Casper![]()
Casper i appreciate you for who you are. Do i read your posts? no - but they look interesting whilst glancing at them as i scroll down. Keep it up, you're obviously intelligent.
gathering your own flock casper?Thanks Ronny,
The information exists for those for whom it may exist!!!!!
I am learning to appreciate your intelligence as well. I enjoy having a regular laugh particularly with you and HJ.
Booooooooooooo Casper![]()
AM you must sleep during every game from here to the end of the season. :lol:
Do we keep my aunt out too? She watched the Melbourne game then went overseas to England. She's back next week though.
Can't you guys just put Casper on ignore? I don't even bother reading his posts.
How do you do that ? Casper gives me a headache.![]()
Go to your user CP and 'edit ignore list' and just add 'casper the ghost' to the list. I have just done it.![]()
:lol:Thats probably just the herd/sheep thing
gathering your own flock casper?