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The Phil Gould Prediction Thread


In the tradition of Potato Head last year lets see if we can get next seasons predictions as wrong as he did last season. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So it’s early days I know, but how does everyone see the comp panning out next season? My Top eight made up of… in no particular order.

Sharks, if Anderson goes, if not Dragons

I think the Dogs bubble is going to burst, they’ve lost some quality players and the passion of wanting to prove everyone wrong last season will be gone also.
The teams to beat…again the Roosters (Don’t you hate them??) and I think the cowboys will be the big improvers, they have bought some quality players to add to an already strong side
Unlike last season Penrith will suffer during the rep stuff I think. The Knights to have strengthened their playing staff, and coupled with the knowledge they can win without Johns will have a much better season than last year.
Spoon, Well I think Souths will still be right up there.

There's my fearless predictions, what are yours???


Hmm you're right in the fact that it is very hard to tell, but I reckon the Tigers are contenders for the spoon in '04.

My top 8, also in no particular order, shapes up like this...

Bulldogs (I still think they've got enough bite to make the 8)


First Grade

no particualr order


My Top Eight Predictions for Next year

Broncos - Age will never weary them, they always seem to find good quality players and are always a force come finals time

Penrith - Proved to many a doubter (including myself) that they were capable of winning the comp, and will be a real force again next year

Cronulla - On the proviso that the sharks board sack Ando on Monday, the squad should do well, its a really awesome squad that has just been brought down by an idiot at the head of it

Canberra - The Green Machine will again be a force next year.....especially if they manage to provide sub arctic f**king temperatures down there in the ACT that not even a penguin could survive in

The Warriors - Big Mobile forward pack lead by the dynamic halfback Stacey Jones leading the way, their explosive attacking style will be much too much to handle for any team on their day, capable of scoring a try from any part of the park

The Roosters - The benchmark of the competiton i dont want to go into any more detail

The Cows - With the inclusion of Travis Norton expect the ever improving Cowboys to challenge for a spot in the eight if they can be consistant

The Knights - Realistically i dont expect them to challenge next year, but ive been wrong before, hopefully im wrong again this time.....i just see six weeks on the road coupled with state of origin and test matches are really going to hurt us
i think manly are going to suprise many people... They have purchased good in the off season.. Including Andrew Walker, is he a dual international?, i cant recall him playing for the roos, but i know he has played a few for the wallabies.. They also got michael monaghan and i think some young strong kiwi players.. They have also recieved military style training from US Navy Seals... So watch out for them to pull off the upsets.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
FFS. People are way to hard on Phil Gould. So he thought penrith would go poorly in 2003. Who thought they would win the premiership? I mean they had gone terrible over the last 2 years. They had one of the best years as far as injuries goes out of any team in the NRL. That was bound to give them a huge advantage that was basically a luck of the draw thing.

He's got the most successful record as NSW coach in there history, even now the broncos have become the most successful team since he took over the job. People can say that danny buderus's form at the start of the year wasn't as good as previously, because Gould was talking about danny being under pressure from wing. Has anyone talked to Danny and if so, did he say it was the reason. Maybe look at the other side of the coin. Was Craig Wings form first class since he showed great faith in him. If you don't believe me, have a look at the 1st origan game again.

NSW won another origan series under him last year. He must know his football to a good extent if he can come up with goods when it counted.


Bring it home Knights said:
FFS. People are way to hard on Phil Gould. So he thought penrith would go poorly in 2003. Who thought they would win the premiership? I mean they had gone terrible over the last 2 years. They had one of the best years as far as injuries goes out of any team in the NRL. That was bound to give them a huge advantage that was basically a luck of the draw thing.

NSW won another origan series under him last year. He must know his football to a good extent if he can come up with goods when it counted.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Oh deary me, just when I thought you'd started to lighten up a bit. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Taking pot shots at Potato Head is fair game any way you want to look at it. ( and lets face it your not one to miss a chance at taking pot shots at anyone are you?) My comment was merely there to get your attention to the thread (Guess that worked) for a few early predictions on next years comp, and see if we could be as wrong as he was last year, ( he was wrong wasn't he??) If you really want to read threads about the leagues ugliest man pop into the Goosters forum you'll find plenty of support in there, or you could search out the Phil Gould self appreciation web site, I'm sure he's created himself one somewhere.

Oh yes What has this got to do with next years predictions??

Bring it home Knights said:
He's got the most successful record as NSW coach in there history, even now the broncos have become the most successful team since he took over the job. People can say that danny buderus's form at the start of the year wasn't as good as previously, because Gould was talking about danny being under pressure from wing. Has anyone talked to Danny and if so, did he say it was the reason. Maybe look at the other side of the coin. Was Craig Wings form first class since he showed great faith in him. If you don't believe me, have a look at the 1st origan game again.

I didn't know Potato head was taking over the Broncos????

What are you raving on about Bedsy for???

You must've had too many Breezers at Richo's pub last night!! If not you seriously need to chill out a bit. :? :? :? :? :? :?
WTF is an origan? Its open season on Phil Gould as I see it. He deserves as much support and public praise as Ray Hadley.

I've got no opinion on the top 8 at the moment. I'm not even inclined to include the Knights in it yet after a dreadful season this year. I'm not sure why everyone likes the Cowboys either.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
I was refering to Phil Gould coaching NSW, whilst brisbane were the best team in the comp. This was always going to make QLD a high quality team.

I've just sat back and watched people on this knights forum continue to bag him for many months now. Some justified. I myself don't care for how much he's pro roosters and can't bring himself to say a bad word about them. When they're playing, IMO he's not imparcial enough.

But I'm of the opinion that a lot of this hatred of gould by alot of people comes back to him pushing Craig wing for SOO, Infront of buderus.

It's not so much this thread thats got under my skin, it's the 10 before it and this pushed me over the edge to say something.

It's a good question that's been brought up and I'm interested in hearing the replys from people.


Ok Time for some humour to lighten up this topic

New Predictions for 2004

1) The KFC Bucket Brigade will re emerge, all be it in a modified form. Anyone that doesent like it can get stuffed, i didnt pay money for those buckets to sit in my room for nothing

2) The Russians will emerge as a real force in international football

3) Ando and Phil Gould will still be dicks, but at least one of them will still have a job

4) Parki and Co will appear on the footy show, making that act that the Canterbury girls put forward appear rank and amateurish

5) Parki will finally get to meet his hero Greg Smith, and he will also get him to sign his upcoming USA tomohawks jersey with the words, "To Mark. Keep on Truckin. Your hero, Greg Smith"

6) Souths will still suck

7) Craig Wing will end up in hospital after someone sets fire to all the product in his hair

8) The Mermaids will still be the hottest cheersquad in the nrl

9) Andrew Johns will resurrect the mullet, sending hundreds of hairdressers in Newcastle out of buisness due to all the kids deciding mullets are cool

10) And last, but not least, I had a vision of Joey Diving off the top of the Town Hall into a sea of a hundred thousand novocastrians all cheering because the cup was safely back where it should be
The Knights challeneged last year! :lol:

Quick, delete that post, Tony. We wouldn't like people to see it and think Vigilante has gone nuts.



Bring it home Knights said:
But I'm of the opinion that a lot of this hatred of gould by alot of people comes back to him pushing Craig wing for SOO, Infront of buderus.
What Hatred?? I don't hate him, I just don't like him, and the Bedsy thing is right out of left field, never even entered my head. This was meant to be a light hearted intro into a look at next year. 8) Thank goodness Parki has a sense of humour, :lol: :lol: :lol:


My Predictions are

1. Roosters
2. Brisbane
3. Knights
4. Warriors
5. Penrith
7. Canberra
8. Sharks


Oh no. I love this. Every single year we ALWAYS here about the Cowboys & Wests Tigers. "This is their year baby". Well I am a strong advocate for getting over this. Each and every year for the past god knows how many seasons we always here the experts raving on and talking up the chances of these 2 teams. This year will be no different. First few rounds they win a few games, everyone starts kissing ass saying how the good form is due to some rediculous ritual the team has such as bloody bonding sessions or dressing room feng shui and what not. Then they start losing a few games, then a lot of games then the club experiences a Scandal or suspension of some sort and before you know it their season has "gooooone".

COWBOYS AND WESTS TIGERS WILL NOT MAKE THE 8. And As for the rest of the teams here we go...

Top 8 2004 - No particular order
Eels And no I dont give a shit why you havn't included them in *your* top 8
NZ Warriors
St George


parra_princess said:
Then they start losing a few games, then a lot of games then the club experiences a Scandal or suspension of some sort and before you know it their season has "gooooone".

Better to experience a scandal or suspension, then have a cr@ppy coach year after year. :lol:


In no particular order



Kaz said:
parra_princess said:
Then they start losing a few games, then a lot of games then the club experiences a Scandal or suspension of some sort and before you know it their season has "gooooone".

Better to experience a scandal or suspension, then have a cr@ppy coach year after year. :lol:

Yeah I suppose you'd know all about that too ay. :roll:
But then again, I'd rather have Brian Smith for the next 50 years if it meant our players being drug free and the club not cheating by complying with the Salary cap :D :D :D


First Grade
my top eight in no order

knights - we have all these new players and they are going to be realy good for the nights. joey most likely will not have a big role this season as he has had in other seasons. we have learned to play with out joey and win games with out joey. but joey is the bonus if he plays a whole season we could win the grand final and the boys would know it was a team effort it was not joey that got them there.

sharks - through all the problems they are having i think they will shine.

souths - never give up on them they have our winger and we have two of their players. souths are slowly building a team and even if it is made up of people mostly over 26. they will put a fight this year

parramatta - this is an interesting one, parramatta kind of disapeared after the grand final in 2001. but expect good things from them in season 2004.

roosters - won the grandfinal in 2002, runners up in 2003, but i think they will not be playing in the grand final in season 2004. but they will be the team to look out for

broncos - with tallis not playing rep footy they will have a stronger team. but maybe in season 2005 is when they will really shine

warriors - i would say that they will be at the bottom end of the top eight. they have had a few good seasons but i can not see them going very far this year

cowboys - they came good last year, but in all their games they just never seem to have exactly what it takes to beat a team. i know they did good last season but i am sure they can do better this season


from www.philgouldisatosser.com

"My predictions for 2004 are as follows and they must be right, after all noone else has a head as big and pretty as mine." - Phil Gould

1. Roosters
2. Daylight
3. That team
4. Those footy players
5. Whats a me call it
6. The guys with stuff
7. The sorta decent team
8. Thingo
9. Who cares
10. Definitely not the roosters
11. Hold on freddy, i'm writing gospel here, be with you in a sec..
12. I said hold on Freddy!!!
13. f**k it! come here big boy!
14. N/A
15. N/A

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