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The Pretenders


I know, the title suggests I am about to give a review on the latest soapie from channel 9 to rival Home and Away or Neighbours. Though sadly for the teenie bopper brigade, I am here to label the GB team and some fans as such given the BS we as RL fans endured when they finally got us in ONE meaningless game this year without the GREAT Darren Lockyer.

We, the Australian Kangaroo's, once again put the hapless GB to sword in the tri-series decider highlighting again the difference in class between the 2 nations when playing Rugby League. Sure, GB have gotten close to us this year as you all did in 2003, though when it's time to put it all on the line, GB are pretenders who settle for mediocre results. Beating us a couple of week's ago could of been the worse possible result as I firmly believe YOUR final was played that night. Anything else on top of that result was a bonus. Round of applause for you lot.

I can see many getting their soapbox ready, sharpening the knives ready to pounce given the truth is just about making you cry with anger, though read and weep, your nation on the Rugby League field simply remain pretenders that will continue to be the whipping boys of the convicts you sent to this great land many moons ago.

Brian Noble in some way softened the blow a few days ago saying we, the Australian team, had an advantage getting international referee of the year Russell Smith (a pom I might add who referee's his players in the 2nd class competition known as Super League) as the man in charge for the decider instead of the less experienced Black. How dare we? We foreited the right to have a neutral ref so as too ensure the ref was not the talking point after the game. Our decision was vindicated, Smith had a top game, the Poms still lost.

Wasn't it good to see the outspoken Pom players calling us out over there getting wrapped up in the hype that engulfed the UK press after the emphatic win over the mighty Aussies! :lol: Mr Morley, I believe you missed a spot, there is still some egg on your face. Enjoy training with the Sydney Boys and coach Ricky Stuart who will rib you for days on end.

On a positive we did see some talent emerge from the UK, Fieldon was one who I thought was a good player either way, though Carney shone bright for the Poms in this series and I for one hope to see both players in the colours of a NRL team in the coming years testing themselves vs the best in the business. This will not only help their games individually, but the GB team as well.

This result will hopefully be a catalyst which stops the influx of has been or never was NRL "stars" entering the SL competition taking the spots of juniors not getting the exposure necessary to compete with the more hardened, professional Aussies. I beg of you, do NOT let Brad Drew take the place of a young kid willing to pull on the GB jersey in years to come...

Before the series started, I was keen to see this McGuire kid on the international stage up against the GREAT Darren Lockyer. 39 tries in a 2nd class competition is all well and good, though I wanting to see McGuire take on Lockyer one on one. Sadly, the selectors or coach or both opted for Harris who was a non event in the final. TAKE RISKS, show some faith in the young guy who lit up your competition for SL premieres Leeds.

All in all, the outcome was more flattering for GB team given NZ played well below full strength. If NZ had all players on deck, I honestly believe GB are not in the final and we are not enduring some of the BS sprouted in the lead up to the game.

"Wayne, if we beat you in the final are entitled to be called World Champions?"... :lol: Thanks to the UK reporter for this brilliant question in the lead up to the final. We know what happened, we know the answer.

Pretenders to World Champions in one series? I think not.

Tommy Smith

Why do you have to be such a poor winner? Not that i read that boring dribble full of all those characteric unerlines etc but it was obviosu you were gloating. Be happy, you won, But dont gloat.


Tommy Smith said:
Why do you have to be such a poor winner? Not that i read that boring dribble full of all those characteric unerlines etc but it was obviosu you were gloating. Be happy, you won, But dont gloat.

When the shoe is on the other foot it simply isn't as easy to read "those characteric unerlines". I am happy we won, I knew we would, I am simply exposing the pretenders built up by the UK press after beating us in a meaningless game minus the game's premiere player. The revolution that was about to begin once again sputtered to an embarassing halt.

My dribble was worth replying too, move on if your not interested...


Staff member
I find it ironic that Aussie fans were so quiet after the loss two weeks ago, and have come out of the woodwork now.

Personally, I support no nation exclusively in international RL, so I have the interesting position of being to watch a match objectively and decide whether I'm happy or not based on how the game benefitted or disadvantaged internatinal RL. Based on that, I wasn't particularly stoked with yesterday's game. Australia were awesome, and I felt pride in my nation- but I was also disappointed with the result, because it put international RL back where it was at the series' beginning, with idiots declaring the death of the game at the top level and blindly patriotic Aussies giving the rest of us a bad name with arrogant posts. There's such a thing as humility in victory. It's fine to feel vindicated after a lot of biased GB press hyped up the Lions' chances all week, but the mature thing to do would be to not respond in the same vein that you were harassed in all week.

(Not a dig at you broncodroid, just responding in this thread, since it is the closest to the top to have sparked a 'poor sportsmanship call from a Pom)


Post Whore
Broncoroid, I agree with you 100%. You take the best player out of any side they struggle. Youy take the best player who also is the No1 playmaker, they you will REALLY struggle. Lockyer made the difference!


Broncodroid, why don't you try and curb your gloating arrogance, it doen't do you any credit.

(And try and get your spelling and punctuation right while you're at it. "Australian Kangaroo's"? Kangaroo's what? Kangaroo's pouch? Tail?)

Tommy Smith

Broncodroid said:
Tommy Smith said:
Why do you have to be such a poor winner? Not that i read that boring dribble full of all those characteric unerlines etc but it was obviosu you were gloating. Be happy, you won, But dont gloat.
after beating us in a meaningless game minus the game's premiere player.
Yeah but Joey has been missing for ages now so he doesn't really count as a missing player.

Tommy Smith

Oh an sorry, i meant characteristic. Just as im sure you meant KANAGROOS minus the '. (nicely picked up on Dogboy)


chriswalkerbush said:
I find it ironic that Aussie fans were so quiet after the loss two weeks ago, and have come out of the woodwork now.

Personally, I support no nation exclusively in international RL, so I have the interesting position of being to watch a match objectively and decide whether I'm happy or not based on how the game benefitted or disadvantaged internatinal RL. Based on that, I wasn't particularly stoked with yesterday's game. Australia were awesome, and I felt pride in my nation- but I was also disappointed with the result, because it put international RL back where it was at the series' beginning, with idiots declaring the death of the game at the top level and blindly patriotic Aussies giving the rest of us a bad name with arrogant posts. There's such a thing as humility in victory. It's fine to feel vindicated after a lot of biased GB press hyped up the Lions' chances all week, but the mature thing to do would be to not respond in the same vein that you were harassed in all week.

(Not a dig at you broncodroid, just responding in this thread, since it is the closest to the top to have sparked a 'poor sportsmanship call from a Pom)

Nooo...no shot at me CWB. Apart from my "blindly patriotic" post, who else were you were referring too? Call a spade a spade champ, I am not one to get offended when stating something that I believe. Grow some balls and call out people like me who are "blindly patriotic" and proud of it...don't tip toe around it, your referring to myself and I will leave it at that.

...but the mature thing to do would be to not respond in the same vein that you were harassed in all week.

No, that would be the way to safely keep 'pretend' friends from this forum onside with a post that more than likely would not be afforded to the Australian supporters if god forbid GB won. Again, I will leave it at that.

Dogboy, I wish you the best of luck in your battle against all spelling and grammatical errors on a board of this nature...have fun. :roll: Like all the others who get off on this, please, enjoy yourself on this epic crusade though next time how about contributing something that may be a starting point for more healthy, debate.

All in all, I may talk sh*t (thanks carlnz), I may show pride in my nation and hell, even go overboard in retaliation...truth is, it is my right to do so on this board and I saw nothing in the rules that being patriotic bordering arrogant was wrong. Hell, if some read what I wrote, they may even pick on that fact I am at an exaggerated level doing what others do daily here for club football which goes relatively over ok with the very same who want to chastise this post. ;-) Some may even be guilty of it at that level though aren't afforded the opportunity at international level as their country of origin (or choice if your from NZ when we look at TC) is not able to compete consistently with us, the WORLD CHAMPION Australian Kangaroos.


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