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The Salary Cap Is Not Fair


Post Whore
Nathan B said:
Friday night was the worst football I care to remember. Actually, include Thursday night's 'rep' game and it's definitely the worst pile of sh*t I've ever seen.

There's been worse...the Dross just wasn't televised back then because FNF was monopolized by six or seven clubs.

On the other stuff... I do want a salary cap. I just don't like the one we've got at the moment.

Fair enough, And I'd agree that it needs some major tweaking.

Nathan B

Hurriflatch said:
never said the dogs aren't losing players that were not part of the cap cheating but thats not the point are you really that thick.

The article mentions...Mark O'Meley, Johnathan Thurston, Roy Asotasi, Braith Anasta, Steve Price, Jamie Feeney, Hutch Maiava, Sonny Bill Williams and Nate Myles.

You then come up with...

Hurriflatch said:
the dogs cheated to get these players in the first place so they should never have been there to begin with


Take generalised pot shots at the Dogs all you want. Just have the balls to stand by them when someone calls you out.


Post Whore
Nathan B said:
Games from '88 - not my strong point :)

I bow to your superior knowledge.

44-10. I think it was the match where Donnie McKinnon decided to take a slash on the field.


Dogs, Saints, Broncs & Melb would all have amazingly strong teams if they'd been able to hold all their players of the last 3-4 yrs. Anyone outside those four would not have a chance in hell of winning the comp!


nqboy said:

THERE probably isn't too much sympathy for the Bulldogs over Mark O'Meley's defection to the Roosters. The Bondi club forked out massive money for "Shrek'', which led to Dogs coach Steve Folkes reportedly telling O'Meley that he would be crazy not to take the deal. The Bulldogs are probably the only club to stick stringently within the NRL's salary cap after being docked 37 points in 2002 for breaching the system. They have been bleeding for the past five seasons as a result, losing player after player.

Missing from the Dogs' 2004 premiership-winning team are Johnathan Thurston, Roy Asotasi, Braith Anasta, Steve Price, Jamie Feeney and Hutch Maiava. They also turned Nate Myles into an Origin player, only to lose him to the Roosters. They bought all those players as kids and developed them - some into international stars and others into very good first graders. Like the Broncos, the Bulldogs have a history of developing their own talent, of turning unknowns into household names.

Sonny Bill Williams and Willie Mason were scouted and now command massive contracts. To keep them at the club, the Dogs had to off-load the likes of Anasta, O'Meley and Myles. The Bulldogs aren't the only ones to suffer - look at the Dragons - but they are a glaring example of what is wrong with the salary cap. Clubs simply aren't rewarded for developing their own talent.

The Dogs spot players such as Thurston, Asotasi and Anasta, bring them along and watch them blossom, only for clubs that are too lazy to develop their own talent to come along with big-money offers and steal them away. Where's the justice in that?

The NRL says the cap is about having an even competition, using as evidence of its success the fact six different teams have won the competition since 2000. But it's an even competition at the expense of loyalty. The fact is, great eras are defined by great teams, such as the Dragons' reign in the '60s, the Eels in the '80s and the Raiders of the late '80s and early '90s. Teams these days don't get a chance to build a dynasty.

Price, Asotasi, Thurston and Anasta should have been Bulldogs for life but that can't happen under the present system. Which means the Bulldogs have to turn another kid into a star and watch as in three, four or five years the unfair process repeats itself. Next time around it may be Mason or Williams they are forced to off-load.

And that's just not fair.

bulldogs develop their own players? :lol: look at where their juniors are at.

funniest thing ive ever read

The Informer

perverse said:
larger salary cap concessions for long serving players (scaling upward from around 15% at 5 years to 50% at 10 years) including junior football is my answer.

The cap is not fair, and never will be. These style of concessions are the only way to support clubs development, otherwise many will just sit back and spend rather than develop.

The game already has a huge problem at the grass roots given the dying interest and or focus in many metro areas, little alone what has been heppening in country areas through the last 10 yrs. If there is not greater emphasis and self interest for clubs to do this it will hurt the game considerably in the years ahead.

And if you don't think it's become a problem just look at the inroads that AFL has made through the last 10 yrs north of Victoria. Why? Because they have invested millions upon millions at the grass roots.

The cap and junior development concessions must be linked, for the games benefit.


Post Whore
The Informer said:
The cap and junior development concessions must be linked, for the games benefit.

How? How's that going to change the current 'pillage the countryside' mentality of RL clubs? If anything, the mad scramble to contract 15 year olds will just get worse, and Rural RL will be all the more poorer for it.


Sharing the premiership around...thats what the cap does. I don't see the point in it. I'm happy with a concession for developing your own players. Clubs like Bulldogs/Parra/Dragons etc. who develop all the talent for the comp to be so successful don't deserve to be sitting down the bottom of the ladder because the recently developed players want the $$$


we have been hit very hard becase of the cap, however i believe it is for the good of the game.


If people want to link salary cap concessions to juniors then it would require a huge restructure of the junior system so that all clubs get an equal share.

Notice most teams who claim they "develop" players are generally those who have extremely large bases to begin with. Its all very good and well for a dragons fan to say they "develop" their own juniors when their junior base stretches over a few thousand square kilometres. They get more good juniors simply because they have more juniors to pick from, no development required other than making sure kids are born in those areas (which I hardly think they influence).

As for the dogs losing too many of their 04 GF side, take a look at how many easts have won. They have retained Wing, Fitzy, Mini and Flannery. Rest of the team has moved on to other clubs, england, or retired since then. I wonder where the big "boo hoo" article is about them??


Why is it that there is only whinging about the salary cap when it comes to the Bulldogs losing players??

From the Roosters period of 2000 - 2003, we have lost the following players due to Salary cap:-

Matt Sing
Adrian Lam
Peter Cusack
Shannon Hegarty
Ryan Cross
David Kidwell
Brett Finch (any excuse to get rid of him)
Bryan Fletcher
Michael Crocker
Jason Cayless

I agree that the salary cap should be in place, and needs to have exemptions for players developed from say Flegg stage, as the City teams have absolutely no way of competing with junior teams of Country teams due to the number of teams competing for the same juniors, and the areas available.

Of the players listed above, the only players that came from 1st grade at other clubs would be Matt Sing, Finch (should have left him there) & possibly Jason Cayless (not sure if he was regular 1st grader at parra or reserve / bench palyer).

There will be the usual howls about Roosters not developing juniors, and this is valid to a degree, but again we have an area of approx 20 square kilometers of junior base, and St George have half the state to work with (and do an excellent job with it).

Happy to cop any critiscism for the above, but sick of hearing about the poor Dogs, when half their team came from other clubs, and THEY CHEATED THE CAP as well!!!


Danish you got in just before me.

Also forgot Adrian Morley as another lost to Salary cap


mattyg said:
Sharing the premiership around...thats what the cap does.

Theres much more to it than that. Not all clubs have the same amount of money to spend on paying out player contracts. Getting rid of the cap would turn the comp into a 4 horse race (at best) with several teams at the bottom on the verge of financial death.

And all clubs have to deal with the same issues when it comes to losing players because of the salary cap. The bulldogs are the last club anyone should feel sorry for when it comes to losing players because of the cap.

Nathan B

eaglezno1 said:
bulldogs develop their own players? :lol: look at where their juniors are at.

funniest thing ive ever read


It's 2007. If we want the game to be popular throughout the world, then we have to start getting used to clubs spotting talent right around the world.

Besides... does it take a bigger effort for the Dogs to spot a 14-year old Sonny Bill in Auckland, or a 14-year old born and bred in Belmore?


i agree and diagree with the cap i dont think it works as long serving players either get tossed to the curb, get less money for showing loalty or get offered more money some where else and thay leave. also clubs that develop juniors are not rewarded for there hard work when other clubs come in and take the cream. i agree with is as you dont want another team winning 11 in a row like st george the olny people who like this would be the team that go for that team. rep players should get more but this should come from the NRL not the clubs. finnaly i am sick of hearing people bring up what happend to the dogs in 2002 yes that did cheat but the players still had to perform to get the points. it was not the fault of the players and for thoues players to be punished for mismanagment i thriought was wrong. i also think the players deserved some praise for how thay perfomed after the points were taken off them. i was at the final game in 2002 against the broncos and is something i will never forget. spin tingaling


What does it mean to "develop" juniors? is it solely out of luck that a particular player happens to live in your area and just decided to play at age 10 or so? What does a club actually do to "develop" them other than provide a comp to play in and training? All clubs are in this business so i dont see why ppl always say how this club develops more than others. The junior base is also a valid point. They should redistribute district lines to ensure every club has a fair share of juniors to play in their comps.

Also, why is there always a sense of ownership over players who pull on your teams jumper?

i mean, the dogs lose Thurston, the Aust halfback, but he left cos the dogs had Sherwin there.... The dogs had a choice and could have kept him, having the jnr only means u get first crack at him, but doesnt mean he's got to stay there forever.

So what is so bad about leaving to pursue another opportunity. Finding another club or coach to believe in you when your existing club doesnt.


nqboy said:

THERE probably isn't too much sympathy for the Bulldogs over Mark O'Meley's defection to the Roosters. The Bondi club forked out massive money for "Shrek'', which led to Dogs coach Steve Folkes reportedly telling O'Meley that he would be crazy not to take the deal. The Bulldogs are probably the only club to stick stringently within the NRL's salary cap after being docked 37 points in 2002 for breaching the system. They have been bleeding for the past five seasons as a result, losing player after player.

Missing from the Dogs' 2004 premiership-winning team are Johnathan Thurston, Roy Asotasi, Braith Anasta, Steve Price, Jamie Feeney and Hutch Maiava. They also turned Nate Myles into an Origin player, only to lose him to the Roosters. They bought all those players as kids and developed them - some into international stars and others into very good first graders. Like the Broncos, the Bulldogs have a history of developing their own talent, of turning unknowns into household names.

Sonny Bill Williams and Willie Mason were scouted and now command massive contracts. To keep them at the club, the Dogs had to off-load the likes of Anasta, O'Meley and Myles. The Bulldogs aren't the only ones to suffer - look at the Dragons - but they are a glaring example of what is wrong with the salary cap. Clubs simply aren't rewarded for developing their own talent.

The Dogs spot players such as Thurston, Asotasi and Anasta, bring them along and watch them blossom, only for clubs that are too lazy to develop their own talent to come along with big-money offers and steal them away. Where's the justice in that?

The NRL says the cap is about having an even competition, using as evidence of its success the fact six different teams have won the competition since 2000. But it's an even competition at the expense of loyalty. The fact is, great eras are defined by great teams, such as the Dragons' reign in the '60s, the Eels in the '80s and the Raiders of the late '80s and early '90s. Teams these days don't get a chance to build a dynasty.

Price, Asotasi, Thurston and Anasta should have been Bulldogs for life but that can't happen under the present system. Which means the Bulldogs have to turn another kid into a star and watch as in three, four or five years the unfair process repeats itself. Next time around it may be Mason or Williams they are forced to off-load.

And that's just not fair.

WHo cares about the Dulldogs?