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The Skull (Somewhat dragon related)

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The Damo

The Nazi's were a wild mixture of ideals as Hitler tended to just do whatever he thought would be most beneficial at the time.

I always wonder why people compare death and discrimination to the Nazi's though....Communism has killed, detained and eliminated innocent people something like 5 X the amount that the Nazi's did...yet College campuses are rampant with kids espousing Communist/Socialist/Marxist nonsense, as if it is the peaceful answer to all of life's problems.
Hint: Its not.

PS: This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if Q & R were eliminated.
That tendency of hitlers is likely behind the adoption of ‘socialism’ in the name and early days of the nazis, as the actual socialists were the other group with a lot of popular backing during the days of the Weimar Republic. He was pretty consistent on many of his ideals though - racial purity, nostalgia for a glorious past, the threat of the ‘other’ and ‘degenerates’ to the master race, the inevitability and gloriousness of armed struggle etc.

I imagine it’s because we fought arguably the most destructive war of human history against nazism. And the way the holocaust was implemented seems more horrifying to people than the famines, gulags and disappearances under communist regimes. Perhaps because if they acknowledged that then they might notice the number of deaths and state crimes under similar circumstances that would be equally as attributable to capitalist governments?


That tendency of hitlers is likely behind the adoption of ‘socialism’ in the name and early days of the nazis, as the actual socialists were the other group with a lot of popular backing during the days of the Weimar Republic.

Hitler did implement a few Socialist policies, though he didn't endorse Socialism as a ruling philosophy.

He was pretty consistent on many of his ideals though - racial purity, nostalgia for a glorious past, the threat of the ‘other’ and ‘degenerates’ to the master race, the inevitability and gloriousness of armed struggle etc.

Hitler became increasingly erratic as time wore on, which could be attributed to his poor health and the stress levels of losing a war. I think a lot of Hitlers views and Himmlers views get sort of blurred into the one version of "Hitler".

Himmler was, in my opinion, far more callous and murderous than Hitler, though they worked hand in hand in supporting each other.

Fun fact, Hitler was NOT into the occult, contrary to popular belief...that was all Himmler and Hitler publicly chastised him about his obsession with it.

Himmler had the SS amass the world largest collection of witch trial reports...the theory is that Himmler would use this "attack" on Germanic Pagan women by Christians as justification for eliminating the Christian church from Germany - another thing which Hitler opposed.

I imagine it’s because we fought arguably the most destructive war of human history against nazism. And the way the holocaust was implemented seems more horrifying to people than the famines, gulags and disappearances under communist regimes. Perhaps because if they acknowledged that then they might notice the number of deaths and state crimes under similar circumstances that would be equally as attributable to capitalist governments?

True, although perception doesn't always equal reality.

Frank Facer

First Grade
Ta, saved me the trouble.
I’d also add that arguing that white people are racially superior to Africans or other people of colour is not just ‘unpopular’ speech. It is incorrect at any level or type of scienctific enquiry you choose to name. It’s discriminatory, dangerous nonsense that’s been used to justify and motivate terrible crimes. FF you seems like a decent enough chap, but you’ve got hold of some dreadfully misguided ideas, and you’ve been lied to by people who do not have your interests at heart. the “nazis were actually left wing socialists” theory is a great example of this - and is easily disproved by evidence and testimony from people who were there. A footy forum is not really the right place for this - but the offer to discuss this stuff and present different and much more credible evidence remains open.
From a terrible lefty - peace man.
Please tell me who argued that white people were racially superior to Africans or other people of colour? Because I certainly didn't.

Please tell me what my dreadful misguided ideas are?

BTW I do not identify as being left or right and never have, but a few years ago, I thought others would have put me in the left category.


The Nazi's were a wild mixture of ideals as Hitler tended to just do whatever he thought would be most beneficial at the time.

I always wonder why people compare death and discrimination to the Nazi's though....Communism has killed, detained and eliminated innocent people something like 5 X the amount that the Nazi's did...yet College campuses are rampant with kids espousing Communist/Socialist/Marxist nonsense, as if it is the peaceful answer to all of life's problems.
Hint: Its not.

PS: This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if Q & R were eliminated.

So.....the Nazi were basically just misunderstood ? Those crazy kids.


First Grade
Crazy, crazy, cray-f**ken-zee kids.

Intergalactic Federal Prison ? Your certainly have been around , by some chance did you ever run into a gentleman there by the name Valiesky , alias Sigturd , Ruby etc. etc . .?
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The Damo

Please tell me who argued that white people were racially superior to Africans or other people of colour? Because I certainly didn't.

Please tell me what my dreadful misguided ideas are?

BTW I do not identify as being left or right and never have, but a few years ago, I thought others would have put me in the left category.
Not you - Splinters did. That’s what his deleted post was arguing. And I assume that’s why it was deleted. Never said you did.

That nazis were socialists
That ‘the left’ are taking away free speech
That antifa are communist
That antifa are some dreadful violent scourge in Europe, USA, and here.
That you can take the word of a commenter on the DT that antifa are waging psy ops by putting up nazi posters
That there aren’t white supremacists or neo-nazis, and it’s a media beat up
Just on the last one - look up this fine fellow who’s made it onto CH7 recently


That nazis were socialists - False. They did have some socialist policies though.

That ‘the left’ are taking away free speech - True.

That antifa are communist - True.

That antifa are some dreadful violent scourge in Europe, USA, and here. - True

That you can take the word of a commenter on the DT that antifa are waging psy ops by putting up nazi posters - I’m going to go out on a limb and say: False

That there aren’t white supremacists or neo-nazis, and it’s a media beat up - Somewhat True.

Just on the last one - look up this fine fellow who’s made it onto CH7 recently - What a lovely fellow. Would fit right in with ANTIFA.
View attachment 18535


Hitler became increasingly erratic as time wore on, which could be attributed to his poor health and the stress levels of losing a war.
Last year I listened to an interview with a researcher named Norman ohler. The topic was a book that he had written regarding drug use in the third reich.

A lot of the content can be found online if you're interested enough to google. From memory it talks about hitlers use of amphetamines and opioids, and looked at Mussolini too. (Also went into topics such as the use of cocaine to allow one man submarines to travel long distances, and forced marches using amphetamines to gain the element of surprise).


Last year I listened to an interview with a researcher named Norman ohler. The topic was a book that he had written regarding drug use in the third reich.

A lot of the content can be found online if you're interested enough to google. From memory it talks about hitlers use of amphetamines and opioids, and looked at Mussolini too. (Also went into topics such as the use of cocaine to allow one man submarines to travel long distances, and forced marches using amphetamines to gain the element of surprise).

Hitlers personal physician was an absolute quack. He had him on all kinds of drugs and medications to keep him going. If Hitler had had a real doctor, things may have turned out very different! I'm surprised that this is often overlooked.

I've also been told that there was a period on the Eastern Front where the SS fighting units were basically given Ice (the drug) because it made them crazed, fearless and impervious to the pain of battle and the cold.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is where the whole "Zombie Nazi's" comes from.

Frank Facer

First Grade
Not you - Splinters did. That’s what his deleted post was arguing. And I assume that’s why it was deleted. Never said you did.

That nazis were socialists
That ‘the left’ are taking away free speech
That antifa are communist
That antifa are some dreadful violent scourge in Europe, USA, and here.
That you can take the word of a commenter on the DT that antifa are waging psy ops by putting up nazi posters
That there aren’t white supremacists or neo-nazis, and it’s a media beat up
Just on the last one - look up this fine fellow who’s made it onto CH7 recently
View attachment 18535
Splinters post was deleted, so very can't verify if he actually said that whites were superior to Blacks and other people of colour.

So the National Socialist Workers Party weren't socialist? lol

I said that I don't know any white supremacist or Neo Nazi's, everyone I have asked doesn't know any either, but the left and Antifa are allowed to label others who are not and do not identify as white supremacists or Nazis as White supremacist or Nazi's, as as smear words.

The readers can do their own research on Antifa. They actually display communists flags with the hammer and sickle.

The readers can do their own research on all of your above points.

We will see if that Miranda Divine article was a precursor to new laws being introduced in the future?

Unfortunately no one can show you the Matrix, you have to see it for yourself.

The Damo

That nazis were socialists - False. They did have some socialist policies though.

That ‘the left’ are taking away free speech - True.

That antifa are communist - True.

That antifa are some dreadful violent scourge in Europe, USA, and here. - True

That you can take the word of a commenter on the DT that antifa are waging psy ops by putting up nazi posters - I’m going to go out on a limb and say: False

That there aren’t white supremacists or neo-nazis, and it’s a media beat up - Somewhat True.

Just on the last one - look up this fine fellow who’s made it onto CH7 recently - What a lovely fellow. Would fit right in with ANTIFA.
View attachment 18535
- many more capitalist policies - don’t take my word, ask Mercedes Benz, Krupp, Bayer, Siemens, Allianz etc
- yes the mighty left are making right and centre right governments censor speech. Honestly you think the British House of Lords is left wing?
- nope, mostly anarchists.
- nope, check the convictions for murders and violence by fascist or far right groups across Europe and the United states and compare to those for antifa of far left groups. You know, actual evidence.

The Damo

Splinters post was deleted, so very can't verify if he actually said that whites were superior to Blacks and other people of colour.

So the National Socialist Workers Party weren't socialist? lol

I said that I don't know any white supremacist or Neo Nazi's, everyone I have asked doesn't know any either, but the left and Antifa are allowed to label others who are not and do not identify as white supremacists or Nazis as White supremacist or Nazi's, as as smear words.

The readers can do their own research on Antifa. They actually display communists flags with the hammer and sickle.

The readers can do their own research on all of your above points.

We will see if that Miranda Divine article was a precursor to new laws being introduced in the future?

Unfortunately no one can show you the Matrix, you have to see it for yourself.
I read it, so I can verify.
Question - if someone says they are one thing, but actually do another thing, what do you believe - what they say, or what they do?
Do you believe the DPRK is democratic for instance? As I said above ask companies that profited from the holocaust like Hugo Boss or Porsche if the nazis were socialists.
Again, antifa are mostly anarchists, with a variety of other ideologies including communists as well. Can’t say for sure but I’d bet those displaying the hammer and sickle are likely trolling and enjoying the outrage from gullible reactionaries.
And yes, people should look up convictions for murder etc in Europe and theUSA by fascists and other far right groups, Golden Dawn for example,and compare to those linked to antifa and other far left groups. Try it yourself, you might learn something. Might get you to spit out that red pill you’ve been sucking on.


- many more capitalist policies - don’t take my word, ask Mercedes Benz, Krupp, Bayer, Siemens, Allianz etc

- yes the mighty left are making right and centre right governments censor speech. Honestly you think the British House of Lords is left wing?

- nope, mostly anarchists.

- nope, check the convictions for murders and violence by fascist or far right groups across Europe and the United states and compare to those for antifa of far left groups. You know, actual evidence.

I didn't say they didn't have Capitalist policies. I merely mentioned that they DID also have a few socialist policies.

Yes, the left is trying to censor free speech. Having conservatives/right wingers banned from social media platform, not allowing conservative speakers to enter foreign countries, trying to ban conservative speakers from College campuses, attacking people who dar disagree with them, interrupting and in some cases derailing conservative speaking events...Do you consider this to be encouraging free speech?

I was going to go with Anarchists but that wouldn't be correct. They are a mix of Communists and Anarchists who violently oppose anyone who disagree's with the Far Left views.

The question was whether they were a violent scourge across the world - they are. The question had nothing to do with conviction rates and who had the higher rate. You know, actual context.

The Damo

I didn't say they didn't have Capitalist policies. I merely mentioned that they DID also have a few socialist policies.

Yes, the left is trying to censor free speech. Having conservatives/right wingers banned from social media platform, not allowing conservative speakers to enter foreign countries, trying to ban conservative speakers from College campuses, attacking people who dar disagree with them, interrupting and in some cases derailing conservative speaking events...Do you consider this to be encouraging free speech?

I was going to go with Anarchists but that wouldn't be correct. They are a mix of Communists and Anarchists who violently oppose anyone who disagree's with the Far Left views.

The question was whether they were a violent scourge across the world - they are. The question had nothing to do with conviction rates and who had the higher rate. You know, actual context.
See I think what you’re doing here is what you accuse the left of doing - conflating conservatives with fascists/far right politics. There is a difference. Spencer is an admitted white supremacist, Milo described a guy with a giant swastika tattoo as ‘very on brand for me’. Those “conservative speakers” being banned from entering countries are usually claiming that multiculturalism equals white genocide and for segregation or expulsion of “lesser” races or cultures. These are not conservative positions.

And again no - far more anarchists than communists, and not attacking anyone who disagrees, rather disrupting fascist and far right rallies, and yes sometimes employing violence - often in self defence, though I wouldn’t claim always.

And if you don’t dispute that fascists and far right groups are responsible for greater rates of violence, why are you claiming antifa are a worldwide scourge? Wouldn’t that context actually vindicate their position?
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