Eh, I quite enjoyed it. First time I ever gave two f**ks about Daryl or Beth. Bit of a fan when shows slow down and focus on characters, much like "Clear". Wasn't written as well, but if I can, for just a split second, care about Daryl, then it has done its job. I hate however that we're in the same position as last year; drawing closer to the end of the season with such little idea where it's going.
The Hunters arc is something I feel will start in the finale, a massive cliffhanger that really didn't have to be. It's a shame Mazzara f**ked the show up because this season could have been entirely dedicated to the time between the end of the prison arc to the start of Washington (I'll keep from spoiling it for those who haven't read the comics). I just hope once they get there they don't stray too far from the comics, which is hard but given how well the arc was written, it would be an incredible shame to see it suffer the same fate as The Governor/Woodbury/Prison in the TV show.