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The World Cup Thread


First Grade
Red and Blue Knight said:
I was teasing Astro about been a swans bandwagoner the other night and had a stab at her been a Socceroos one. Then i commented that so is the majority of the country atm.
I don't consider myself to be on the Socceroos bandwagon.

I admit to not knowing much about soccer, nor do I follow each individual player's performances for their club, however I consider that I have followed the Socceroos over a period of some time - I watched their final matches in their last 2 qualifying campaigns (was in tears after the match in Montevideo) and have been following this world cup qualifying with interest. I'll admit to not being that interested in the Oceania leg of qualifying though.


Red and Blue Knight said:
Ok, if you're not a swans bandwagoner then your definetly a Socceroos one. But so is 95% of the country atm. Most still wouldn't be able to name three players though.

Call it what you like, but the increased support for the game around World Cup time is only a good thing. I don't think anyone is being a "bandwagon" supporter, rather they are showing a genuine interest in the game with the hope that its profile is raised in this country, especially now the Socceroos are involved.

This is a great opportunity for the public to learn about football and with some luck their interest will continue on into the A-League season. And with that hopefully a passion for supporting their team will grow and we'll finally get the sport off its arse in this country.

It's attitudes like calling everyone bandwagon supporters and that the only level worth watching is the ESL, that keeps the sport in this country down.
astrogirl said:
I'll admit to not being that interested in the Oceania leg of qualifying though.

hehe, that doesnt mean much, ive watched every socceroos game in the last 12 years....except for the oceania qualifiers.
Samwise said:
that the only level worth watching is the ESL, that keeps the sport in this country down.

YES EXACTLY! Finally an australia football fan that doesnt want to rape the premier league. its absolute crap! give me spanish or Italian any day.
You're right RABK (see I'm making an effort to use forum names), it is a bandwagon.

But the best thing is that some of the most passionate supporters on Earth started on bandwagons. Ask around at the footy and see how many people that are now passionate Knights fans started after the 97 GF.

I know this because I am one of those football bandwagoners who have stuck around. My two best mates, who I met at Year 11 (1998), are passionate Manchester United fans, and they inroduced me to the game. Now anyone who knows a bit about the recent history of the Premier League will know that 98/99/00 was a very pleasant time to be a Red Devil. But now I am as passionate a Man Utd supporter, and football fan, as anyone. I miss ridiculous amounts of sleep during the EPL season!

Many people come for the bandwagon, but they stay for the game. Let's hope that is what happens with football in Australia.


First Grade
Article about Lucas Neill, one of my fave players :D


Neill a hero from old school
By Iain Payten
May 18, 2006

THEY are the samba kings with magic feet and a $70 million price tag, but don't expect Lucas Neill to wake in cold sweats about Brazil's deadly strikers.

Australia defender Neill is the man with the unenviable task of stopping superstar duo Ronaldo and Ronaldinho when the Socceroos meet the South American giants in the World Cup next month.

Ronaldo and Ronaldinho have won five of the past 10 World Player of the Year awards between them, but an undaunted Neill is looking forward to testing his uncompromising defence against the pair's tricks and treats.

"You know whoever you are going to mark is the best shirt you could ever have on your wall," Neill said yesterday.

"They're the best in the world but I don't see it as something to lose sleep over.

"I see it as a personal challenge against players as good as that, to see just how good you are."

Neill, 28, is a crucial cog in Australia's backfield after emerging as one of the most respected defenders in the English Premier League.

Neill, back in Sydney yesterday to launch Telstra's World Cup HeroMessage service, laughed off the recent insult of Ronaldo, who said he didn't know of a single Socceroos player.

"I'd be most surprised if he doesn't know Harry Kewell and Mark Viduka," Neill said.

After visiting his former school in Wakehurst on Sydney's Northern Beaches, Neill said he was starting to realise the huge interest in Australia about the World Cup.

"You see all the mad soccer supporters come out of the shadows again," Neill said.

"Look, I don't expect us to win the World Cup but we will certainly put on a good show."

The Daily Telegraph
A vastly under rated player. I thinik the battle between Ronaldinho and Neill will be one of the highlights of the Cup.

I don't know whether Neill will be able to stop the Samba King, but I'm bloody sure he'll go as close as anyone else will.
this is a little off topic, but did anyone see the Mighty Barcelona win the European Champions League this morning? man so good, im still so psyched!


The_Joey_Show said:
My two best mates, who I met at Year 11 (1998), are passionate Manchester United fans, and they inroduced me to the game. Now anyone who knows a bit about the recent history of the Premier League will know that 98/99/00 was a very pleasant time to be a Red Devil. But now I am as passionate a Man Utd supporter, and football fan, as anyone. I miss ridiculous amounts of sleep during the EPL season!
I'm a Manchester City man myself.
I have no problem with bandwagon supporters if they stick with their team once they've hopped on the wagon. It's fickle supporters that keep jumping from wagon to wagon once their team starts to struggle that sh*t me.

The Devil

pennywisealfie said:
this is a little off topic, but did anyone see the Mighty Barcelona win the European Champions League this morning? man so good, im still so psyched!

Wasn't the best reffing display though..


Staff member
I'm all for people jumping on the Socceroos' bandwagon, hopefully our presence in the World Cup will make people realise what a tremendous sport football is and get out to more A-League games. The A-League is vastly superior to the NSL and there's some real starts floating around in it (at least three people in the World Cup that I can think of).

I've made the bold statement that I won't miss a game all tournament, and have one of my housemates committed to doing the same. Can't wait!


First Grade
I'm looking forward to it too cwb! Trying to get mates to host different games so we can have a world cup party each time the Socceroos play! :D


The word 'bandwagon' is being used too loosely in this thread, its like Laurie Daley saying 'grapple tackle.' Over used with no purpose.

How is supporting the socceroos jumping on the bandwagon? It is supporting Australia, our country. If you don't support another country in the world, then I would say that you aren't jumping on a bandwagon.

Isn't bandwagoning going from team to team, according to success?

Anyway, back on topic. I wouldn't say I'm a massive soccer fan, even though I am finding myself coaching the sport, but I will be cheering on the Aussies, just like any sport.


Staff member
hey dude i been trying to get onto u, coz ive got a spare origin ticket.

Seems that there are quite a few floating around. I got offered one last week and had to turn it down because of work committments :(


First Grade
I just found out yesterday that Greece aren't going to the World Cup. Are they a good practice match up for us???


For sure. They may not have made it to the WC but they are still a pretty good team and it will be a decent indication of how we are going.

After all, they won the Euro cup last time (admittedly was a fluke) but they have a full strength team and are out for a little redemption after missing out on qualifying for the World Cup.

Should be a good match imo.


I don't know if it was that big a fluke - they have some pretty decent players in the squad. It was probably more amazing that they missed the World Cup.

They have 9 members of the team that won Euro 2004 playing in Thursday night - it will be a pretty decent test for us leading into Germany.

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