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Thesis on Supporters Groups in OZ!


Ladies and gentleman of the League Unlimited forums,

I have had the pleasure of spending a massive chunk of this years NRL season in this beautiful country of yours. I am from Leeds and am a massive Rhinos fan. Im still in Australia and will be returning home soon.

Its a bit upsetting that ive missed the Super League season when we are doing so well, but it was to hard to say no to coming to Australia this year.

Being a massive RL fan, I made sure to go and watch every team atleast once while I was hear. Ive done alot of travel and have seen alot of Australia and it is a beautiful place.

Ive been to Australia once before, and went to RL games as well, and I must say, the major difference I have noticed is the change in atmosphere at RL in Australia these days. And let me say its great to hear.

Back in the early 90s when I was hear, you could hear a pin drop. These days most teams have vocal supporters groups, and it is great to see.

I have been surfing this forum for a while now, but never had the chance to post, but I felt, being an outsider, and reading a previous thread on here regarding supporters groups in the NRL, I felt I could give an unbiased view on the groups in the NRL and rank them from my experiences this season.

As you know, coming from England, its second nature for us to stand and sing at our games. Whether it be football or rugby league. Im glad that supporters in Australia are now trying to do the same.

Please forgive me if I dont know the "original/real" name of the supporters groups, but I will try my best and im sure you will know which groups I refer to. I hope nobody takes offence, but its just from my experiences, and I hope that the criticism and perhaps even positive comments from me, will help build the supporters scene in this country, which has the best league in the world! Therefore, deserves to have vocal crowds!

I get goosebumps at the thought of us having teams of the calibre of the Bulldogs, Roosters and Broncos to support back home. Even a Joey led Knights side!

Anyway, I have made a score on each group through 5 criteria all being scored out of 10, for a possible grand total of 50! (Yes ive been bored as the lady freind has gone to melbourne for a week to see relatives and im in sydney!)

The criteria I used are as follows....

* Array of songs: Obviously groups need more than 1 song to be of any use to the team and to create atmosphere!
* Number of people: You need more than 5 people singing :lol:
* Away form: How a group supports their team away from home shows their credentials!
* Atmosphere created: You dont want the cheering to be boring!
* Entertainment value: Its always good to have a laugh!

The following post in this thread will be the results in my opinion, of the groups in the NRL. Again, please forgive me if I don’t know the correct names of the groups!


The following teams did not rank scores because they did not have any particular groups who would sing songs and so forth at games. Please note this may have been just at the games I have attended, but I have watched all teams at least 2 times.

NZ Warriors
Cronulla Sharks

Now for the rankings….

12: Parramatta: Total: 17/50
* Array of songs: 3
* Number of people: 5
* Away form: 2
* Atmosphere created: 4
* Entertainment value: 3
Pretty disappointing for a team that is relatively successful off the field. Not a bad footy side either and were in a GF a couple of years ago. Apart from the odd “Parra Parra” chant (which was started by the man on the PA) nothing could be heard or seen. Oh, apart from the Jesus looking fella.

11. Broncos: Total: 18/50
* Array of songs: 2
* Number of people: 5
* Away form: 4
* Atmosphere created: 4
* Entertainment value: 3
Extremely disappointing for a team with such a huge following. No songs, a few flags and that’s about it. Should get their act together as their team deserves better. Their away support is probably better than their home support. Go figure?

10: Storm: Total: 22/50
* Array of songs: 4
* Number of people: 6
* Away form: 2
* Atmosphere created: 5
* Entertainment value: 5
When I went down to Melbourne, I had heard the stories of poor crowds but didn’t expect it to be that poor. They really must hate Rugby League those Melbournians. It’s a shame because they have a great team. Apart from a few men and women who chant, and some banners, they were pretty disappointing. More people going to games could help that!

9: Sydney Green Machine/Raiders: Total: 23/50
* Array of songs: 5
* Number of people: 5
* Away form: 4
* Atmosphere created: 5
* Entertainment value: 4
AS the score suggest, nothing more than average. Good to see the Sydney brigade following the team around NSW, but they are a tad quiet. Few “Wiki wiki” chants and nothing much else doing. Thought the green machine would have produced better!

Equal 8th: Chookpen: Total: 24/50
* Array of songs: 4
* Number of people: 7
* Away form: 4
* Atmosphere created: 4
* Entertainment value: 5
By far the most disappointing group of fans. Well not really. When I came to Australia in the early 90s, they were hard pressed to get 5000 fans to the games, so that is a marked improvement. After reading some threads on their forum about their chookpen, I made sure to sit next to them for a few games. Apart from the odd “roosters clapclapclap” chant they did nothing except whine. Pretty disappointing especially with the talent at their disposal. Their team deserve a hell of a lot better. Just a word for the gentleman starting their one song, perhaps a few more in the bag old son?

Equal 8th: Knights: Total: 24/50
* Array of songs: 3
* Number of people: 4
* Away form: 6
* Atmosphere created: 6
* Entertainment value: 5
One of the best away supports in the game in terms of numbers, but no really singing involved. But numbers still are important. I love going to Marathon stadium, and it would be great if they had a dedicated group who really got the singing going! One song being “Newcastle Newcastle”. Can be anything….

7th: Manly: Total: 26/50
* Array of songs: 4
* Number of people: 6
* Away form: 5
* Atmosphere created: 5
* Entertainment value: 6
Some good people within the Manly ranks and even met some people from home. But even they couldn’t get into the spirit. I suppose it is difficult when your team is losing for most of the season. When they are winning, they do have the “Manly Manly” chant, but they need a bit more than that.

6th: Cowboys: Total: 27/50
* Array of songs: 3
* Number of people: 4
* Away form: 5
* Atmosphere created: 7
* Entertainment value: 8
Great bunch of people who try and do anything to get the atmosphere going. Great to have a beer with and try some chants. Due to lack of numbers, especially away from home its difficult. They deserve this current success, and to those fans who travel to Sydney to watch them good luck. Would love to see them with more numbers and a couple of songs!

5th: Wests Tigers fanatics: Total: 29/50
* Array of songs: 5
* Number of people: 6
* Away form: 5
* Atmosphere created: 7
* Entertainment value: 6
Only a young group of lads but the nucleus is there and they want to create an atmosphere. One night in particular I was at was the Dogs vs Tigers game at Campbelltown. Both fans situated next to each other, and although much less in numbers, the Tigers boys still stood strong and cheered their team on. Keep it going lads.

4th: Bulldogs Army: Total: 32/50
* Array of songs: 5
* Number of people: 8
* Away form: 6
* Atmosphere created: 6
* Entertainment value: 7
Great in numbers, and clapping and so forth, but if only that could be with some chants boys! Some good banners and so forth, and they really get behind their team, but some songs and you could be awesome. I found the Dogs Army not as bad as what people made out in the media in Oz.

3rd: Panthers Beer Squad: Total: 33/50
* Array of songs: 7
* Number of people: 6
* Away form: 6
* Atmosphere created: 7
* Entertainment value: 7
Atmosphere is the key and these guys will do anything for a laugh to get behind their team. They dress kooky and they sing even kookier. Yet again more songs probably needed but they give as good as they take! Could get better.

2nd: St George Army: Total: 35/50
* Array of songs: 6
* Number of people: 9
* Away form: 7
* Atmosphere created: 7
* Entertainment value: 6
For the numbers these guys have it s very disappointing they don’t have any real songs. They have probably 4 chants and when they get going they sound good. I suppose supporting such a frustrating team does it. Id like to see the whole Army sing more songs then perhaps they could retain the mantle they held in the 90s.

1: Burrow: Total: 42/50
* Array of songs: 9
* Number of people: 7
* Away form: 8
* Atmosphere created: 9
* Entertainment value: 9
Talk about a surprise packet! Have the Burrow been flown out from England to support the lacklustre Rabbitohs? I was fortunate enough to sit in the vicinity of the Burrow and Dragons Army for their clash at the SCG, and this proved to me that these guys really are by far and away the best group. Not as many numbers as the Dragons Army, but outsung them and outwitted them. Great array of songs which were funny and passionate. The only word of advice I could give them was with their proud history to probably sing more songs about their past and be proud of it! Great value all round and definitely taken over the mantle as the benchmark. With more people they could easily be compared to groups in the ESL. I suppose it shall come with wins. Their away support was great to with the singing being constant and varied.

Well ladies and gentleman that is my say, and let me say well done to all those groups. It’s a massive change in this last decade since I was out, and being a passionate Leeds man and enjoying singing like most Brits do, its refreshing to see you convicts getting into the spirit.
Well done to the Burrow on being so creative and passionate in their support. To the Dragons Army, you’ve slipped up a tad so keep on working.



Staff member
Interesting stuff there Leeds. I've noticed that the singing and chanting seems to be a staple in most English spectator sports, but it's never seemed to really gel on in the world of Australian league. Love hearing the Wooly Bully chant go up at a Bradford game.


Thanks Leeds,

I'm one of the fanaticals in the Burrow. You should have joined in LOL!

We enjoy standing and singing and we'll get bigger when our team improves. We travel to all games.

You caught us at one of our biggest games of the year against the St.Merge game.

We are not imports. Though, many of us like the UK Football (soccer).

Our website is at www.theburrow.com.au We have 47 songs listed and it's pretty obvious where we pinch them from though we have quite a few originals.

Cheers for the big thumbs up. As a side note...we also encourage other supporter groups to sing and chant. And we also encourage meeting up afterwards for a beer.



LEEDS! said:
3rd: Panthers Beer Squad: Total: 33/50
* Array of songs: 7
* Number of people: 6
* Away form: 6
* Atmosphere created: 7
* Entertainment value: 7
Atmosphere is the key and these guys will do anything for a laugh to get behind their team. They dress kooky and they sing even kookier. Yet again more songs probably needed but they give as good as they take! Could get better.

Cheers mate! :)

As the LU rep of this group, I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

We've only been around a couple of years - I have almost forgotten what it was like without this group... but they are a great bunch of people, and definitely make the games that lot more enjoyable.

There is a big chance we will be undergoing a name change for next year ...

But we will be back, bigger and better!


By the way - www.beersquad.cjb.net


Hmmmmmm. Very interesting there Leeds.

I don't see how you think us Eels away games is THAT small. We relatively have quite a lot. We are very loud on home games allthough not the biggest army and have quite alot of songs and not just the "Parra, Parra" one you stated.

Anyway, Maybe you didn't pay much attention to our army. We will be alot bigger next year and hopefully the mighty EWO will grow to something to be reckoned with. Bring on 2005.


Also the Sharkies have a huge Army. I wouldn't call it that small. At home games they get bucket loads to there hill and if you visited beer hill at Toyota Park again they sing and chant the whole 80 minutes.


Live Update Team
Broncos crowds are waaaay in front when it comes to numbers but heaps of people don't even move which is why there is not where as much noise as there should be. :x

gunnamatta bay

ParraMatt said:
Also the Sharkies have a huge Army. I wouldn't call it that small. At home games they get bucket loads to there hill and if you visited beer hill at Toyota Park again they sing and chant the whole 80 minutes.

Maybe he got lost and ended up at a southern districts rugby game by mistake.


Good to see mate, hope your enjoyed your travels. Its a pity you wont see a dogs/dragons game at Stade De Oz the week before the GF. That would be a huge atmosphere, i can guarantee you

Im actually in London next month and plan on going to see the Australian games. I do trust the atmosphere will be impressive!


Bunny Boy

Southernsaint said:
Bunny Boy said:
Absolute class!



WHO?? :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ben S.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Staff member
ParraMatt said:
Hmmmmmm. Very interesting there Leeds.

I don't see how you think us Eels away games is THAT small. We relatively have quite a lot. We are very loud on home games allthough not the biggest army and have quite alot of songs and not just the "Parra, Parra" one you stated.

Anyway, Maybe you didn't pay much attention to our army. We will be alot bigger next year and hopefully the mighty EWO will grow to something to be reckoned with. Bring on 2005.

I thought that the club wanted to start a new group for next year, The Swamp, or something??

Ben S.

Bunny Boy

ParraMatt said:
Also the Sharkies have a huge Army. I wouldn't call it that small. At home games they get bucket loads to there hill and if you visited beer hill at Toyota Park again they sing and chant the whole 80 minutes.

Every time ive been to Shark Park this supposed Shark Army your talking about have been non existant?

When do they come out ?

I reckon this Leeds bloke is pretty spot on with his assumptions.


First Grade
Top stuff Leeds...

I expected to see our Manly group " The Rockers" down a bit further because not many know about us outside the Manly club. For a team that has performed like ours has this year I think we've been fairly good. Theres about 7 or 8 of us that never miss a game, be it home or away, Australia or NZ. You definetly got it right with the Burrow at #1 :clap: :clap: :clap: Met a few of them at the NSO game. One bloke who had a huge red and green spoon and a goatee beard was an absolute champion! Lives in Newcastle or something.

Bunny Boy

CC_Eagle said:
Top stuff Leeds...

I expected to see our Manly group " The Rockers" down a bit further because not many know about us outside the Manly club. For a team that has performed like ours has this year I think we've been fairly good. Theres about 7 or 8 of us that never miss a game, be it home or away, Australia or NZ. You definetly got it right with the Burrow at #1 :clap: :clap: :clap: Met a few of them at the NSO game. One bloke who had a huge red and green spoon and a goatee beard was an absolute champion! Lives in Newcastle or something.

Thats Rads from Newcastle. Absolute champion!

He travels from Newcastle EVERY GAME to set up the Burrow banner and take photos for us.

Champion supporter and a champion bloke to boot!

BTW CC, I reckon the Rockers did very well at NSO that day. There seemed to be alot of you.