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Time the RFL returned Great Britain


Not really. Only if the other nations have something good to be doing during that time.

Obviously. But that's a wider issue really. Why Tonga and Samoa had no games this year was sort of baffling.

I just think it would be worthwhile to change things up a bit from 4N every year. a 3 match series against Aus might do England good in the leadup to a WC. And it would certainly pull a crowd.
In my opinion the year after a world cup should have a LIONS tour.

For example:

2014 - LIONS tour Australia and New Zealand, two games against each plus finals (if required) and practice matches against other nearby internationals

2018 - KANGAROOS and KIWIS tour UK, two games each against LIONS plus finals (if required) and practice matches against other nearby internationals

Also Australian can play New Zealand twice plus final (if required) in those years.

Means a tour of 4 minimum games up to 6-8 max depending if finals are required.
Thank you, but the SL era gen y cretins here have no idea about heritage!


The re-emergence of GB would not strengthen RL in any of the British nations. GB wouldn't be any more competitive than England currently are and no more players would be playing for Wales, Scotland and Ireland than currently do.

In fact if GB still existed, Wales would have had no hope of playing in the last 4N. Thus the players wouldn't have had the benefit of playing those matches; The fans wouldn't have had the benefit of singing their national anthem and seeing their national team; And Welsh RL wouldn't have had the trail on benefit's of the exposure they received as well as the financial benefit they received for being in the tournament. Plus the tournament result would have been the same, because the GB 17 would have been the England 17.

There is no silver bullet, quick fix way of improving RL in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. It's about gradual improvement, which will bring a gradual increase in capital. Then slowly but surely as the money grows, as the nations get more competitive and as pride gets re-instilled in the jersey players will flock back to their true national sides.
The re-emergence of GB would not strengthen RL in any of the British nations. GB wouldn't be any more competitive than England currently are and no more players would be playing for Wales, Scotland and Ireland than currently do.

In fact if GB still existed, Wales would have had no hope of playing in the last 4N. Thus the players wouldn't have had the benefit of playing those matches; The fans wouldn't have had the benefit of singing their national anthem and seeing their national team; And Welsh RL wouldn't have had the trail on benefit's of the exposure they received as well as the financial benefit they received for being in the tournament. Plus the tournament result would have been the same, because the GB 17 would have been the England 17.

There is no silver bullet, quick fix way of improving RL in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. It's about gradual improvement, which will bring a gradual increase in capital. Then slowly but surely as the money grows, as the nations get more competitive and as pride gets re-instilled in the jersey players will flock back to their true national sides.
So in the 60-70+ years there was GB side it didn't make any impact did it not? ENgland is a piss weak brand and even the RFL can't sell merchandise! WHat does that tell you? No f**ker cares.


So in the 60-70+ years there was GB side it didn't make any impact did it not? ENgland is a piss weak brand and even the RFL can't sell merchandise! WHat does that tell you? No f**ker cares.

Are you saying that the existence of GB for the past 60-70 years lifted RL in Wales, Scotland and Ireland to the level it was at before the split?


GB should be reserved as a touring side. The current cycle with 4N, European and Pacific Cups and the WC is good.

Its just what to do in the 2012 dead year. GB tour of Queensland, NSW (rather than Australia) and NZ would be interesting


At the moment here's their plan:

Year 1 - World Cup
Year 2 - 4 Nations (South)
Year 3 - 4 Nations (North)
Year 4 - NOTHING!

If they're not going to both play the 4 Nations in 3 out of the 4 years, then bring back the Ashes. If it's played after a World Cup year, the LIONS squad can be selected from the best WC players. It also allows a gap year for either the Euro Cup or Pac Cup to be held for qualification for 4 Nations.

I really don't see what the problem is with that.


GB should be reserved as a touring side. The current cycle with 4N, European and Pacific Cups and the WC is good.

Its just what to do in the 2012 dead year. GB tour of Queensland, NSW (rather than Australia) and NZ would be interesting

I don't mind the idea of some 'special event' touring. Basically exactly the same as the 'British and Ireland Lions'. As long as it isn't detrimental to the development and the identities of the emerging nations.

1 Eyed TEZZA

At the moment here's their plan:

Year 1 - World Cup
Year 2 - 4 Nations (South)
Year 3 - 4 Nations (North)
Year 4 - NOTHING!

If they're not going to both play the 4 Nations in 3 out of the 4 years, then bring back the Ashes. If it's played after a World Cup year, the LIONS squad can be selected from the best WC players. It also allows a gap year for either the Euro Cup or Pac Cup to be held for qualification for 4 Nations.

I really don't see what the problem is with that.

Im surprised you dont know doc, the RLPA have an agreement not to play more than one end of year test every four years, the year before a world cup. Pretty sure a new agreement was signed just last year, extending this clause.


First Grade
I don't mind GB playing in the Sthn 4nations as Wales, Scotland & Ireland won't be playing in them and it may give experience to 1 or 2 of their players.

England should play in the Nthn 4nations plus whoever else qualifies.

Or not. Though I must confess to missing GB. when I was growing up it was always Aust Vs GB in the rugby league tests, and I thought it strange that England played in the union.


Id love to see another Lions tour like they did in 1992.

3 tests vs Aus, 2 tests Vs NZL, plus GB played the club sides like Newcastle, Canberra, Parramatta, Illawarra and Gold Coast (I think Parramatta was the only club side that won, and Illawarra lost by a point IIRC)

Unfortunately it probably wont happen.

But with England and Wales playing in the 4 nations, doesnt really mean Great Britain are gone.

They'll bring them back in the future against Australia and New Zealand but only once every now and then.

Though I must confess to missing GB. when I was growing up it was always Aust Vs GB in the rugby league tests, and I thought it strange that England played in the union.

For a while I was thinking they were the same country. I didnt really take much notice in Rugby but it was cricket I used to think it was Great Britain.

Until 1995 World Cup when they separated.

deluded pom?

What makes me laugh is whenever we watched coverage of GB in Australia the commentators would almost always refer to them as England.


What makes me laugh is whenever we watched coverage of GB in Australia the commentators would almost always refer to them as England.

Its a common association. Same with the UK. I dont think many people here differentiate UK as being anything other than England. Also like when we use the term "British"...its almost always referring to England. I'm certain most people wouldn't know the difference between UK, Britain and England.
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First Grade
At the moment here's their plan:

Year 1 - World Cup
Year 2 - 4 Nations (South)
Year 3 - 4 Nations (North)
Year 4 - NOTHING!

If they're not going to both play the 4 Nations in 3 out of the 4 years, then bring back the Ashes. If it's played after a World Cup year, the LIONS squad can be selected from the best WC players. It also allows a gap year for either the Euro Cup or Pac Cup to be held for qualification for 4 Nations.

I really don't see what the problem is with that.

The RLIF needs to take control of the game so that there is never a 'nothing' year again - the only reason there is a 'nothing' year is because of the NRL players association deal - this is not on! it has held the international game to ranson. There should be a 4 nations every year and we should be building towards mid year international windows in the future.

deluded pom?

Its a common association. Same with the UK. I dont think many people here differentiate UK as being anything other than England. Also like when we use the term "British"...its almost always referring to England. I'm certain most people wouldn't know the difference between UK, Britain and England.

Don't forget the British Isles ;-)


Im surprised you dont know doc, the RLPA have an agreement not to play more than one end of year test every four years, the year before a world cup. Pretty sure a new agreement was signed just last year, extending this clause.

I am aware of that but I also think it's stupid which was the point I was trying to make.

I just think it's more for the benefit of a handful of rich players rather than helping the international game.

The RLIF needs to take control of the game so that there is never a 'nothing' year again - the only reason there is a 'nothing' year is because of the NRL players association deal - this is not on! it has held the international game to ranson. There should be a 4 nations every year and we should be building towards mid year international windows in the future.

Yep, agree. Though if they can't manage the 4 Nations because of the North/South 4th team qualifier format then make it a Tri Nations style year but with GB in lieu of England - but with teams competing for the individual trophies - Ashes, Baskerville and Trans-Tasman/ANZAC.

I think you can market those events rather well.

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