i think he was being sarcastic
I disagree.
He was being serious and just trying to get a reaction out of myself/Shadow. I know you know this if you actually re think it.
He thought it wasa great idea and that I wouldn't. But as I think it's a good idea he's sucking up to BR now.
Cmon now alien, you've tipped the same as me the last fortnight except you've gone against Souths. Let's see if you can beat me without the handicap point that you want every time SOUTHS lose. That's a cheap way out I reckon.
Take on myself the true champion minus SOUTHS.
It works for everyone that way and would cause less division tbh.
Man up and take me on. I'm ready to take you guys on without the handicap and someone holding your guys hands in your tips against us.
I'm ready to do so alien. May the best man win minus our mighty Bunnies.
Also alien, tip a perfect round of 7 out of 7 and you get an extra 2 points.
That's a great incentive alien tbh with you.